#oh fuck this is delightful



Very very very dumb TMA AU idea where some entities can sometimes possess their avatars.

Only the Beholding and the Lonely keep possessing their avatars and being ridiculously romantic.

Basically the 2 eldritch gods are in a relationship and keep possessing their avatars so they can actually interact and be ridiculously sappy.

Elias and Peter get possessed and then wake up with a signed marriage cert and everyone is giving them weird looks because while possessed they were stupidly sappy and romantic and they fucking hate their patrons sometimes.

They keep saying they hate each other and keep having to get divorced after.

(Only the beholding and the lonely only use them because they Know the 2 of them are pining for each other they wouldn’t just use any avatars)

Only when Martin starts serving the Lonely…well they start using Jon and Martin and the 2 are possessed and then come to cuddled up and are just like ‘WHAT?’

Peter and Elias are externally like ‘OH THANK OUR GODS IT’S NOT US ANYMORE’ but internally like ‘…shit’ because they’ve been hopelessly pining for each other for years and now they have zero excuse to deal with each other….and they need to find an excuse shit.
