


I think about Bakugou’s hands a lot.

They’re so big and always warm and the minute he touches any part of you it’s like a syringe of serotonin straight to the soul.

Holding hands? Immaculate

Rubbing your back while you guys are cuddling in bed? Beautiful

Holding your face before he kisses you because he’s a dramatic jerk? We love to see it

Lacing his fingers in yours while he’s got you pinned to the bed?

Doesn’t matter how simple or how light the touch is, it’s guaranteed to set your heart a flutter and he knows. He knows and abuses the fuck out of that knowledge


i am asking politely for a pretty boy to rest their head in my lap so i can play with their hair n shower them in praise <3




So uuuuhhhh…got my daughter a yogurt this morning and learned something new.

Guys I just realized they meant there’s a city in Texas called Ding Dong. I thought the people at GoGurt were really like, “DING DONG! WAKE UP SHEEPLE. BIG GOVERNMENT DOESN’T WANT YOU TO KNOW. TEXAS IS REAL. LOOK IT UP. GET THIS TO THE PEOPLE.” Like some big exec at Yoplait is ready to lose his life over exposing a national secret through the medium of childrens’ yogurt snack tubes.


dadalux:Death and the Maiden by Maria Umiewska


Death and the Maiden by Maria Umiewska

Post link


littler things


Hiii everyone I am here with another enemies to lovers fic because apparently I never know when to give up! Behold… a 90k slow burn where Dean is a hunter and Cas is the sin-eating demon he accidentally binds his soul to, so now Dean has to deal with things like the passenger deciding what music to listen to (Taylor Swift), unceasing threats of vehicular harm, and a disturbingly high propensity for arson and knives.

In The Flesh?(E, 90k)

Blue Eyes tilts his head. A predatory smile twists his lips.
Dean squirms beneath his gaze. “What? Does it look like I know your name, demon-priest?”
“Mm. Names have a lot of power, you know.”
“God, why did I have to get stuck with the most pretentious demon that’s ever-”
“Mine is Castiel.”
And, oh, Dean doesn’t hesitate before wrapping his tongue around it.
“Castiel.” He likes it. Please, God help him, he likes it.
“Is there an echo?”
Jesus Christ.


Luna Rays playing in the clouds! ☁️

Been playing with the idea of combining Manta Rays and Luna Moths as they looked very similar in shape and i just love how they turned out!!
