



Today in Kamishichiken: Misedashi of Maiko Umenana from the Umeno Okiya!

What a suprise! I didn’t expect Umenana to debut for another two weeks, her Minarai-period was exceptionally short, it wasn’t even three weeks long!

Umenana is really expectionally cute, she has such a babyface, if I didn’t know better, I’d think that she was 12 or 13 years old! Her childish look makes her look a lot like pre-war junior Maiko, who often debuted between the ages of 10-13. She also reminds me of Ichiai and Ichisumi from Pontocho, who also look very young.

The fact that she looks so childlike makes me hope that she stays around for longer even more, so that we can all see her blossom into a mature young woman! But for now, the first-year Maiko-look certainly suits her perfectly ^^.

There are still two more Misedashi in Kamishichiken to come, one more from Umeno with Minarai Umesana, who will debut sometime in October, and Minarai Ichihiro from Ichi, whose Misedashi date is still unknown. Kamishichiken suffered a lot of losses this year, but they also had four debuts and the Maiko who debuted last year seem to be staying around, so it’s not all bad.

Congratulations on your debut Umenana, and all the best wishes for your career!

Source 1: みなみみゆき on Instagram
Source 2: Katsufumi Okiya’s Official Instagram
Source 3: 上七軒  あだち on Instagram

geimei: July 2018: Maiko Umechie (Umeno Okiya) of Kamishichiken performing at the Umeno Ochaya, whil


July 2018: Maiko Umechie (Umeno Okiya) of Kamishichiken performing at the Umeno Ochaya, while Geiko Tamayuki plays the shamisen and sings.

Source:Yuko Umeno on Instagram

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gaaplite: 2018 舞妓 上七軒 市彩さん 2018 maiko, kamishichiken, Ichiaya


2018 舞妓 上七軒 市彩さん

2018 maiko, kamishichiken, Ichiaya

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