#omega you


Sheriff Hassan x Reader

A/B/O Dynamics AU!

Words: 4.4K

Summary: When a new Omega moves to Crockett Island, people are interested, especially since she doesn’t have a mate. And she caught the eye of a certain Alpha Sheriff watching her.

Everyone in this world has a so-called second identity. This identity determines whether they are an Alpha, a Beta or an Omega.

Alpha’s were leaders. Born strong, important people of the world.

Betas were what one would call, the norm. Most people were Betas. 

And then there were Omegas. Omegas were considered weak and some even said they were only good for giving heirs. Omegas were looked down upon. Omegas were… different. They had a cycle called “heat”. During that time they all gave off pheromones, it was to invite all the Alphas to mate with the Omega, this led to a lot of difficulties in the past but now Omegas had meds which helped these pheromones. 

And lately, Omegas were rare. Very rare. Lately, Omegas were kept more as if they weren’t human. They were kept by Alphas and even Betas to show off status. 

So, to say that as a young female Omega, your life in a big city was very difficult, might be an understatement.

You were beautiful. 

As soon as you stepped down the fairy, everyone was looking at you, you felt eyes follow you as you walked to your new home.

Because that’s what you are going to make this place, home.

You were an Omega and at your age, as an unmated Omega was looked down upon, Omegas were rare. And due to the fact that they were, it was the norm for all to find mates quickly so they could be safe.

Not you though. 

You had enough of the constant comments of all of your friends and colleagues, you needed to move, and an island with not many people seemed to be a really good place to do that.

Buying a house, and moving in was a challenge but now that you were here, you felt like it was a fresh, new start.

The one you needed this entire time.

Thankfully, the people on the Island were really kind, yes there were a couple who looked at you side-eyed but you were used to those looks. 

You got to your house and started to unpack. You felt this place was going to be it. Home, you could make it into a home.

There was nothing sadder than an empty nest. Every time you looked at it, it reminded you just how lonely you were and how you wished for a little one to be in there. But you also knew that you needed to find your mate. Yet, the sight still made your heart clench. 

Omegas always build nests, and a nest is sacred, everyone knew that. Alpha’s were not allowed to go anywhere near them, except if it was their mate’s nest, Beta’s were allowed to be near but Omegas were extremely protective over their nests.

Nests were the place where an  Omega would nurture their babies, it’s where the babies sleep with their mother and where they would grow. Nests were made out of soft materials, pillows, blankets, anything an Omega had at their home.

Yours was a huge round pillow you found at a store and three extremely fluffy blankets. Yours were good, you loved your nest, only if you had someone to share it with.

You let out a long sigh as you finished the house for that day, putting all the kitchen stuff out and also the essentials that you’ll need that day. 

You let out a long sigh as you stepped onto your porch, seeing the water as it moved, it calmed you.

Yeah, this will be your home.

You had a positive attitude as you walked down the streets, trying to familiarize yourself with the Island. You walked over to what looked like the marketplace. A dog was sitting on the porch, looking at you.

You looked around no one was there.

“Hello.” you said to the dog who looked at you curiously. He didn’t bark so that was a good sign. “You’re the first one I officially meet, so… nice to meet you.” You took a step forward trying to see if he was friendly or not, he was.

He started wagging his tail as he flopped onto his side and back so you can scratch his belly.

“Look at you.” you smiled as you did just like he wanted to. 

“Pike!” came a yell that surprised you as the black dog ran to the man. “I’m sorry, Miss. He’s just-”

“Oh, no I love dogs, I was the one who walked up to him, so his name is Pike? My name is Y/N, I just moved in.”

“Yes, I heard about you, name’s Joe.”

“Nice to meet you.” you smiled and the man and his dog walked away into the store. You followed them as you did want to check out what the store had. 

You looked around for a bit before you walked out and continued with your walk.

You met a couple people, introduced yourself and everyone was super kind.

Which made you suspicious. Even the best places had one bad egg in them. On your way back home, you walked next to the store as you heard Pike barking and saw a lady standing there.

She wasn’t pleased in the least. 

There it was, the one bad egg. She didn’t even look at you as she walked past but you turned to follow her with your eyes. You saw Joe on the porch next to a man.

“I knew it! Even in the most wonderful places, in the kindest communities, there is always one.”

Joe smiled at you. This is when you looked at the man next to Joe, holding his cup. He was the Sheriff. 

“Nice to meet you, Sheriff, I’m the new resident, Y/N.” you smiled and he did the same.

“Nice to see some new faces around. So, you work at the school or the church?”

“You have a church?” you might have missed that. “None actually, I work remotely I’m a… I work as a data analyst. So, they allowed me to work from wherever.”

“My name is Hassan, but please call me Sheriff, I didn’t work for the title for nothing.” he smiled.

“Will do, Sheriff. Thank you. I’ll go now, have a nice day.” you waved the two men goodbye before walking home.

You felt the eyes on your back, but you just kept walking.

“She’s the one, Sheriff.” Joe said as he elbowed Hassan in the ribs. “You have those eyes.”

“Go home Joe, you’re drunk.” Hassan said as he walked back into his office, Joe might have been drunk, but he didn’t lie.

The next couple of days you spent mainly in your home. You occasionally made your way to the store to grab some food but you focused on getting your home ready before you needed to go back to work. 

Your home was small, but you made it feel cosy and safe.

One evening, you woke up from a nightmare, you sat up in your bed and you looked at your hands. 

You felt like a child who got scared of the dark, but you genuinely felt scared.

You stood up and walked to the kitchen, all lights on, as you poured a drink and then you felt it like a presence was there with you. But it wasn’t a bad presence, it was a nice calming one.

You looked at your main entrance door before you walked and opened it.

You saw him outside, he looked at you and just like a teen caught in something they shouldn’t be doing he looked at the floor before he cleared his throat.


“Are you okay? I just-I saw the lights on and I just wanted to be sure.”

“Oh, the lights.” no he didn’t, he didn’t even live close to you and why does he have only his pyjama on with… was he barefoot? “I’m okay, thank you, I just woke up and I needed a drink.”

“If you need something, let me know okay? You know my number right?”

You did, he gave it to you a couple days ago while you were shopping.

“I-I do. Thank you.” you turned to head inside but quickly turned back to see him standing in the same position. “Good night, Sheriff.”

“Good night.” his smile, was so sweet, it immediately made you feel better.

That night, you had no more nightmares.

Soon, you found the church and the Father. You weren’t religious so you didn’t even attend any of their gatherings, but you did like to attend a nice get-together that the people were throwing.

Everyone brought food, it was a good time.

You were playing with Pike throwing a ball as he caught it when you saw his bowl, it was filled with food. You decided to give it to him, or you would have if you didn’t notice the white powder on the meat.

Pike barked at you for taking the food from him but you looked at Joe. As if he understood, soon the Sheriff arrived by your side.

“I-Who-Did you see who put this together for him?” you asked Joe who shook his head, he was already tipsy. You turned and looked at the Sheriff. “It’s poisoned.”

He looked at the bowl in your hand then at you. “How can you be sure?” he saw the powder, but how would you know?

“Where I’m from this is how they killed rats. Put food out and poisoned the food, the food would have this smell, like iron, and I-I think it was Bev. I know you cannot do anything about her but… She won’t stop.”

Hassan nodded and took the bowl from your hand, he washed the bowl out. He needed to figure something out. 

You looked at her, she was staring at you, watching you.

“Bitch.” you said under your breath before you moved to get a bowl of water for Pike.

“That was really smart of you.” Hassan said as he put his hands into his pockets, he was walking you home as it was now quite late.

“I never thought she would actually try to kill that dog because he barks at her? Who the hell does she think she is?”

“She’s not the nicest person that’s for sure.”

“And to…to use the Bible as a reasoning… she is just disgusting.”

“You really don’t like her do you?”

“She’s the only person who looks at me the way-the way people looked at me back there.”

“What do you mean?”

“You wouldn’t get it. Some people think an unmated Omega at my age is disgusting, they look down on us. She looks at me just like every Beta used to.”

“Don’t let her ruin your life here. You said you enjoy living here.”

“And I do. I won’t let a miserable Beta ruin my life just because she doesn’t have a mate.”

“She might be jealous of you.” you laughed a little.

“Why would she? In her mind, she’s perfection.”

“She’s not, not even close and she knows it. She’s jealous because a beautiful independent woman who’s not afraid to speak her mind moved here.”

“So, you think I’m beautiful?”

“And independent. For an Omega that must be hard.” the way he said that word, it did things to you. Made your legs go weak.

“It is hard.” you arrived at your home. “Thank you for walking me home. Have a good night, Sheriff.”

“Hassan, call me Hassan, please.” you smiled.

“Sure. Good night Hassan.”

“Good night.”

You gave him a small wave before you entered your home, you had this feeling in your belly, it was amazing, exciting.

Almost every day, you took your suppressants lately. You felt your heat was near and the Island had many unmated Alphas, you wouldn’t want to give them a reason to break down your window. 

Thankfully, you started to be more efficient at work, so your boss was extremely pleased with that.

One morning, when you opened your pills bottle, you noticed it was the last one, you knew Dr Gunning have to have some so, you decided to head over.

“Hi,” you smiled kindly at the doctor. “I’m not sure if I should be here, but I need some suppressants. Can you-?”

“Oh, yes. I do have some. I order more since you will likely need them regularly, which brand do you usually get?”

You told her everything, from brand to your usual amounts.

“Maybe you should try a different kind, this one is the latest, same price as the one you used to use, but the one that you had is actually not good. I read a lot about it when I was learning and I found that that kind actually suppresses even your connection and instincts. You might have already met your mate and you don’t even know because of the pills.”

“Oh, okay, I’m fine with taking a new one, would changing have any effects?”

“They might so I suggest you stay home for a couple of days, but believe me you’ll be okay. You might feel a bit tired and you might have these urges, but once your body gets used to the new pills, you’ll be all good. Give it a week.”

Sarah was always so kind, even when you moved in and you met her for the first time, she was a very strong Alpha. After taking the pills and writing down all her suggestions, off you went, you needed dinner after all.

You headed to the store where you met Hassan.

“Trying to decide whether to have rice or pasta?” you smiled as he took a couple steps closer.

“It will always be pasta. I’m not sure what to put on it though.”

“Why don’t you invite me over and we can cook my speciality?”

“Oh, and what would that be?”

“It’s a family secret recipe. My grandma gave it to me.”

“How about I cook this time and next time you invite me and cook your secret little meal?”

Hassan smiled. “Sure.”

“I’ll wait for you then. Don’t be late, Hassan.”

And he definitely wasn’t late, he knocked on your door, wearing a deep red button-up shirt, sleeves rolled up. It made you wonder if he changed after his shift.

He even bought a bottle of red wine with him.

The evening was perfect. You felt like you found a friend. Little did you know Hassan had deeper feelings for you.

Throughout the next couple of days, you started to feel the changes of your new meds.

For sure you understood now what she meant. Never before did you smell others, and now you did. You could smell everyone’s odour, Sarah smelt like a flower, and Joe reeked of alcohol but under all that he had a husky smell, like firewood. Bev smelt like lemon and like the poison she put in Pike’s food.

And Hassan, he smelt the best. He was very strange, he smelt like the sweetest cake you ever smelt but at the same time he smelt masculine, he was confusing you for sure.

You also wondered what you smelt like, you noticed as you walked around the Island more and more people turned around as you passed. 

After your usual little walk, you headed home, only to find Hassan knocking on your front door.

“Oh, can I help you?” you asked and he turned around, offering you a smile. “What’s wrong?” somehow you knew he wasn’t there to give you good news.

“Bev wanted to call everyone in for a meeting. She wants to talk about you.”

“About me?” you were confused.

“Yes, so she has been talking to people, and she’s not happy with you. That’s all she told me.”

“That snake! I knew she would try something but this is just ridiculous." 

"I agree, but it’s what the people want aparently. She said tonight at St. Patrick’s.” you made a face and Hassan let out a small laugh. “I agree with you, but people actually like you, I don’t know what she said to them but you can convince everyone, they’ll be on your side." 

"I hope you are right." 

You spent the rest of the afternoon screaming at yourself and trying to calm down. Whatever she wanted, she won’t get.

When you left your home, Hassan was standing there.

"Hi again, I-I came to walk you there.” you smiled. whenever you saw him you felt safe.

The two of you walked and you were surprised how many people actually came, so many that most had to stand, as there were no more places on the benches.

“Good evening everyone.” the sour smell and Bev arrived. “I think we all know why we are here. We are here to talk about our newest addition to the Island. When she moved here I was so happy to see a new face, so glad to meet with a new child of God. But as she arrived so did the problems. I think we are all aware that she is an Omega, which-there is nothing wrong with that, God loves all his children the same. But it is shameful what she’s doing! Every afternoon, she walks around the Island, without any purpose, just so we all can smell her! It is just unnecessary to rub into, think of the children, many of them are Alphas and her scent is just… inviting to them. So, I decided, for the children, I’ll call this meeting as we, as a community, will need to find a solution to this problem.”

As she was speaking, you felt like you were back. Back before you moved here, people hated you because of your biology, people hated you for no real reason. And you knew if all people wanted you gone, you’ll have to leave.

That made you want to suffocate, just when you thought you found a place to live.

You heard your name being called by Hassan as you looked around many people were watching you.

“Please, say something.” said Beverly. You stood up, smoothing your shirt out as you stood next to Beverly.

“I-It was never my intention to walk around for people to smell me. I never even knew I had one. I was only taking walks after work to clear my head and to play with Pike. Please believe me when I say I mean no harm, I love living here and I don’t want to leave, but if you all want me to-”

“Actually,” someone at the back spoke up, it was the major. He took a step forward and everyone was looking at him. “We decided to come here to ask Bev not to bother us with you anymore. I think I speak for everyone when I say, we absolutely like you Y/N, we do not mind you walking around, you helped me the other day when my window was about to smash. You are kind and we know the children, even if they are Alphas, do not see you in that way.” everyone around you nodded, and you were shocked.

“But-Mr Mayor!” Bev tried to talk but he didn’t let her.

“We listened to you since she moved here, even before she did. We do not want to get ‘rid’ of her, we do not want her to move away, if you have problems with her Beverly, I suggest either you move or keep it to yourself.”

“But she’s doing this on purpose! I have seen her with the Sheriff, inviting him into her bed!”

“It is none of your business what people do or who do they invite over.” you said, now with more confidence seeing as everyone was on your side. 

Beverly stormed out of the church, leaving you just standing there as people started to leave.

“Thank you! Thank you all!” you said as everyone smiled and nodded at you.

Yes, you felt at home.

“That was not what I expected.” you looked at Hassan.

“I told you, people like you.”

You hummed, “I have a long meeting tomorrow so if you don’t mind, I’ll-”

“No problem, at all, really. You go and sleep, I’ll have to check Joe.”

“How’s he lately? He is a lot soberer.”

“He is. He said he stopped drinking.”

“Good for him!” you smiled and so did he before you arrived in front of your house. “Sorry, but today I won’t be able to invite you into my bed.” you laughed and so did Hassan but you also saw in his eyes something else.

“Have a good night, Y/N.”

“You too, Hassan, see you tomorrow.”

The next couple of months went on as usual. 

Bev still spits fire at you with every word and with every look she gave you, but you didn’t mind. 

You were at work when you saw an ad pop up, it had a back garden fully furnished. You really liked the aesthetics, so you decided to order the furniture only to get a reminder that they do not deliver to your address.

“So, the cute desk I had my eyes on…”

“We could go to the mainland.”

“When? You are the only police on the entire Island.”

“Well, I do have a day off, so let’s go on Friday.”

It was a date.

Well, you said date but not really a date.

You were sitting outside on your porch, enjoying your new furniture as you sipped your tea while a slight rain was falling. 

These were the days. The best days, some people left the island to attend a celebration on the mainland. You felt like it was only you, Joe, Pike and Hassan on the entire Island. 

Everyone around your house left, enjoying their time as you did yours.

If it wasn’t for your heat to arrive, even if the pills you took did manage to keep it down a little, you were still in a bit of pain. As you felt a particular wave coming, you locked your back door and went into your nest, you had a comfortable pillow to hold. 

You were always surprised that you could fall asleep while being in pain.

It was the life of an Omega.

You suddenly woke up to loud noise, it made you jump.

“Y/N?!” with your mind still foggy from sleep, you didn’t register who it was until you turned your lights on as you rushed to the livingroom.

Only to find a very worried smelling Hassan.

“Hassan! What are you-”

“I felt you being in pain! I thought someone got it and hurt you! Are you okay?” he rushed over to you so quickly, you almost got whiplash.

“I’m fine Hassan, I’m good I took my pills and- did you break down my door?" 

"Oh, I didn't mean to.”

An awkward silence followed. You only now realized what he said, he said he felt you being in pain. Like a cold bucket of water, suddenly you realized just how stupid you were.

Hassan, felt you being in pain, he always knew how to calm you, he… he was your mate. 

And there you were, thinking he was only friendly.

“Are you okay?” his voice broke the silence.

“I’m stupid. I’m so stupid Hassan, I’m so sorry.” you hugged him, and he moved his arms around you. Finally being in his arms, was like finding the last piece of the puzzle.

“Did you finally realize?” he felt you nod against his chest. “I felt it the second we met. It was difficult to hold back, but I know that you would have been scared if I told you. When you told me about the new pills and the effects you were having.”

“Those weren’t side effects.” you said realizing just how blind you were. “The warm feeling and sweet smell, that was you.”

“Yes, Darling.” he smiled as he placed a kiss on top of your head.

“I was so stupid Hassan, I’m so sorry.” you squeezed him tighter in your arms, hoping that would make him not hate you. “I was stupid and I made you miserable.” you felt so stupid, how could you just ignore his feelings like that? How could you be so selfish?

“It was worth the wait.” he said as he buried his nose into your neck, smelling you, making sure to leave his scent behind so others would know you are his. But it was just the nature of an Alpha.


He wanted the entire Island and World to know just who you belonged to.

You belonged to him.

You were his Omega and he was yours.

“Are you scared?” he asked as he sensed something.

“No. I’m nervous, I wanted you to stay the night. Stay your entire life as well, please.” you still didn’t feel better that you completely ignored his feelings for you for many months, but he didn’t seem angry, he didn’t smell angry or disappointed. 

“I’m yours and you are mine, you are my Omega.” you pulled him down by grabbing his collar and you kissed him on the lips.

He tasted even better, like honey, you were sure you’ll be addicted in a couple of seconds. You felt his arms on your hips, pulling you closer to him, if that was even possible, as he deepened the kiss by using his tongue. Your sweet, innocent little kiss turned into a make-out session very quickly.

“We don’t-We can wait, I would never rush you.” his words made you melt on the inside as you slowly started to pull him to your bedroom.

“Let’s just sleep in my nest.” you said after you finally calmed down a little, still tasting him on your lips but you tried your best to keep a straight face.

“Are you sure? I know its sacred to you.” and in the meantime, there he was, worried that he would do something to scare you. Just how sweet was that man?

“It is, and so are you, which is why I need you to sleep there with me, Hassan.” It wasn’t unusual for mates to sleep in the same nest during an Omega’s heat. It was unusual for you to sleep in your nest with an Alpha. But you knew that your heat might peak at any moment and from then on, you wouldn’t have control, but for some reason, you really wanted to be held by him, and just that. 

You wanted him to hold you for tonight, you wanted him to hold you for your entire life.

And for now, that was more than enough for both of you.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​@liveforkarljacobs​​​​​​


