#ofmd spoilers




having a brain blast on the idea of izzy and stede actually continuing to have narrative similarity in how they both seem to have this like. action-adventure story idea of piracy, where stede is all focused on the freedom and romanticism of the idea of a pirate’s life, and izzy on the gritty action-adventure of being a pirate and being the most badass, aggressive, hypermasculine guy around, and neither of them can understand how a person might just want to have a life that isn’t surrounded by violence or might want comfort and a little peace and a break from it all

(ed, i mean ed, i mean neither of them really understands that ed just wants to retire, that it’s not that he hates piracy but that he became a pirate because he had to survive and he’s tired of surviving and he just wants to live now)

#THIS THO #there’s a fucking red string board of thematic pairs (and more than pairs) on the show #but stede and izzy have FASCINATING strong parallels #which is why i think it’s extra fascinating that when i wrote my bar meta i kept thinking: i could be writing this about izzy #only stede says 17 words and goes …shit. shit i FUCKED UP #and he tries to tell those bar assholes their glamorized image of piracy and thus violence is all wrong #whereas izzy is on the other end of growth: regression!!! #he is still stuck in the system and he sees losing the toe as actually winning for once #stede won and went: shit i hate this oh god ew i hate this??? take it back #izzy won and came in his pants and had subtext sex with ed (where he bottomed!) #and the next day he practically cries with joy when fang is like. the fuck is wrong with you. #that is the face of a man who feels ridden hard and put away wet in the GOOD (and sex) way #this show is ridiculous

Just putting @knowlesian​‘s tags in the post like they should be

FUN FACT I AM WRITING JUST SUCH A THING (prev tags in a post??? more likely than you think) …a couple things actually they’re annoyingly fun to compare/contrast

also i just realized a fun little wink for those of us who like to get freaky with themes AND parallels: izzy being fucking horrified stede won the duel by losing/being penetrated comes full circle with the toe

where izzy wins by losing and ends up penetrated subtextually by edward but mostly literally by himself? 

there’s just a lot there.


having a brain blast on the idea of izzy and stede actually continuing to have narrative similarity in how they both seem to have this like. action-adventure story idea of piracy, where stede is all focused on the freedom and romanticism of the idea of a pirate’s life, and izzy on the gritty action-adventure of being a pirate and being the most badass, aggressive, hypermasculine guy around, and neither of them can understand how a person might just want to have a life that isn’t surrounded by violence or might want comfort and a little peace and a break from it all

(ed, i mean ed, i mean neither of them really understands that ed just wants to retire, that it’s not that he hates piracy but that he became a pirate because he had to survive and he’s tired of surviving and he just wants to live now)


i always feel this like… twinge when people talk about izzy’s internalized homophobia because, idk about you guys, but his homophobia feels VERY externalized to me, lmao

in fact, like, maybe this is just me, but i feel like it only gets to count as internalized homophobia if the primary target of the homophobia is the self…. you know. what the internal part references. considering the primary targets of his homophobia are. the other gay men around him. i’m pretty sure its you know. not internalized homophobia. just. externalized homophobia. aka. regular homophobia being expressed.

he’s (probably) gay AND homophobic.

op you are a GEM because this helped me find words for the way the debate on exactly how to label izzy’s Whole Thing has made me feel a bit like a lot of us are sort of… at once agreeing and talking past each other.

because homophobic has a sort of generally agreed upon meaning (not a fan of The Gays, etc) but carries a lot of different baggage and implications for us all, based on how we individually define the more specific parts of the word.

for me, i see homophobia as not so much a response to anyone’s actual alignment on the sexual d&d chart or activity or desires, it’s about: you’re doing sexuality wrong, and thus you are Incorrect At Gender. gay men can’t ever entirely be real men in this world view (though it’s seen as more excusable and less horrifying if they do the penetrating, because… ew. ew and sigh) and since our society is so obsessed with gender roles the idea of different pronouns sends certain people into a panic so existential it’s like they’re being chased by an entire hive of rabid bees, that is HORRIFYING on levels people can’t even put words to. 

which is not to devalue or brush away anything that directly relates to ye olde gaye sexual congress itself, obviously, but just in terms of what is at the root of the hatred, behind allllll the bullshit stacked atop said core issue.

so izzy’s hangup here is about gayness, but it’s also kiiiiiind of not? ish? it’s about being a certain type of gay. (which is still homophobia, natch.) i’d argue that’s why the characters who draw his ire on this before the finale are lucius and stede, not pete. it’s also why he’s so deadly afraid of anything that smacks of softness/weakness/(femininity, in his eyes)— what if people think he likes that shit???? then he couldn’t be a real man, and izzy so badly needs the world to know he’s the kind of man they can see and then go, ah yes: that is a man, indeed, a man we acknowledge is doing gender right.

i’d argue izzy displays both externalized and internalized homophobia, and that they just circle and loop around in an ouroboros of izzy hating himself and thus hating overt queerness because seeing it makes him hate himself more which only drives him to police everybody else HARDER, and so on and so on and so on.

tldr this man is gay AND homophobic and only one is a disgrace, izzy’s gotta stop this being a completely closet case.


I’m feeling Black Pete appreciation in this Chili’s tonight

Someone else said it better and longer than me, but from the first moment he speaks Pete is established as a rough, combative character, resistant to soft “feminine” things, ready to straight up murder the captain, and then he’s…being sweet and complimentary to the most feminine member of the crew, whittling a finger for him, calling him “babe” and “love” and supporting his art even when that art involves the genitals of other (very attractive) men in the crew. They give us this image in episode one and then spend the entire season just shredding it to pieces. The very moment Pete said “Yeah, love?” I was lost.

This show simultaniously healed my soul and broke my heart and I cannot wait for a super angsty reun

This show simultaniously healed my soul and broke my heart and I cannot wait for a super angsty reunion in season 2.

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La vida es dolor… anyone who says differently is selling something.

Two sad bastards doing some day drinkin’

feriowind:He has to go back. –  A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9feriowind:He has to go back. –  A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9feriowind:He has to go back. –  A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9feriowind:He has to go back. –  A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9feriowind:He has to go back. –  A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9feriowind:He has to go back. –  A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9feriowind:He has to go back. –  A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9feriowind:He has to go back. –  A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9feriowind:He has to go back. –  A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9feriowind:He has to go back. –  A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9


He has to go back. 


 A somewhat dramatized version of the missing scene in ep. 9

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feriowind: PART 1—An offering to the Kraken goes awry.—started doing a comic to practice drawing figferiowind: PART 1—An offering to the Kraken goes awry.—started doing a comic to practice drawing figferiowind: PART 1—An offering to the Kraken goes awry.—started doing a comic to practice drawing figferiowind: PART 1—An offering to the Kraken goes awry.—started doing a comic to practice drawing figferiowind: PART 1—An offering to the Kraken goes awry.—started doing a comic to practice drawing fig



An offering to the Kraken goes awry.

started doing a comic to practice drawing fight scenes but it got out of hand LOL, this is part 1, part 2 & 3 will be up next week or 2.

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Without having seen an episode.

It looks good! I’d watch it if I had HBO Max, but I don’t, so.

  1. Stede is a gentleman pirate who kind of looks like Aziraphale. I think he might not be very good at being a pirate, but his crew likes him anyway.
  2. There is a sewing contest to make Stede’s flags. One of the flags has a cat on it?
  3. Stede gets sick or injured or something and is laid up in bed.
  4. Blackbeard, who is also called Ed and is played by Taika Waititi, visits Stede in his bedchamber.
  5. Blackbeard wears all leather except for one arm which is sleeveless and covered in tattoos. Everyone, including the showrunners, agree that an all-leather outfit would be uncomfortable for a pirate of the Caribbean, but that the outfit nonetheless looks hot.
  6. Blackbeard’s flag has a cool skeleton wearing a pirate hat and holding a spear. Early on, some fans were concerned that the flag was historically inaccurate because the real Blackbeard flag had a bleeding heart. This will be important later.
  7. Blackbeard pokes around and looks at Stede’s stuff and is very intrigued.
  8. At some point they try on each others’ clothes and at one point (possibly the same point??) they go to a fancy ball.
  9. Their two crews are initially suspicious of this situation and each other but eventually they all become friends and/or fall in love except for one guy on Blackbeard’s crew who persistently Does Not Like Stede.
  10. Speaking of the crew, one of them is nonbinary and initially wears a beard and fake nose but then they don’t, and eventually they fall in love with someone too.
  11. At one point Blackbeard, Stede and another, foppish-looking crewmember go on some kind of expedition in the jungle. Blackbeard spends a lot of time making heart eyes at Stede and foppish-looking crewmember spends a lot of time observing Blackbeard’s heart eyes and at some point in that episode the foppish looking guy says “This is happening”.
  12. I think foppish looking guy has a boyfriend too, or at least a love interest.
  13. Blackbeard and Stede get captured by enemies and are made to lie facedown on the deck. Stede says something like “You came back!” and Blackbeard says something like “I never left” and then the camera pulls back and Blackbeard gently nudges Stede’s foot with his own.
  14. Blackbeard shaves his beard off??
  15. Ed and Stede are sitting on the beach. Ed tells Stede that Stede makes Ed happy. They kiss and then Stede tells Ed that Ed makes Stede happy. They make plans to run away together to China.
  16. Then - tragedy strikes, I assume??? Something happens and evidently they do not run away to China together.
  17. Ed gets drunk and wraps himself in a blanket (is it Stede’s blanket?) and sings, I think? And everyone feels sorry for him.
  18. Stede goes back to his wife and kids, but they don’t actually want him around. Stede’s wife tries to kill him, and he leaves and gets on a boat to presumably become a pirate again and maybe find Ed?
  19. But wait, what’s this? Blackbeard blackened his eyes and painted a beard on his face (?) and now he is Angry! And he abandons Stede’s crew on the tiniest island ever!
  20. Close-up on Blackbeard’s flag, which now has a new panel sewn on of a bleeding heart, the same one that history buffs said was missing in the early episodes, symbolizing his broken heart, dun-dun-dunnnn!!!

How did I do?

ludwigplayingthetrombone:i have one need, david. cut gag from the fix it comic that had to be a stan


i have one need, david. cut gag from the fix it comic that had to be a standalone

Ed: I killed lucius, stede. Stede: oh! yes, he’s very upset about that. Ed: [sniffle] what? Stede: See! No need to fret. Ed: No fucking way… Lucius: I lived, BITCH

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