#oh das good



Underappreciated Screenshots | Part 1

Or, this crime rat-man is ridiculous and I love him, your honor:

10/10, just thinking about that boat on the lakehouse while waiting for Marcus to stfu

S m o o s h e d f a c e


For real tho, seeing Vander like THAT put the fear of God into this man, but his little pixilated panic-

“… Huh. I think I’ll have nightmares about something other than drowning tonight, thanks Singed.”

Little bit of a heartbreaker, but his face when he wakes up to an empty, bloody table and no Jinx,I-


Instant-regret intensifying

I have to crack up because I am DYING to know how the rest of the scene went:

Did Silco climb his twiggy, slim-jim self up to help Sevika down?

Did he have to explain to his goons why he needed a step-ladder?

Did he just start complaining about his day while she was stuck up there? “Sevika, Vander’s daughter dropped my own insignia on me-!” “Sir, I’m literally hanging from the ceiling.”

And last but not least:

The first Iook at a nearly non-existent ass
