#old wolf grumps


I have an interview later with the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum. I’m excited and really hopeful. It’s a volunteering position. It’s something to do to acclimate to scheduling again and gives experience w/ the public again. And it’s of course something I’m passionate about and I’d really like to eventually help with the Holodomor portion of the building. And they have an archive that I’d hopefully be able to access myself. 

Given I’m also thinking of going back to school this might help too, network with people and figure out where I should go for the specific major I’m thinking of going to (Anthropology with a sub specialty in slavic studies). 

If I get the spot anyway lol 

Fun fact apparently sometimes you have to ‘reboot’ the HDCP settings when you want to stream on a PS5. Who knew

sigh i miss the pharmacy techs that would gender me properly. and the nurses at the cancer center who actually defended my pronoun choice.

instead I keep getting medical professionals who are like ‘we just go by what the insurance says’ so therefore I guess I just have to deal with being misgendered because ~insurance~. 

I’m wearing a fucking trans queer pride mask. I have facial hair. I purposely don’t use my legal first name, introducing myself with my last name when it comes to appointments and such. I correct, correct, correct and still it doesn’t fucking stick. 

Put a fucking note in my file for all I care but for gods sakes listen to the fucking patient. Stop giving me ‘oh it’s an automatic system it goes by insurance’ that’s a super shitty transphobic excuse. i KNOW your system allows notes. I KNOW it does because I see my actual name IN QUOTATIONS on mail. which can we stop doing that too lmao it’s not a fucking nickname. It’s /my name/. you send a letter to jacen it will get to me I promise. 

‘no one cares if you’re trans anymore’ my fucking ass. ‘you don’t have to worry cause you’re not a teenager’ yeah okay all of transphobia just disappears for trans adults lmao 

I would like to stop feeling this weird kind of itchy when I go out into the heat. Thanks

Me: waves at a doggo in the car next to me

Doggo: :3

Me: :D!

Doggo: :3!

Me: :D!!!
