#obi wan kenobi spoiler




people are already complaining baby leia is annoying - which is funny bc did we forget this is the girl that

  • dropped multiple water balloons on moff tarkin’s head
  • organized a protest at her boarding school because they were being served bottled juice instead of freshly squeezed
  • reprogrammed her school’s mainframe to replace the word “palpatine” with “one particularly upsetting curse”
  • got kicked out of almost every school she attended
  • used to hide in the woods when she didn’t get her way
  • had her friends switch places with her so she could sneak out of the palace and cause trouble
  • frequently ran away as a child

like…you guys…if she’s coming off as a willful or “annoying” 10 year old, idk how to tell you how in character for her that is lol

she’s also quite literally a force sensitive princess of an entire planet who has anakin skywalker and padmé amidala’s dna

let her be annoying, it’s her birthright
