

И сто бучки захар не биха заместили едно парченце шоколад.

Така е и с хората.

А как само умееш да ме подлудяваш дори и с един поглед, една дума, едно движение.

Заспивахме голи,

облечени само в чувства.

Сега те няма,

а аз съблякох и чувствата.

А колко хубаво и спокойно може да бъде, когато нямаш нужда от момче, за да оцвети деня ти.

Понякога се нуждая единствено от морето, шумът на вълните и спокойствието, което донасят със себе си…

Поглеждаш го и сякаш гледаш морето…

Красиво е с него

едно такова, сякаш

те залива вълна

със спокойствие.

И в същото време

бушува буря

в сърцето ти.

Една да е

но да замества всички


да те прави


да те кара да се чувстваш

като момиченце


да те запознава

със страни

от теб си

които досега

не си виждал

да те подлудява

и да те кара да се питаш

“Как го направи?”


онази любов, която те кара да поставиш себе си след някого.

онази любов, която след време ще е още по-дълбока.

същата, заради която стоиш будна до късно.

тази любов, за която не си намираш извинения.

любовта, заради която не пишеш.

та кой ще успее да опише това чувство?

Разбираш, че е любов, когато си бил най-големия егоист, но вече поставяш щастието на някого пред своето собствено.

Питаш ли се?

Питаш ли се защо вече не съм твоя?

Ами защо ме искаш повече от всякога?

Или пък защо ти липсва ароматът ми?

А смехът ми, след всяка твоя шега?

Или пък начинът, по който те гледах?

Питаш ли се кое най-много ти липсва?


Вдыхай каждой клеткой своего тела воздух, насыщенный смехом и радостью.
Иди вперед навстречу новым знакомствам и приключениям.
Совершай то, на что раньше бы не осмелился.
Живи для себя и для окружающих.

Сейчас самое время начать дышать полной грудью и наслаждаться происходящим вокруг тебя. Сколько вокруг прекрасного, сколько новых событий, сколько приятных людей.

Ни о чем не жалей. Все что происходит летом, остается там же. Не бойся общения. Возможно, прежние знакомые откроются тебе с совершенно новой стороны.

Лови каждый момент.

В скором будущем все это станет воспоминанием, а пока что ЖИВИ.

Хочу сказать, что всегда стоит бороться за себя, за свое мнение, за свою жизнь. Будь это учеба, продвижение по карьерной лестнице, личная жизнь. Мы  вправе изменить не только будущее, но и настоящее. 

Нужно уметь отстаивать свою точку зрения тогда, когда в тебя никто не верит, возможно, пытается остановить. Знаете, не всегда окружающее желают лучшего, не всегда понимают то, к чему вы стремитесь.

Я верю, что мои старания не остаются незамеченными судьбой. Стоит лишь освободиться от оков чужого мнения. 

Най обичам с моя си човек да лежим голи, сгушени. Той е топъл, чак гори, а на мен краката ми ледени и той се стряска като докоснат кожата му. Лежи по корем, прегърнал ме с една ръка, сложил глава на онова място между рамото и врата ми, и аз усещам топлия му дъх върху кожата си … тогава, в тези моменти, имам чувството, че държа целия свят в ръцете си. Че съм обгърнала една мини вселена в обятията си, която ми се е доверила до толкова, че в най-уязвимия си момент - когато спи, спи до мен, тихо и спокойно


I appreciate the pacing in the game though. It’s open world but you slowly reveal stuff over time. To get more places to explore you have to do main missions but then you can fuck off and do collectibles and side missions that also open up. 

It’s these nice little chunks at a time. It’s perfect for my ADHD lmao

Also each torii gate tracks chunks of the area too with how many collectibles you got and things like the Tanuki and Jizo statues. It’s nice. Nice little checklists. I feel so accomplished.

And I found out that the symbols next to the Nekos change depending on whether you still have relics to find for them and whether you have some to turn in. :’)

I appreciate the pacing in the game though. It’s open world but you slowly reveal stuff over time. To get more places to explore you have to do main missions but then you can fuck off and do collectibles and side missions that also open up. 

It’s these nice little chunks at a time. It’s perfect for my ADHD lmao

found this one doggo just lying down in the street next to his leash that dropped when his human disappeared from the Fog ;-; baby

“Don’t worry, the kid’ll take care of it.”

KK please! 

“Easy for you to say!” 

Yeah, that!

“Is that compassion I hear?”

Akito, are you sassing your spirit detective /julie andrews voice 




I have gone out and chased her off into the woods FOUR TIMES and she immediately comes back to TOUCH ALL MY STUFF and EAT MY PRETTY CORN


excuse me!!! that was my beautiful corn! it’s not for eating!

after she finished eating my corn she wandered around the porch (WHILE I was standing there in the doorway and just… TOUCHED everything. touched it all over with her wicked little hands, like a spiteful Conservative woman who doesn’t believe in COVID-19 and spreads her DNA over every surface to own the libs.

she picked up the dogs’ tennis ball, examines my parents’ ashtray, played with the lid of the empty terrarium I JUST finished cleaning, and yanked on the dog tether we put Scully on when we’re sitting on the porch.


god this is the same asshole who keeps KNOCKING ON MY WINDOWS and rattling the doors at all hours of the night and driving my dogs crazy

I walked out on the porch and told her to get her own damn house and what did she do? she just sat there and chewed at me! no respect! no respect at all!

she’s too beautiful to be angry with.


Oh shit!!! The little thief that keeps ransacking my porch and eating my decorative corn is a fucking blonde!

Dammit! I wasn’t expecting you to be a beautiful rarity!

Me whenever the random spirits are like ‘pain pain go away’


In the tags put whether ur an ibuprofen (aka Motrin) person or an acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) kinda person


I know that I ended it, but why won’t you chase after me?


MICHELLE YEOH 2022interviews



neurodivergent clothes shopping seriously is just like touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric. touches fabric

*puts fabric on body* “oh NO” *takes fabric off body*

Do people not know they can like make their own post if they aren’t happy with my wording lmao (honestly having ppl half my age scold me for a word I’ve been using since before they were born is just lmao no stop that)

Or that my post very clearly laid out what it was about and asking ‘but what about (something not really related)’ does absolutely nothing useful lmao If you want to make a post about neurodivergent needs because my post was very clearly about physically disabled people then just fucking do it. But don’t imply i ‘forgot’ about a demographic. I’m physically disabled with comorbid PTSD and ADHD. I had a goal with my post, a point, and i made it. I’m so sorry I didn’t include everyone I guess lol nothing is stopping you from making a post similar to mine but focusing on a different set of needs. 

Like I’ve literally made my own post about an issue but coming from a different angle before. Not difficult. 

I have an interview later with the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum. I’m excited and really hopeful. It’s a volunteering position. It’s something to do to acclimate to scheduling again and gives experience w/ the public again. And it’s of course something I’m passionate about and I’d really like to eventually help with the Holodomor portion of the building. And they have an archive that I’d hopefully be able to access myself. 

Given I’m also thinking of going back to school this might help too, network with people and figure out where I should go for the specific major I’m thinking of going to (Anthropology with a sub specialty in slavic studies). 

If I get the spot anyway lol 

Was anyone gonna tell me my arch nemesis (former doctor Ben Carson former secretary of housing Ben Carson) came out with another book or was I supposed to nearly crash into the shelves at my local bookstore when I saw his face on a book?

Dude (i’m sorry ‘consevative icon’) literally says don’t blame white folks for shit. It just harms you to hold them responsible for the things they say. You must find forgiveness in your heart and in God. 

Essentially pray racism away, Ben? Is that what we’re saying now? 

Fun fact apparently sometimes you have to ‘reboot’ the HDCP settings when you want to stream on a PS5. Who knew


We don’t deserve Lynda Carter.


Jewish mother with child in Maramures, Romania



> listen to music

>its good

>thank you transgender women

some great music recs in the tags for anyone interested. idk some of them but so far i can vouch for sophie, wendy carlos, ethel cain, 100 gecs/laura les, lauren bousfield, fraxiom/food house, against me!, left at london, vylet pony, penny parker/go! child, nero’s day at disneyland, ezra furman, trust fund ozu, blackwinterwells (wasn’t mentioned but well you know), stomach book (personal favorite rn). and of course everyone who said “youre welcome” in the tags. also i think a couple of these artists are nonbinary, so thank you to not just women but transfems as a whole for inventing music
