#ocean witchcraft




Since the first post was so popular, here’s the second in my witchy self-care series! I hope you enjoy. <3

Bath & Shower:

Home & Comfort:

General Tips:

  • Swim. If you, like me, are lucky enough to live by the sea, swim in it. All year round. Get used to the cold. If you are landlocked, find a local pool. 
  • Practice swimming with your legs together, like a mermaid. Even better if you can afford a monofin. And even better if your local pool allows it.
  • Use sites like Noises Online to listen to waves crashing or water running, close your eyes and let yourself be entranced by the rhythm. 
  • Brush your hair once you leave the sea and shower after leaving the pool. Trust me. 
  • Buy a boss-ass swimsuit that makes you feel amazing both in and out of the water.
  • Light candles that smell like the seaside while you bathe. 
  • Get a fish tank. Put some fish in there. You have new friends,, take care of them. (Do your research before buying fish!! Make sure the tank is big enough and has what they need.)
  • Walk with your head high and your shoulders back, as if the waves are carrying you to your destination. You are the crashing of storms on the coast, and the softness of calm shores on a sunny day. 

Thank you for reading! My Ask Box is open- let me know what self-care post you’d like to see next! Here are the other posts in the series so far!
