#oh well i mean this personally


A TOH Vent

This thought has been brewing in my head for a bit so I’m just gonna say it and call it a day. This is just my thought though, feel free to be entitled to your own.

If The Owl House ending is rushed or hell- even just bad in general? The only people I will blame is Disney. I would never blame Dana or the crew.

The fact that Season 2B is some of the best work in the show and it was written knowing that the show would be cut just shows how much potential there is/was in TOH and its crew. They took the burden, the obstacles standing in front of them when Disney cut the show and are STILL producing banger after banger this season. At 10% of their power, the show is still incredible and yet it breaks my heart knowing that so much plot, development and even possible amazing fillers were lost with the cancellation. (Beach day, Darius and Hunter’s relationship, the previous G.G’s, everyone discussing how Luz leaving has been eating away at them and having a proper genuine discussion about it, learning about the other covens and their head witches, Amity and Luz’s relationship development, Hunter coping with his panic attacks and trauma, Willow and Gus continuously growing, etc.)

This show has filled my heart with such joy I cannot explain and there’s a genuine hole in my heart that it’s ending so soon. After all the media that I’ve watched, the fact that it’s still one of my favourite shows of all time pisses me off beyond words. Because I was robbed. This fandom was robbed. The cast and crew were fucking robbed.

“Didn’t fit the Disney brand”? Wth does that even mean?? This is a show I want my own kids to watch years later because it’s just that amazing. I would pass this show down for generations like a heirloom. Edit: If it didn’t fit the Disney brand why did they even green light it? Isn’t inclusion what you’re trying to promote? Just sounds like blatant homophobia to me.

So even if The Owl House’s ending ends up being lacklustre, disappointing, or down right horrendous, I can’t ever blame the team. After what they’ve done for us and what they’ve tried to save. I will only blame the mouse.

Screw the mouse.
