#ofmd headcanon


Head cannon that Ed pushed Lucius over board cause Lucius was the one that more or less pushed him into acting softer toward Stede which in turn pushed them into having a real relationship


ok but theres absolutely no evidence to suggest that Blackbeards original crew arent just like… following The Revenge around this whole time in their own ship. Like, the last thing Eddie told them to do was “follow that ship” and then he never came back so like… what else are they gonna do, hmm? Disobey Blackbeard?? Absolutely not, they hung up a little rope between them and they’ve been getting led around for the entire series like a broken down honda civic


as much as i love the trope that’s emerging with the crew all setting out to fluster/seduce izzy i’d like everyone to consider how fast their brains would short-circuit if izzy suddenly started flirting back
