#om simeon


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Brothers See Lucifer Cry


Lucifer doesn’t cry.

Lucifer doesn’t cry, is what Mammon assumed. Because the elder demon was, is, powerful, strong; who didn’t crumble under pressure and carried himself with pride.

But it seems even the strong fall.

“Lucifer?” Mammon whispers, utterly confused as to how to approach the demon whose shoulders shake with sobs. He had come to ask his brother a favor, one which was forgotten as soon as he heard muffled cries.

The white-haired demon was fast and quiet when he needed to be. Mammon didn’t make a sound and yet Lucifer’s posture straightened, the once shaking shoulders now froze and stopped slouching, and when the demon turns around to give his brother a glare, the moonlight illuminates his tear-stricken face.

“What are you doing here at this hour? You should be asleep.”

Lucifer questions as he grits his teeth, trying to conceal the cracking of his voice, but Mammon notices. He notices everything.

The demon stands tall now, with his signature stare and crossed arms, but Mammon doesn’t flinch.

“Don’t stare at me like a bufoon, it’s past midnight and you should be in your room and—oompfh!”

Firm, tight arms are now clasped around his waist, and a head now rests on his shoulder. lucifer stands in a stupor at the action, for he didn’t expect such a reaction out of Mammon.

One person rooted to the ground as the other embraces them tightly.

“You don’t have to hide it, you know?”

THe white-haired demon whispers, his voice trailing off at the end for he doesn’t know what to say. Mammon has always spoken on impulse, but right now he fears one wrong word, one wrong sentence might just ruin everything.

And he doesn’t want that to happen.

Mammon stares off into the fireplace, the burning embers reminding him of the time when he had gone with his brothers to the human world to witness the fireworks. They were pretty, bursting with different colours against the backdrop of the dark sky.

Lucifer seemed happy then, grinning as he handed Mammon a candy apple while chewing on one smugly.

But all thoughts on his mind extinguish when he feels tears on his skin, and a pair of arms that hold him even tighter as Lucifer openly weeps. Soft, yet broken sobs spill past his lips, and Mammon feels the pain radiating from his soul.

The utter weight of the burden that the demon bore on his weary shoulders—of devastating secrets and pain, of humiliation and regret, and the searing collar of loyalty.

But Mammon is the one Lucifer trusts the most.


He shouldn’t be here.

He shouldn’t be here is what resonates in Levi’s mind, every object and painting in the room is perhaps placed with the purpose to intimidate; scare the foolish soul that dare wander where they shouldn’t, and the purple-haired demon is coming uninvited.

There’s an anime convention coming up next month and he can’t afford to miss it. Cosplay and games, its his domain. Surely, Lucifer won’t mind passing dinner duty to someone else.

He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again.

From the shadows he can make out a figure weeping, its shoulders shaking with silent sobs. And the shadow belongs to none other but his oldest brother.

“Lucifer—I—I didn’t know—”

And there his useless self goes again, babbling words like a fish as his brother wipes the remnants of his tears.

Keep reading

I loved reading this so I am so happy I get to put my own touch to the dateables reactions!

Warning⚠️: It only gets worse from here djfjf


Despite all of his abilities, the vast amount of powers that he was known to yield and make demons bow just from his aura. Diavalo considers himself to utterly powerless when it comes to his right hand man, who’s constant repremands go in one ear and out the other, not that he means to. The castle gets too stuffy, the halls too quiet and a throne too revealing of a reminder of his own loneliness.

“Lord Diavalo are you even listening to me? How do you expect the student council to fund events it doesn’t have the budget for?”

The question was of course rhetorical, but it didn’t stop the bright smile that appeared, looking up from the irrelevant mathematics and head on to Lucifer’s glare. “We’ll just find a way- Nothing to worry about Lucifer! It’s not like we really have anything to do other than this.” He had Barbatos clear his schedule, his gut churning at the sight of Luicfer overworking on the last budget deals and eternally promising to never let him handle it completely alone ever again.

But it didn’t seem like his presence was completely helping either, he offered a change of scenery being his castle and was more than happy to offer the Morningstar a cup of tea. Diavalo seeing Lucifer on edge as ever, not even willing to entertain some small talk about his brothers if he were in demon form each feather would surely be on end. Still minutes ticked away into hours, the numbers offering no comfort for the prince’s tired eyes.

There was a mumble of a curse, so quiet that Diavalo wasn’t even sure he had heard it until he set the papers down and met Lucifer’s tear filled eyes. The prideful avatar so quick to excuse himself but paused as the prince drew near, cautious steps like he was trying to tend to a wounded animal. He had questions, so many questions that the shock stopped him from asking at the sight of seeing the strongest demon he knew be settled into tears that he was willing to repress right in front of him. If he didn’t look up, would he even know?

“Order me. Please order me to stop.”

That set his heart racing, anxious swirling into the most powerful prince in all of Devildom and made him feel like a mere mortal, “Why would I ever tell you to stop? Lucifer…what’s going on-” “Order me to stop this ridiculous nonsense! We have things to do and my debttoyou isn’t going to be paid off if I keep failing at getting things done.” Despite still being turned around, he could see the ever flowing tears and Lucifer’s shaking figure, desperately wanting to reach out and comfort the broken hearted demon if it weren’t for his own thoughts taking hold.

Burdened. Luicfer felt burdened from owing Diavalo his everything. It felt like he was swallowing a bitter pill, that Luicfer has forced himself to be around the prince with the price of bringing his sister back to life heavy on his mind. There was no relationship, no foundation for them other than the promise that brought them together in the first place. And that very thought made Diavalo sick to his stomach, what could he even say to someone who viewed him as a stranger…

Silence was heavy, it was suffocating and entangled you in threads, Diavalo knew that all too well. “Can I touch you?” He asked quietly, a phrase that he has said before in different ways within the guarded walls of the castle but never like this. Never was he allowed to treat the avatar of pride, who stood so tall in his own pillar like someone so fragile. There was no ‘yes’ but tugged Luicfer into his chest and the other not pulling away had been the answer he needed. “I order you..to cry, to scream to do whatever you need to make yourself feel better…I’m sorry for not letting you do this sooner.”

Lucifer screamed, his nails digging to the back of his uniform as it felt like his own heart was shattering. Helpless tears starting to fill his own eyes as they clinged on to each other. It was a good thing Diavalo didn’t need to worry about the screaming.

It’s not like anyone ever heard his.


Lilith’s fate had been decided, the verdict causing outrageous to pour into the court room and Simeon looked over at the brothers who were completely still as if they had been sentenced to death themselves. His gaze lingered over the Morningstar, who’s wings acted as a shield over the weeping angel, glaring at any guards that came too close. Simeon’s own heart was pounding, wanting to say anything that would stop the tension brewing to ease the fire as it was his job to do. A moment passed like a still frame before the first spear was thrown and drops of blood tainted the white tile floor.

The angel sat in his room, replaying the scene over and over as the shivers ran up his spine. His wings fluttering in an attempt to reach any ounce of comfort, ignoring the measures that the archangels have been taking in the search of the traitors.. They were traitors to the Celestial Realm therefore traitors to him, he betrayed Simeon, not even asking if he would like to come along. His heart felt like it was being plucked with every swirl of his emotions. Anger, bitterness and overwhelming sadness interlocked together so much that he was sure that he had only imagined Luicfer right outside his window.

“Brother, forgive the intrusion.”

He could feel his own lips moving, thoughts racing as his expression was surely aghast at the fact that he was still here and not protecting Lilith in whatever hiding spot they had found. “Y-You should be out of here, gone probably prepare for whatever battle you started with Father, why are you here Luicfer?” Despite the trembling in his voice, he hated how he took glee when the virture grimaced in front of him, seemingly hating the idea of a war. Which was good, which meant Simeon could persuade him away from such idea. “I didn’t want for it to start out this way really I didn’t, but now..”

“Now what? You’re just gonna fall-? Leave me behind and go down there, brother?”

Anger was an unfathomable emotion, Simeon almost believed that no angel could really feel it, but he was. It was hot, practically scolding as he grabbed Lucifer’s hand, his vision blurring with tears he couldn’t be bothered to hide. “You..you used to be so unsure of what to do, then you would come to me or Micheal and we would help you. But you’ve become so…distant but so sure of yourself. Prideful even.” He could feel wings wrapped around him, blinking back tears and unable to withhold the gasp of the Morningstar’s darkening wings. Showing that he had already fallen, right before Siemon’s eyes, what shocked him more was Lucifer’s tears, the soft sobs that he was trying to quiet but to no avail.

“…The last thing I could ever ask you is to fall, Simeon. To go against Father for me, even I’m not sure I would even do it. I thought I could just serve for eternity with this sort of serect buried inside..I am not as brave as one might think.” Lucifer confessed, clinging tighter onto the angel who was wiping away the remainder of his tears. Simeon managed a smile, “You are strong enough to lead..you are kind enough to ask me. Even though you know what my answer is.” Silence acted as a cloak, the steady rose-pink light of dawn was approaching and this could possibly be the last time that they would ever see each other. Despite the black feathers and the tear streaks that decorate Lucifer’s face, Simeon had never seen his brother look more beautiful.

“I love you, Lucy.”

There was a fondness that made his voice tremble, so desperate to wish it all away but the proof was right their for both of them to see. He could see the tears returning in his brother’s eyes as he slipped out of the window.

“I love you too, Siemon.”


Ahhh I think I like Diavalo’s more than Simeon’s, I don’t think I wrote it the way I wanted to haha. Also wanted to explore Simeon and Lucifer’s relationship in the Celestial Realm! Hope you like it :)

Also I don’t think I can nail Barbatos and Solomon’s personality for the life of me ;_;

Huevember 2021: Days 8-14 (Redraw)

I dream of being held by Prince Simeon

I saw his animation and my heart melted…. His smile…
