#ocean oconnell rosenberg



//ride the cyclone spoilers

no no no you guys are ALL wrong. ocean doesn’t pick jane bc she’s changed?? there was absolutely no difference between ocean at the start and ocean at the end and I’ll die on that hill. her whole character is based around her egotistical demeanor right?? because she wants attention and love from her parents who were absent in her life and she figured that if she succeeds in school her parents will love her which lead to her developing an inferiority complex?? but beneath all that “me me me” is a person who thinks she isn’t worth her parents and peers love unless she succeeds. like sure she is a terrible friend to constance and is as performative as they come but deep down she is a good person. she said herself she would never be able to choose herself. that is why ocean oconnell rosenberg picked jane.


random thoughts as i listened through ride the cyclone:

  • will emily rhoms voice ever not give me chills immediately? (no. the answer is no.)
  • i’d hoped there’d be more dialogue but I’m not ever gonna complain about this
  • it shouldn’t amuse me that the line digging at misha in ‘what the world needs’ has changed so many times, “will smith movie”, “adam sandler movie” and now it’s “transformer movie”
  • ditto for the line about ricky and his attention span
  • noel my dead gay son i love you so much you dramatic ass bitch
  • no real comment on space age bachelor man, it’s good! but eh. never been my favorite.
  • “misha bachinski: the angriest boy in town.“ my BOY, my CHILD, the LIGHT OF MY LIFE
  • i won’t lie i was really really hoping to hear constance’s monologue but fuck if jawbreaker didn’t still get me somewhere deep and make me cry like a baby
  • sugar cloud is the biggest fucking bop and no I’m not taking arguments
  • ‘it’s not a gamble/it’s just a ride’? fucking chills. the whole way through. unbelievable.
  • the balled of jane doe hit me just as hard as i fucking expected
  • ‘be safe, be good’ hit me so hard? like holy fucking shit? is this allowed?
  • a world inside? what the fuck. I didn’t sign up for this I have. emotions. i thought the emotional rollercoaster (ha) was over
  • i’m sorry the censored version of noel’s lament feels so fundamentally Incorrect
  • ….i’m still thinking about ‘be good, be safe’. holy shit.



So in What The World Needs, Ocean says “keep your head down and things will look up” now this seems like a throwaway line. However…

If you listen to A World Inside, which to my knowledge was supposed to be Karnak’s number, he says “afraid you’re gonna miss it if your eyes are on the ground, so raise your head up and take a look around”

This connects to the whole theory of WHY he made Ocean go first. WHY he gave her the final vote. He KNEW she was wrong, and the whole competition was for Ocean to realize that.

We also go to the script. Karnak says, and this isn’t the exact line bc I can’t remember the whole thing, but he says ‘the winner shall redeem the loser and complete the whole’ and the way it’s delivered makes it seem like a cutoff but that IS the cutoff. Ocean is the winner. She always has been. She was in life, so it was HER job to redeem the loser, Jane (or Penny), in order to finally rest. To complete the whole.

Anyways if my English teacher lets us write an essay on anything for finals like I’m hoping since he tends to do that I’m writing it on this subject since it’s ALL THERE for me to draw points from
