#wip maidens and monsters



Maidens and Monsters

[ID: Gray clouds over a swell of rough waves. Text is in the top left and bottom right corners. The top text is a gradient from dark to light blue and says ‘Maidens &’. The bottom text is light blue and says ‘Monsters’. End ID]

– a wip intro

“You’re going to be trouble one day,” she warns, stepping out of the tide.

Genre -> Greek Myth Retelling, Tragedy, Romance

POV -> Third Person

Themes -> Opposites, Duality, Fate, Pride and Downfall, Beauty, Love (is a feeling incapable of miracles).

Vibes -> a forgotten book of fairytales, reflection of a sunrise on open water, long shadows at dusk, the peace that only exists before a catastrophe, whispered forbidden confessions and the way palms linger on a lover’s hips.

Status -> First Draft/Planning

Blurb -> It is common for women divinely beautiful to be born and it is common for them to face horrid fates. It is not common for a goddess to stand witness to a nymph’s fall to tragedy.

Tags To Follow -> wip maidens and monsters, ocean fable

To Be Tagged -> Ask! Current taglists are at the bottom of my pinned post and they’re made by demand.

Synopsis under the cut.

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Ooohhh this looks really good. I really like the vibes :D
