

@tauremornalome tagged me in smth so I have risen from the dead.

The rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line.

To make this easier I’ll go for last 20 published fics rather than overall written stories, otherwise I’d instantly loose track.

Counting backwards:

20. Lesser Passions

The huge fur coat should have looked ridiculous, really, but on Elias, wrapped tightly around his bony shoulder, it regained an almost redeeming, old-fashioned charm.

19. Unfavourable

His leg was almost completely healed when they brought him into Wilde’s make-shift office and the muzzle had been removed, for now.

18. Linguistics

Carter wasn’t sure how it had started.

17. Kiss and Tell

“He doesn’t kiss me when he’s sober.“

16. Not very sensible either

Peter paused in the doorway to his old childhood room.

15. Bedtime Brew

Peter poked his head out from the kitchen.

14. Sky High

Peter was 14 years old when Conrad got married.

13. Sleeping Beauty

Elias had once read an article about a woman with narcolepsy

12. Hurts so good

Martin almost dropped the kettle when Peter materialized before him.

11. Family Values

They made port around 7pm.

10. The Vessel

Martin stared at Peter, waiting for the punch-line.

9. Thee Kisses

“Just ask him out already.”

8. All alone and a-lowly

Peter wasn’t too thrilled at the prospect of having to play messenger.

7. Happy all the Time

His brain had always been a little glitchy and oh that’s just funny, isn’t it?

6. And all is well

“I need some fresh air.

5. Changing Tides

Oswald had been one of the first rogues to take him seriously and they had soon evolved from lucrative business partners to actual friends.

4. Indebted

Christopher Drawlight was not a particularly well liked man.

3. Kindness Repaid

There was something fascinating in watching Jonathan eat.

2. House Call

Don’t you fret

My little pet

We’re off to see the doctor

And if this doctor isn’t in

We’ll have to find another.

1. Arts and Crafts

Edward did not stare at the green crayons and didn’t have the urge to take one of them either.


Well the pattern certainly is that I apparently have a tendency to start with a characters first name (11/20, damn). I also have a thing for jumping into stories during the middle of a conversation or similar in media res shenanigans, which is less surprising.

Faverouite line… ohthis is hard. I suppose it’s from The Vessel aka The Platonic Fear Orgy (“Martin stared at Peter, waiting for the punch-line”). I like the way it throws you right into the conversation without knowing what exactly has been said but understanding fully how exasperated Martin feels. Which is your faverouite, squad? (Also wtf is up with this new tumblr design, I’ve only been gone for a year or so when did this happen? lol)

Anyway, tagging whoever is still following me despite the fact that i’m mostly awol atm. Hit me with those opening lines y’all.

the two most recent files in my google docs are called “AND THEY WERE FLAT MATES” and “King Lear IN SPACE” respectively and I’m not quite sure what that says about me as a person


TMA funny idea where everything awful is prevented because Peter proposed (again) and Elias keeps getting distracted with wedding plans to fulfill any evil schemes.

Like he’s planning on arranging an Avatar attack but…fuck there’s that cake tasting and if he skips he knows Peter’s going to be bastard and get a cake shaped like a boat with the awful icing he likes….damn it he’ll arrange the apocalypse after he’s saved his wedding reception.

It’s only after the wedding during the first dance where Elias is like feeling like i’m forgetting somethi….SHIT THE WATCHERS CROWN.


we were never married but we are divorced

I drew this w my finger enjoy

I enjoy (loath) the headcanon that the most devoted lukases are warped so irrevocably by the lonely that they can never truly feel love

But elias is still too human (in his fears and his physical form)


Very very very dumb TMA AU idea where some entities can sometimes possess their avatars.

Only the Beholding and the Lonely keep possessing their avatars and being ridiculously romantic.

Basically the 2 eldritch gods are in a relationship and keep possessing their avatars so they can actually interact and be ridiculously sappy.

Elias and Peter get possessed and then wake up with a signed marriage cert and everyone is giving them weird looks because while possessed they were stupidly sappy and romantic and they fucking hate their patrons sometimes.

They keep saying they hate each other and keep having to get divorced after.

(Only the beholding and the lonely only use them because they Know the 2 of them are pining for each other they wouldn’t just use any avatars)

Only when Martin starts serving the Lonely…well they start using Jon and Martin and the 2 are possessed and then come to cuddled up and are just like ‘WHAT?’

Peter and Elias are externally like ‘OH THANK OUR GODS IT’S NOT US ANYMORE’ but internally like ‘…shit’ because they’ve been hopelessly pining for each other for years and now they have zero excuse to deal with each other….and they need to find an excuse shit.

He stole two pieces of that cake


Plukas is pushing his luck

Look below the cut for ID and secret alternative Bad Ending

Keep reading


Do with this what you will.

I hate you. Yes.

Oh, you’re in a homosexual relationship?

Which one of you is the *monologues about my entire life story and how much I hate people and love being alone*, and which one of you is the *extended sounds of brutal pipe murder*?

