#i love all of these

avatar-news:New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:Avatar KyoshiAvatar Roku and Faavatar-news:New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:Avatar KyoshiAvatar Roku and Faavatar-news:New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:Avatar KyoshiAvatar Roku and Faavatar-news:New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:Avatar KyoshiAvatar Roku and Faavatar-news:New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:Avatar KyoshiAvatar Roku and Faavatar-news:New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:Avatar KyoshiAvatar Roku and Faavatar-news:New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:Avatar KyoshiAvatar Roku and Faavatar-news:New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:Avatar KyoshiAvatar Roku and Faavatar-news:New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:Avatar KyoshiAvatar Roku and Faavatar-news:New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:Avatar KyoshiAvatar Roku and Fa


New art from the official Avatar Legends TTRPG Core Book:

  • Avatar Kyoshi
  • Avatar Roku and Fang the dragon
  • Avatar Aang
  • Katara of the Southern Water Tribe
  • Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe
  • Toph Beifong
  • Fire Lord Zuko
  • Iroh
  • Avatar Korra and spirits
  • Asami Sato

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Managed to track down a high quality photo of r/place prior to the destruction for those who want it. May it rest in internet history.

Can someone explain what this is and why everyone was obsessed with it for a few days because I kept seeing it referenced with no context

r/place was an April fool’s event put on by Reddit (first in 2017, then again this year in 2022) where a blank canvas opened up on April 1 where users could place one single pixel, once every five minutes. Pixels would overwrite anything placed in that same spot previously, with the canvas constantly changing in flux. Hundreds of communities and hundreds of thousands of people came together to build incredible pixel art, defend their little swaths of territory on the canvas from griefing, form alliances with nearby territory to protect each other’s artwork, and hide lots and lots (and I mean lots) of amogus characters.

After 3 days of war, fighting bots, twitch streamers, and griefers, this was the final canvas. On April 4th the only pixel that could be placed was white, and the canvas quickly reverted back to a blank slate, with only screenshots like this to commemorate what hundreds of thousands of people came together to create.

Here’s a (hopefully, if tumblr will play nice) even bigger one that one of my friends grabbed.

you can see a timelapse of the whole canvas here. (content warning as there’s some nudity at times) The changes in canvas size reflect the fact that new blank space was added on April 2nd and 3rd. One part of it I’d like to highlight is the minecraft loading screen seen here, which afaik was the only piece which was animated over time (other than the void moving around I guess). 


I need to ramble about ideas for THE hypothetical stobotnik confirmation scene I want to see:

- Lee talked about wanting a scene where stone saves “damsel in distress” robotnik, carrying him to safety while explosions go off behind them. So that happens, stone puts robotnik down after a very intense rescue, emotions are high. They stand in the wreckage of some disaster, both unable to speak, just staring at each other. Stone glances down from robotniks eyes to his mouth, he has a giddy “this is it it’s finally happening” look on his face that he can’t hide. Robotnik looks absolutely awestruck with stone’s heroism, and they’re INCHES away from each other’s faces… absolutely going to kiss…stones just about closed his eyes, then robotniks face IMMEDIATELY changes to an annoyed look and he punches stone in the gut and just says “don’t pick me up without asking EVER again.”

- Stone is the big bad in 3 because robotnik is recovering from the first movie. Robotnik feels washed up and useless but stone is just so competent and smart and doing so well executing all their plans, then he has the HORRIFYING realization like “oh I’m terribly, deeply in love with him.” Except his love for stone starts over shadowing his want for world domination uh oh. So stone starts being TOO successful and robotnik struggles with the terrible thought of “damn you’re doing great but uh…shit idk if I want this anymore. I think I just wanna retire to the countryside with you and grow mushrooms and co parent a labradoodle.” The speed at which this personality change happens is STUPIDLY fast because it’s much funnier to me that way. Corny ass kids movie style. “Oh suddenly I am Good™ now because the power of gay love and dumb tropes made me that way”

- I NEED!! a scene in which they dance together!!!!!! I need robotnik to have some realization that he loves stone and is not capable of TELLING him with words so he has to show him in a way that he can actually handle. By dimming the lights, putting on his cutest outfit, trying desperately to fix his mustache into a nicer shape (and failing), then queuing up the “Seducing Agent Stone” playlist to start the second stone enters the lab. He just holds his arms out awkwardly and when stone takes them without question, he yanks stone to his chest and they fuckin slow dance and robotnik DEFINITELY dip kisses him. Or at least he’s GOING to but they’re comically interrupted by another character (Sonic, wade, the entire US government idk ..) and robotnik DROPS him on the ground. And the entire moment is ruined


Underappreciated Screenshots | Part 1

Or, this crime rat-man is ridiculous and I love him, your honor:

10/10, just thinking about that boat on the lakehouse while waiting for Marcus to stfu

S m o o s h e d f a c e


For real tho, seeing Vander like THAT put the fear of God into this man, but his little pixilated panic-

“… Huh. I think I’ll have nightmares about something other than drowning tonight, thanks Singed.”

Little bit of a heartbreaker, but his face when he wakes up to an empty, bloody table and no Jinx,I-


Instant-regret intensifying

I have to crack up because I am DYING to know how the rest of the scene went:

Did Silco climb his twiggy, slim-jim self up to help Sevika down?

Did he have to explain to his goons why he needed a step-ladder?

Did he just start complaining about his day while she was stuck up there? “Sevika, Vander’s daughter dropped my own insignia on me-!” “Sir, I’m literally hanging from the ceiling.”

And last but not least:

The first Iook at a nearly non-existent ass


black pete with his hands on his hips and a furrowed brow. captioned with text post that reads "My gender is "guy," not in the way that guy is a synonym for man, but guy as in "just some guy""ALT
jim angrily speaking, holding a knife to frenchie's throat off-screen. captioned with text post that reads "my gender isn't. thank you for coming to my ted talk."ALT
lucius striking a pose with a cheeky smile on his face. captioned with text post that reads "My gender is in between Woman (derogatory) and Boy (affectionate)"ALT
roach grinning as he runs from the english officer he just slapped across the face. captioned with text post that reads "my gender is chaos"ALT
stede in his adventurer outfit, pouting and holding the burnt remnants of his treasure map. captioned with text post that reads "My gender is a map except I'm reading it upside down and have zero sense of direction."ALT
the swede holding one of his teeth. captioned with text post that reads "My gender is an orange-food diet." ALT
wee john smearing yellow paint on his face. captioned with text post that reads "My gender is genderfluid, but I always use literal liquids to describe how it feels on different days. Right now, I'm some kind of yellow edible paint."ALT
buttons looking very serious as he speaks to the crew. captioned with text post that reads "my gender is not bound by the limitations of human language."ALT
oluwande smiling at jim, his head turned so his earring is visible. captioned with text post that reads "My gender is the color teal."ALT
frenchie crouching on a cannon, arms folded across his knees. captioned with text post that reads "My gender is the undying human desire to sit in a chair incorrectly"ALT

the crew of the revenge feat. @my-gender-is(the other pirates)

here be memes
















Writer: There Was Only One Bed…

Smut fans: *gasp!!!!!*

Writer: So They Spooned All Night And The Brooding One Allowed Themselves To Feel Vulnerable For The First Time In Years And The Chirpy One Got Some Quality Snuggles

Fluff fans: *GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


There was only one bed and so they lay there together, only inches apart physically but it may as well have been miles for neither could muster the courage to tell the other the true depth of their feelings and so they lay there sleepless in their mutual pining

Angst fans:

There was only one bed. A carried B to it and gently eased them down. They were both badly injured but B’s conditions were much worse and A wouldn’t rest until they knew B was going to be alright. So A sat down next to B and brushed their hair back, holding their hand as B shivered through the night, their only comfort A’s presence by their side.

Hurt/Comfort fans:

Dear god you’re right, you’re so right

I feel like this needs to be a writing challenge…

How many different ways can you write this one trope.

There was only one bed, but instead of making a big fuss, the tired pair went the fuck to sleep and got a full 8 hours.

My sleep deprived ass:


There was only one bed. This is normal. They’ve been married for a decade and have a small child. The child has climbed in bed to snuggle with them because thunder is scary. They have their baby curled between them and they share soft, warm smiles over his sleepy head as he snores little kid snores.

Me, who just wants domestic curtains found family fic:


There was only one bed, the two characters argued and bickered begging for them not to have to share it, but they somehow are here still. They agree that there both going to pick a side and stay on it. This was going fine until in the middle of the night A woke up screaming and crying, B gets them to calm down and they end up falling asleep next to each other feeling safe

Enemies to lovers fans

There was only one bed. A noticed B’s exhaustion and lifted them easily. “You don’t have to carry me like a child,” B noted, despite being clearly pleased by how matters were progressing. “I think we both know that’s not true,” A replied with a grin. The bed was warm, inviting, and yet something was missing. “Is this a private party, or can just anyone join,” C called from the doorway, clad only in their underwear and a smile. “Only if it’s you!” A and B replied in unison as they drew the covers back.

My OT3-loving ass:

There was only one bed.

It turned out to be a defective Murphy bed and it trapped them in the wall.

Crack fic fans:

This entire thread is delightful

It’s got more now! Hahahha


Marvel heroes/ Disney villains mashups(❗NOT A FANCAST❗)

I was out of Tumblr for quite a while, but I’m glad to be back with a complete six fanarts challenge!


Ridiculous Kirby Headcanons

Unashamedly silly headcanons featuring the dream team with little to no basis that I can not fit into a fanfic at the time. In no particular order at all with cherry picking from various Kirby media.

Keep reading

wisesnail:I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD I’m sure I’wisesnail:I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD I’m sure I’wisesnail:I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD I’m sure I’wisesnail:I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD I’m sure I’wisesnail:I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD I’m sure I’wisesnail:I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD I’m sure I’wisesnail:I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD I’m sure I’wisesnail:I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD I’m sure I’wisesnail:I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD I’m sure I’wisesnail:I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD I’m sure I’


I thought I’d paint one, maximum two Hamilton portraits… Boy was I wrong! XD

I’m sure I’ve missed some of the sketches, sorry! orz

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Hardenshipping shitpost ft. ghetsis, colress and Guzma.

Been listening to GenoSamuel’s Chris Chan documentary while drawing this. Maybe you can tell.

Anyways,, have fun with this until im back with something better.


All my subtle pride flags so far compiled into one post.













I might do some more in the future of the ones I missed.



do you think kravitz is required by his job to have all those skull themed accessories or does he just personally like them 

You guys are all so correct


mdzs/cql characters as texts between me + @weiyingonmynerves


studiocuby:I made some profile pictures of The Guys even though literally nobody asked for them ✨✨studiocuby:I made some profile pictures of The Guys even though literally nobody asked for them ✨✨studiocuby:I made some profile pictures of The Guys even though literally nobody asked for them ✨✨studiocuby:I made some profile pictures of The Guys even though literally nobody asked for them ✨✨studiocuby:I made some profile pictures of The Guys even though literally nobody asked for them ✨✨studiocuby:I made some profile pictures of The Guys even though literally nobody asked for them ✨✨


I made some profile pictures of The Guys even though literally nobody asked for them ✨✨✨

Before you want to use these:
•no need to ask for permission to use
•can be used also as wallpaper or any other personal use
•if used, please credit me
•can be edited (like putting filters, edit objects around characters etc)
•just have generally fun with them!
•no tracing, claiming these as your own, you know that stuff

if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!! I hope you all will find these useful and I’m excited to see them being used :D


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  1. give short descriptions of all your current WIPs.
  2. give short descriptions of all the main characters for [WIP].
  3. what makes you love writing?
  4. what does it take for you to be proud of something you’ve written?
  5. what do you think is the most important part of writing?
  6. are your projects driven more by character or plot?
  7. what books have shaped the way you think about writing the most? why?
  8. which of your own projects have shaped your writing the most? in what way?
  9. what are you best and worst at when writing?
  10. which patterns keep popping up in your projects/characters?
  11. give three songs or images that fit [WIP].
  12. give three songs or images that fit [character].
  13. describe your writing style.
  14. what is your speed when writing?
  15. what do drafting and revision look like for you?
  16. to what extent do you research for your writing?
  17. how do you determine what mood each project has?
  18. how do what you look for in your own writing vs someone else’s coincide? how does your writing influence your reading?
  19. do you plan out your projects? if yes, to what level? how well do you stick to your plans?
  20. where do you begin a WIP? ex: a mood, a scene, a certain character dynamic, etc. does this differ per project?
  21. what are the most important facets of creating a character, to you?
  22. how much of your own self/experiences do you believe pours into your projects? if this differs per project, which projects have the most and least of you?
  23. what do you do to engage with your projects which isn’t actually writing? ex: playlists, pinterest boards, etc. how much do they play a role in the development of your work?
shineemoon: ONEW The 2nd Mini Album ‘DICE’MV Still Images ➫ 2022.04.11 6PM (KST) shineemoon: ONEW The 2nd Mini Album ‘DICE’MV Still Images ➫ 2022.04.11 6PM (KST) shineemoon: ONEW The 2nd Mini Album ‘DICE’MV Still Images ➫ 2022.04.11 6PM (KST) shineemoon: ONEW The 2nd Mini Album ‘DICE’MV Still Images ➫ 2022.04.11 6PM (KST)


ONEW The 2nd Mini Album ‘DICE’
MV Still Images
➫ 2022.04.11 6PM (KST)

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