#ok i have to put the phone down and go to work






my stupidest and most cringe fail gamer moment was when i first started playing elder scrolls online, and as a goof i named my username (wehavecamembert) and my character (henrietta wensleydale) after the cheese shop skit in monty python’s flying circus, because i like sheogorath and cheese and monty python… and then when i was doing the main quest and met cadwell i was like. hm. this guy kinda sounds familiar but i can’t quite place it

This post taught me that my favourite ESO character is voiced by John Cleese, thank you!

LMAO it’s pretty obvious in hindsight

Too be fair I didn’t realise as a kid Martin Septim and Boromir were played by the same person, which is probably much more obvious

fjfjhtjfjg that one’s obvious bc they both die
