#sea witch


Things To Research As A Sea Witch MASTERLIST

Sea witches are so interesting. They emit very loving and calm vibes. But also a very intense “calm before the storm” vibe. These individuals often work their magic on the sea shore or near the sea. Some who don’t live near the sea, works with close bodies of water.

This list is certainly not all you need to know, but I wrote as much as I could. You also don’t have research all of these either, they’re just suggestions! :)


ocean folklore

sacred bodies of water

water zodiac signs


the water element

element symbols

the history of ocean

the history of ocean gods/goddesses

water stones (crystals or stones associated to the element of water)

water plants (plants associated to the water element)

types of ocean magick

other types of water witches (ex. storm)

ocean life

magical uses of rainwater

magical uses of solarwater

magical uses of moonwater

hag stones

sea gods/goddesses

ocean cleansing

sea offerings

sand dollars

ocean oriented potions


water spells

moon phases (they affect the ocean)

types of sea salt

sea witch’s familiars


water spirits (sirens, mermaids, etc.)

banishing sea spells

seashell runes

healing sea spells

sea charms

importance of salt

lakes, rivers, and stream spirits

how to use things you find on the shore for magical purposes

how to be a sea witch when you’re not near the sea

how to gathered tools

how to start a sea altar

how to beachcomb

how to cast a circle

What is a sea priestess?

♡ That naked witch in the woods

Witchy reminder: It’s ok to have more than one book of shadows :)

♡ That naked witch in the woods

If you fill up one book, where are you going to put the rest of your ever increasing amount of spells, rituals, information, and all that jazz? In your second book of shadows of course! Or third, or fourth…

No matter which book you’re on, never stop learning about the craft!


A spell jar for protection from negative spells.


What You’ll Need

  • A jar
  • Salt Water
  • Beach Sand
  • A gull feather
  • Abalone Shell or Limpet Shell
  • A sigil of protection
  • A blue candle

What To Do

  • Put sand in first and then the water in the jar. (this represents the ocean.)
  • Burn your sigil in the flame and put the ashes into the shell you chose.
  • Then, swivel the ashes around in the shell and then pour the ashes into the jar.
  • Take your gull feather and fan the flame with it towards the direction jar (carefully) while chanting “Oh Mother Sea, I ask that you protect me.” as many times as you need.
  • Seal the jar and pour the blue wax onto it.
  • Place this jar near your bedside on carry it around in your pocket.
witchsaidwhat:Every sea witch needs a shell spoon!  They could be a great witch CRAFT.  (Haha!  See


Every sea witch needs a shell spoon!  They could be a great witch CRAFT.  (Haha!  See what I did there?  n_n *snorts*)

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My newly stocked and decorated travel altar! Still an Altoids tin, but I used washi tape to make theMy newly stocked and decorated travel altar! Still an Altoids tin, but I used washi tape to make the

My newly stocked and decorated travel altar! Still an Altoids tin, but I used washi tape to make the outside a bit nicer.

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onesigiladay:Day 33: February 2, 2018 The last of the elements! This sigil is to help you connect


Day 33: February 2, 2018

The last of the elements! This sigil is to help you connect with the element of water, important for emotions and connections.

I drew this on a piece of paper and charged/cast it by letting it dissolve in water.

(Feel free to use, though I would recommend charging it yourself!)

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Since the first post was so popular, here’s the second in my witchy self-care series! I hope you enjoy. <3

Bath & Shower:

Home & Comfort:

General Tips:

  • Swim. If you, like me, are lucky enough to live by the sea, swim in it. All year round. Get used to the cold. If you are landlocked, find a local pool. 
  • Practice swimming with your legs together, like a mermaid. Even better if you can afford a monofin. And even better if your local pool allows it.
  • Use sites like Noises Online to listen to waves crashing or water running, close your eyes and let yourself be entranced by the rhythm. 
  • Brush your hair once you leave the sea and shower after leaving the pool. Trust me. 
  • Buy a boss-ass swimsuit that makes you feel amazing both in and out of the water.
  • Light candles that smell like the seaside while you bathe. 
  • Get a fish tank. Put some fish in there. You have new friends,, take care of them. (Do your research before buying fish!! Make sure the tank is big enough and has what they need.)
  • Walk with your head high and your shoulders back, as if the waves are carrying you to your destination. You are the crashing of storms on the coast, and the softness of calm shores on a sunny day. 

Thank you for reading! My Ask Box is open- let me know what self-care post you’d like to see next! Here are the other posts in the series so far!

another sea witch* illustration ✨

✨quick ‘sketch’ of an OC with different hair styles✨

She was supposed to be a green witch, but now I kinda want to make her into a sea witch since she gives mermaid vibes ✨

saw a thing about making chia pets from crystals and that feels like SUCH a great ward. chia seeds are literally sold at the grocery store and i feel like we all have rocks to spare

Janky Witchcraft

made a long distance candle for my friend who is Goin Thru It but I can’t get it to her in time.

Ultra Discount Version:

  • white candle
  • carve algiz rune (and friend’s name if you have space)
  • spread ground cinnamon around into the crevices)
  • this is the only fancy part: a few drops of orange essential oil and lavender essential oil

If you’ve got lots of tools: use a yellow or pink candle instead, and add sage, mint, and calendula to the herbs you dress the candle with. I used a tea light because that’s what I had on hand and I was impatient

Banishing Spell

  • cayenne pepper
  • coffee
  • salt
  • garlic salt
  • soy sauce (bc I don’t have vinegar)
  • tiny jar from Michael’s

write their name and DOB on a piece of paper. for good measure I added “you’re not worthy of my life, thoughts, or time”

since I was using a corked bottle I sealed with black and dark red wax but that felt like more of an aesthetic step. make sure the paper is completely covered in the mix so it absorbs all that intention and power

shove it in the back corner of your freezer and let it do its work


A ceremonial blade with a black handle, used in ritual for ceremonial magic. Traditionally are double-edged blades, but don’t NEED to be. Often decorated at the handle with carved symbols or crystals. Used to channel and direct energies mostly.


Used for magical evocation. Usually printed on altar cloths, painted on altar tiles or work on jewellery or clothing. Used for multiple different purposes; protection, summoning energies or spirits, among other things. Symbol for air.


A witch’s wand can be made of almost anything that she/he is drawn to. Used in most spell work to raise and direct energy. A lot of witches decorate their wands with an array of crystals and magical objects to make it prettier. Symbol for air. 


Symbol for water. Used to hold wine or any other ceremonial liquid. In some cases symbolizes the physical body or the womb of the Goddess.

B O L I N E 

White handled knife, often with a curved blade. This blade is strictly for harvesting or cutting herbs, also anything that has to do with carving or cutting during spellwork.

C E N S E R 

Holds the incense.

 I N C E N S E 

Symbol for air. Different incense scents have different properties and you would pick one based on the intent of your ritual work or spellwork.


Mainly used in Wicca as a belt to signify rank, but in other paths it is just used in spellwork. The cingulum is basically a 9ft long chord made from natural fibers or materials.


Mostly used to sweep away negative energy. Most witches make their own besoms.

C A U L D R O N 

A pot used for potion making, brewing or for safely burning out candles or incense in spells or rituals.

J E W E L L E R  Y

Enchanted rings, necklaces or even earrings that are used in ritual or spellwork.

S T A N G 

A forked staff. Symbolic of horned deities.


A designated place for worship or witchcraft. Normall adorned with symbolic items and offerings. 

A L T A R   C L O T H 

Used to decorate the altar, store tarot cards or runes. Normally decorated with symbols of the craft depending on it’s purpose.

A L T A R   T I L E 

Placed on the altar for symbolic purposes. In old texts it was said to trap and hold spirits.


In some cases used in place of athame. Also never used to cut anything physical. Said to keep negative spirits at bay.


Different coloured candles are used to represent different things within spellwork or ritual work. Burnt for intent.


Used in spellwork to hold concoctions or other witchy items together. 


Used for a wide variety of magical purposes. Each crystal has individual purposes and can be used in many ways to channel these properties.

D I V I N A T O R Y   T O O L S

Tools used for psychic practices are a staple for any witches looking to practice this.

H E R B S 

The oldest magical tools. Probably the most important tool and has been used for centuries to treat ailments and other purposes. Different herbs have different properties.

 E S S E N T I A L   O I L S

These contain the properties from the plants from which they are made. Their scents also have effects on people and are wonderful to use in the craft.

M O R T A R   &   P E S T L E

Used to crush herbs and other ingredients.

O F F E R I N G   B O W L 

Used to hold offerings for the Gods / Goddesses that a witch sometimes worships.

S T A T U E S   &   R E P R E S E N T A T I O N S 

Figurines or symbols used to represent deities honoured, this is normally kept on the altar.


The vibrations from ringing a bell is said to banish unwanted spirits and clear stagnant energies from a room. This is normally done before any magical workings.


Normally used to help prep one mentally and also to get into the mood. Putting on ritual attire is mostly to help you focus and this in turn will help boost your intent. it’s also a lot more comfortable than jeans.


Used similarly to the wand to draw and direct energies.

D R U M 

Often used the same as if one were to chant. The rhythm helps induce a trance like state and I am assuming that it would work the same as the bell in some sense.


Used as a divinatory tool but also in spellwork.


As some witches do rely on the cardinal directions in spellwork it is handy to have a compass near or on ones altar.

P A P E R  &  P E N

Have spells written down or to help quickly jot down any visions one might have during divination or other psychic practices.

S A L T 

Strong protection and purification properties. Most witches will use salt in nearly everything. Symbolic of earth.

Looking for more people to follow! Reblog if you post:

  • Spells/rituals
  • Witchy content
  • Cottagecore content
  • Recipes
  • Animals
  • Astotrology
  • Gardening content
  • Witchy/cottagecore/fairycore/goblincore content

Will be following everyone!

acturianacademy: Are you a witch, wizard, or other practitioner of magic or scholar of the occult? D


Are you a witch, wizard, or other practitioner of magic or scholar of the occult? Do you want to share your knowledge with others and help them on their path? Would you enjoy working with an engaged and dedicated team of mentors and magic practitioners? Then you should consider becoming a mentor with Acturian Academy!
What is Acturian Academy?
Acturian Academy is an online witchcraft and magic academy dedicated to supplying free guidance and information on a wide variety of occult and magical topics. We are not affiliated with any religion or form of practice and accept students and mentors from all paths and belief systems. Our semesters last 10 weeks at a time and are hosted on Google Classroom. Our next semester will begin in early February. We have a community set up on Discord as well to allow students, staff, and faculty to engage with and learn from one another.
Requirements for Mentors
Prospective Mentors should have two or more years experience in their field of study, be 16 years of age or older, and must undergo training and pass with an 80% or higher. Once a mentor has signed on with Acturian Academy, the contract being signed holds them to a standard of teaching which states that they must have a semester or more of their class ready before their class will be listed as available to take.
Areas of Interest
We are currently looking for mentors to teach classes in the areas of
-Self Love Witchcraft
-Energy Work
-Weather Witchcraft
-Glamours/Glamour Magic
-Death Magic/Death Witchcraft/Ancestral Magic
-Grimoire Design/BoS Design
-Spoonie Witchcraft
-Sea Magic
-Sex Magic (18+ applicants only please)
While these are our most sought after needs at the moment, we also welcome you to teach your interests! Mentors may teach multiple classes at once as well, as long as they can complete lessons on time.
If you are interested in joining us at Acturian Academy, please fill out our application at https://acturianacademy.typeform.com/to/tew3VQ
If you have any questions, please feel free to message us, send an ask, or email us at [email protected].
Hope to be speaking with you soon!
~Mentor Sydney, Head of Student Affairs

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