#oh god



To Build A Home (Drabble #2)

In this life || Jungkook

Pairing: Ot7 x 9 tailed fox Hybrid! Reader

Fox Hybrid! Jin, Human! Namjoon, Human! Yoongi, Wolf Hybrid! Hoseok, Cat Hybrid! Jimin, Wolf Hybrid! Taehyung, Fox Hybrid! Jungkook

Genre: Hybrid AU || Fluff || Angst || Smut/ implied smut || Strangers to lovers AU || Best friends to lovers AU

Summary: You and Jungkook bake a cake. (Takes place at some point between parts 6andpart 7)

Word count: 2.5k (i think drabbles are meant to be less than this but i got carried away)

Tags/ warnings: really fluffy, implied boner, its sick how in love they are and i wanted to bash my head against the wall because when will this be me?

Notes: i’m nowhere near finishing the last chapter so i present a fluffy drabble. i also watched howl’s moving castle today and i’m sobbing the end was so cute, spider-man has been pushed off of the top spot on my favorite movies.

my masterlist

series masterlist


Jeon Jungkook hadn’t exactly been expecting you to show up at his front door on a sunny Sunday morning.

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i swear jungkook is not even bias (like i hv one w all these men existence) but oh god, every time there’s a jungkook scene, I’d be swooning over him and just be so soft for this guy!!


next thing you know they’re holding hands

I am literally going insane right now. I’m in pain. So much pain.


The issue of passing is a tough one...

Passing is difficult and we all know it. It’s even more difficult when you have no access to hormones and surgery. We do what we can: binding, packing, wearing clothes that hide the contours of our bodies and that’s all fine and good. But some of us still have a hard time passing. It may be the feminine proportions, your voice, or maybe you do pass but some idiot always gives you away when you’re hanging out with female friends by saying words like “ladies” (oh man that’s the fucking worst).

However, lets look into it more. There is a lot you can do about passing. Here I’m going to list a lot of common stupid traits that many transmen have. If this offends you, it isn’t my problem if you can’t take honesty. If it doesn’t apply to you, then why would you care?:

1) The fuck are you wearing?

There is no individually defined style that a man must conform to. There are many clothing styles and subcultures to choose from and noneof them are unmanly. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that just because you’re a goth or a rocker that you’re “unmanly”. That’s stupid.

HOWEVER! You will look unmanly if you have no idea how to wear your clothes. For example, many people like to wear tank tops. Don’t. We can see your fuckin’ bitch tits. Unless you bind really well, do not wear a tank top. It sucks, it’s really painful, but you currently don’t have the proper endowments and there’s no reason to be in denial of that. Either bind really well or wear a t-shirt AND NOT A V-CUT unless you’re a small chested fellow.

A lot of dudes like to wear skinny jeans. This is not unmanly and is fine if you’re actually skinny. There would be nothing wrong if you were pudgy and in skinny jeans, but unfortunately it gives you away very fast. When you’re pudgy, there is more fat on your legs and thighs, and it shows the curvature more. So don’t do it until your fat has redistributed from T or you have other masculine factors to distract from it. If you can pull of skinny jeans, for God’s sake wear a packer! A lot of guys don’t pack, which is fine, but skinny jeans are meant to show your junk. If you’re able to wear skinny jeans, not show your junk, and actually not look like you’re in pain… you’re gonna have a hard time passing.

On the other end of this spectrum, there are guys who wear baggy clothing. This is great, too. Personally I prefer baggy to tight any day. However, this can ruin your passing experience as well. I’ve noticed smaller guys wear clothes that are too big, and bigger guys wear clothes that are too small. If you’re 5'1" and 100 pounds, you should not be wearing a giant shirt that drags down to your knees. You look like you’re drowning in that thing and it looks STUPID. If you’re 5'5" and 230 pounds, you should wear something baggy enough to hide your curvature (binding is tough when you’re chubby, I know). Don’t wear something that literally makes your boobs stretch out. While fat cis-men do have breasts, none of them have it so visibly large in comparison to their stomachs.

2) Nice buzzcut, butch!

Jeez, I wonder how many people are going to be chasing me out of my house with torches and pitchforks for this one. I think the title of this section actually explains itself. This is one of the things that actually pisses me off to no end.

DON’T CUT YOUR HAIR SO DAMN SHORT. You look like a LESBIAN. A lesbian is a GIRL. YOU ARE NOT A GIRL, YOU ARE A MAN.  Unfortunately, some of you are NOT blessed with the masculine face you think you have (some of you are, but clearly I am not talking to you). I’m sorry, dude, but when your hair is so damn short, everyone can see the feminine contours of your face. What’s worse is some of you who have this accursed haircut have extremely long eyelashes, which is a perfect red flag for someone to call you young lady.

Ifyou are lucky enough to be able to pull off short hair and have a very masculine face, then congrats. However, most of you don’t. This does not mean you have to get long hair, but don’t get a buzzcut. You don’t look male, you look like a girl who’s trying so hard to not seem feminine. There are many short hairstyles that don’t have this effect. Examine your face and see what’s best for you.

Oh and speaking of hair… THAT FAUXHAWK MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT. Actually, fauxhawks also make you look effeminate and not pass. How do I know? Some cis men are mistaken for girls from having that accursed hairstyle. It just generally speaking looks bad, however that part is just an opinion, no need to get your balls in a knot.

3) Lose the girly voice.

I don’t even know what to say about this one. It seriously brings my piss to a boil everytime I see a YouTube video that’s titled “I CAN’T PASS”. At first I often feel bad, and decide to watch it. Then it turns out it’s some idiot crying about how they don’t pass when they sound so girly that they make Chris Crocker look like Hulk Hogan. There is a way to sound FEMININE in your speech, but still sound like a male. Even when pre-T.

Again there is nothing wrong with being a man who’s effeminate, but saying “psh”, “like”, huffing and rolling your eyes whenever something discomforts you is NOT helping you pass. This can all be put aside as the standards for masculinity vary per person, I respect that. However, this is for people who want to pass as a man. You are still an individual and there is no pressure to be macho or anything, it may not be who you are. However, when you’re pre-T and sound feminine, people will figure you’re a female. You can’t expect them to think otherwise.

Just be wary that you already have a female body, therefore acting feminine will incline people to think you are female. Which you are not, as trans people actually have a male brain structure, no matter how masculine or feminine. Hormones will help you feel more comfortable with your expression but will not necessarily help you pass 100%. You don’t need to wait until you’re on testosterone to speak like you want to pass. In fact, most men on testosterone still speak from the nasal passage, and then they also wonder why they don’t pass. Remember, women typically speak from the nasal passage and speak very quickly. Men speak slowly and from the diaphragm.

While it is true cis men do speak from the nasal passage as well, they usually speak slowly. If they speak quickly, too, they pass because they’ve had testosterone in their system for most of their lives. In order for testosterone to take it’s full effect, you need to be on it for a long time. So if you’re only a year on it and want to keep your girly mannerisms, don’t expect to pass. The hormone hasn’t completely renovated you just yet.


Obi-Wan having to rescue ten year old Leia from being kidnapped makes every one of their scenes in ANH that much better.

Like her aggressively excited reaction when Luke tells her he’s there with Ben Kenobi? They have a history of Obi-Wan coming to rescue her, Luke. I’m not okay




mid-rewatch and the whole “in the white world, you can be a non-threatening joke or a monster ps choose fast or we choose for you” beat ofmd plays out with ed never gets any less heartbreaking 

whatever quick thought about how this show makes me insane in yet another way

one of the tough, fucked up parts of landing a dart on the dartboard o’ marginalization is that there’s a fairly high set of odds that something you like or do or find joy in will somehow fulfill somebody’s ugly twisted stereotype of People Like You and then there’s this immense potential damage and pressure that results because like: so what then? you stop being yourself, because they don’t fucking like it? you hate yourself more because you’re you and they have assigned a value judgement to that?

like, ed was having fun at that party! those rich fucks made his joy ugly! they made him feel ashamed. there was nothing fucking wrong with ed enjoying himself; they turned it ugly for him by their consumption of his joy.

lucius hits this spot a lot, too—we are all sort of trained that when you are gay like lucius is gay, in the way he’s gay, “lol isn’t it funny how gay he is” is going to be the punchline. (which makes it very extra wonderful it’s literally never the actual punchline on ofmd even when they reference his voice, it’s about sarcasm and not the usual hellscape of jokes about ‘gay voice’ and all that shit.)

there’s a hell of a lot else in this vein but those are the two top of mind rn. anyway this show is really fucking cool!

#consumption. its consumption. that’s the evil of it— the way ed’s consumed. the way we’re consumed and#the ways we’re taught to consume one another— whether we name that fascination or interest or disdain or at-least-im-not-that or even love—#not NOT looking at iz over there in his pickle jar again!#oh my GOD it’s consumption and the destruction that implies and not wanting to be Consumed and thereby Erased so— you erase yourself first.#like oh. my GOD. ED

wanted to add these tags from @laurelier because i love it when somebody says my quiet part loud

dkmissanya:My coordination for today <3 Cathedral really is one of my very favourite dresses! dkmissanya:My coordination for today <3 Cathedral really is one of my very favourite dresses!


My coordination for today <3 
Cathedral really is one of my very favourite dresses!

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First of all, I’m not a huge shipper lol, not that I dislike it because I definitely like to, I mostly gravitate to whatever’s popular. I don’t know why I just never feel compelled to draw much of any  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But I thought hard about it and picked out a bunch, in no particular order, that I actively like - as in I’ll give it a like or a reblog - anything else I’m pretty indifferent towards 

Under the cut I’ll ramble about each one lol + some extra quick sketches for my favorite ones (warning: it’s long)

Dohko and Shion (old people hard to draw…): Okay this one I love a lot. The scene of their goodbyes in Lost Canvas and the Hades Chapter genuinely stirred my heart and the like, concept of them growing old for 200 years and still being in love… that makes my heart melt…

Shun and Hyoga: There’s a lot about… masculinity in saint seiya that make me roll my eyes, but Shun added a softness to him that I really appreciated

Marin and Shaina: They get so little interaction outside of interacting with Seiya that it’s kinda hard to tell what they’re like… But I really like seeing art of them!

DM and Aphrodite: These two are really fun. Deathmask in particular is just… a really fun character that I totally adore (He’s unapologetically a bad dude and that is very funny to me). There’s a ridiculousness and sweetness to these two that I really like lol, not much more to it! I also like the idea that they both garden together, hence the sketch ^ 

- Note about Shura: I like stuff with him included too! Especially with DM, however I find it especially difficult to ship him with anyone because of how… wishy-washy he is lol. His level of redeemability in some works makes it seem like he wouldn’t get along well with these two at all sometimes

Seiya and Saori: I have mixed feelings about the ship but the shouting each others names thing is equal parts charming and irritating to me lol

Kanon and Rhadamanthys: This one really comes out of nowhere lol I saw that there was quite a bit of art for it and it just hit different, it’s good stuff

El Cid and Sisyphus: Okay… out of all of these this one is my favorite. I absolutely adored LC and liked the deeper friendship between these two that the anime explored. I really really liked that they traveled together and love the idea that they’re overworked archeology partners (That’s right El Cid has his own notes and theories ) I think it’s very sweet. I actually do wanna draw art for them in the future

Camus and Milo: Epic divorced men… There’s an easy tragedy aspect you can apply to them that I think can be interesting - special shoutout to Kardia and Degel too for being the slightly better version of them lol

If your read this far…. why (and thank you)


At some point we, as a society, are going to have to reckon with the fact that “took a tour to see the stars but they weren’t out tonight/so I wished hard on a Chinese Satellite” is basically the same as “can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now” but yall aren’t ready to hear that.


More Hatake Kakashi and Shizune [Brisk Summer] from Naruto Mobile!



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#oh god    
suneiaaa: Ray Route Day 5: Cold Shower || twitter || ig  … stupid, weak, good-for-nothing Ray…


Ray Route Day 5: Cold Shower || twitter||ig 

… stupid, weak, good-for-nothing Ray

Post link



Please god I’m begging you don’t ship my Jack and Danny art nor my Vlad and Danny art

You can ship any of teens you want with each other dont care who! Can ship any of the adults together don’t care who!

But let’s not do that above



battinson!bruce wayne x f!reader

a/n: time for another motnoneshot! This is a blurb, set very soon after domesticity–but you don’t need to read that to understand this! This is a short blurb of Alfred’s POV. 

If you feel like supporting me further, here’s some info on ko-fi perks!

Series Masterlist


word count: 827

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DO NOT REPLY,@filmnoirsbian//cut, catherine lacey


A mother’s love
