#oc guise



a littol flower-spider baby! orignally a kinda “what if”

but if you show @becauseimgabbeh-blog a what if. things get. Dangerous

anyways theres five of them and they are VERY Loved

Nugget, Knives, Clementine, Brass Knux and Polly

initally they all look pretty much the same (like the picture above) with only acessories to diffrentiate them but eventually they do metamorphose into peopley shapes

Nugget precious sweet baby, acrssorie is a ribbon, an the flower is a part of em, cant take it off if even if she wanted to, Takes after Twig

hair antenna is a heart

Pronouns He/She

Knives is on the opposite side of the scale from Nugget, angrey babby, will bite you, WILL stab you, very much takes after Guise

angee floofy baby, but can be graceful if they feel like it

Pronounts It/its

Polly is a lil GREMLIN

act all sweet an cute to lower ur gaurd an the activate Mischief and sew the seeds of chaos


Prounons They/Them

Brass Knux, or jus Brass, is rather quiet compared to the others, makeing them appear kinda scary and standoffish

quiet spider creature

Pronouns He/It

Clementine is the tallest of them all, and dose her best to keep the others in line, but that can be very diffcult sometimes

tol drider child

pronouns She/They

Happy Birfday to my undead spider creature Guise, they’ve existed for a whole year


-someone puts a bucket on Guise’s head-

Spider Brain dont work too good sometimes

Suddenly dark freak the effout




Masks are kind of hot actually

A well-designed mask does more for making a character hot than any amount of cleavage

It’s about SYMBOLOGY it’s about MYSTERY it’s about an ABSTRACTION OF SELF and most importantly it’s about FASHION

Guise but manticor kitty with the big pawbs
