#nate sewell


I know I’m late but I wanted to draw something for N’s birthday !
So happy birthday Agent Sewell !! \(≧▽≦)/

Oops I forgot this one !

(yes, my doodles folder is a mess ^^;;)

Some Nate’s warmups I finally took the time to put some colors on.

Read more for close ups :

I’m happy to provide with this practice sketch (//▽//)❤

Found this little meme I drew some time ago XD

When you are a special agent but also allergic to new technology ^^;

long time no unit bravo

Nate, but he plays the electric guitar…. also yes he is wearing lipgloss because I hc that he

Nate, but he plays the electric guitar…. 

also yes he is wearing lipgloss because I hc that he wears it sometimes

Likes are nice but reblogs make my day!


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ive been wanting to draw this LT thing since forever so thank you @tireddemigod for letting me borrow theo for this


Halloween in Wayhaven Series: Agent Nate Sewell

Rounding out another fantastic Wayhaven Frights week, we are thrilled to present Nate! As the dashing, adventurous, wry Professor Indiana Jones - a true expert on ancient civilizations and languages (jury is out on snakes, though). Thank you to the very lovely @nerdferatum​ for this commission!


I just feel like i might finally get my smit scene with nate in book 3. That man was going absolute feral in literally every book so far.

With that being said…can someone on mason’s route tell me how the smut scenes are with him

Nate letting his inner Anthony Bridgerton show. What happened to “i am a gentleman” nate?

How whore-ish of him

Yeah the rogue leader is def our aunt who i don’t believe is actually dead. Maybe she set up our father idk.

My detective and Mason are def the type of best friends thst flirt.

I actually believe that all of UB is in love with me idk what to tell you.

Anyways another reminder that Nate was kinda showing red flegs in the book 3 demo but i see green. His deflecting was crazy, and I loved it. I can fix him. He def has a dark side that he’s constantly trying to hide. A little controlling maybe.

But I’m in love idk what to tell you.

Am I the only American that DOESN’T read wayhaven in a british accent. Like i forget that it’s supposed to be british…also i imagine that felix’s voice sounds like tom holland’s as spiderman.

And once i find who i hc as mason i will share my hc’s of ub.

One of my favorite moments in book 2 btw:

I wish i had a picture with felix (book 3 demo)

When do yall think Wayhaven Book 3 will be finished? (as in us being able to purchase it)

The way yall say that Nate reminds yall of Benedict from Bridgerton but he reminds me of Anthony tbh…and I DO HAVE MY REASONS

Everytime i watch bridgerton i think about nate

Soft ladies and even softer gents Thank you so much to @karygurl for the christmas commission! It waSoft ladies and even softer gents Thank you so much to @karygurl for the christmas commission! It waSoft ladies and even softer gents Thank you so much to @karygurl for the christmas commission! It wa

Soft ladies and even softer gents

Thank you so much to @karygurl for the christmas commission! It was a blast to make em’ (and I bet a blast to receive these babies as gifts too!). Slots are currently open by the way!

Again, merry christmas to you all, stay safe and happy holidays! ✨

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i’m reading the demo for The Wayhaven Chronicles book 3, and the love triangle route is so heartbreaking but it’s also just *chef’s kiss*

“so why can’t I stop needing her?” this line broke me and i love it.

#scream    #adam du mortain    #nate sewell    

once more I have vampires on the brain ✨
