#oh and sodapop really likes the mama the papas


i feel like the curtis house has a huge collection of records, like i mean huge

they have all of their parents old ones, and then the ones each gang member has collected over the years - yes 90% are stolen

ponyboy has a shit ton of folk records and ‘hippie music’ that the gang aren’t very fond of (though, his collection gets taken over by bowie, queen and zeppelin in the 70s), darry loves soul and often plays a lot of his parents old music, plus he most defiantly has a few early beatles records shoved at the back and out of sight, steve has a lot of van morrison and elvis and he will alwayshide ponyboys bob dylan records so he won’t get to play them, two-bit’s is the most diverse because he steals the most random records when he’s drunk even though he’s never listened to the artist in his life - but he does have a west side story record that he plays a lot and when he’s really drunk he defiantly attempts to sing the tonight quintet all by himself, johnny doesn’t have many but dally steals any records for him that he mentions ( he once mentioned that he really likes the rolling stones and the next day there was a stones record on the curtis’ kitchen table <3) dally’s collection is just rock with one sonny & cher record he swears up and down he has never seen in his life, sodapop just has the beach boys. that’s it
