#oc sehya




It’s wip wednesday yall and I’m drawing a strong woman :) fjslfdk

@cashweasel@possumgeist@quietsphere@losingface@sosolenoo Y’all wanna share some wips?

YEEEEAAAA STRONG LADYYY is it syfyn? I think I recognize those wings anywhere

I love wip Wednesday and I have 700 wips and yet nothing good enough to post ehhh

But here have some pretty bois kissing purely for self indulgent reasons uwu

Animation assist is really good for pinpointing where you fucked up soo I’m gonna go fix some mistakes before I forget and it’s too late to do anything about it ‍♀️‍♀️

Tagging@plejaades@voseho@honourlightand@theo-oface (it’s just… I really like seeing your wips pls)

Keep reading

oH my goodness that KISS

THANKS FOR THE TAG MY LOVE!! here is a nate x sehya wip
