#omg this is so late im so sorry love




Of course he had followed Luxe closely since their debut, and of course he knew the members when he saw one. They were not his favourite girl group for nothing after all. What had started as him waiting for his brother to show up in the Royal cafe to dump one of these stupid flyers on him (it counted right? Even though they lived in the same house?) turned into a fateful encounter as none other than the leader of Luxe stepped in and made his jaw drop to the table. Honestly he had thought himself having the luck of a lifetime when he get to see her and work with her up close during the MGAs last year, and thus he had never expected to see her again. The young fan felt like he could cry from joy right there and then, but he managed to hold it in and sprint up to her.

“Sunbaenim!” he called out hoping he wouldn’t get pushed away by the guards immediately. “I don’t think you remember me but I’m Daehwi, you coached and helped me once! I’m sure it’s thanks to you that I’m where I am today so can you please take this?!” With those words, his body bent into a deep bow as he shakily from nerves held out one of the flyers for her to take. For his next request however, he became strangely bashful, not knowing how to convey his feelings. “And… I-if you can, then maybe a sign…”

﹡     ━━    she was running late – something that she hadn’t done since her first week at royal all those years ago. even though it was a customary vocal lesson, naeun still hadn’t making coach choi wait for her – especially when she had been the one to set up the appointment. having gotten to the company building in the middle of the day – her manager had been by her side in case fans got too close, something she was grateful to. ever since news of her being casted in the new drama alongside kim soohyun, she’d been seeing more people follow after her than usual.

just as she was about to pass the threshold from the cafe ( she couldn’t help herself from grabbing a bite of one of the bowls – yena had gotten her hooked ever since the first time they had come here ) but she hears a familiar voice propel her backwards – head turning at the sound of a call. she feels her eyes narrow as she tries to put a name to the face before realization sets and a grin immediately warps along her lips, happily. “ah, daehwi-ssi, right?” her hands clap joyfully before setting a touch to her manager’s shoulder to allow the younger to pass by. “it’s been so long, how are you?” 

she watches as the other passes a paper her way – eyes widening at just what was written on the paper. it was laughable. a recruitment flyer from sphere – for her? a royal idol? “ah, are you here to poach me out of royal’s hands?” she laughs before shaking her head ; his second request has her giggling once more before nodding. “of course, i’ll take any request from a former pupil!” manager kyu is at the ready with a pen, passing it over to her so she could sign the paper with her signature. although a clumsy signature, she hoped it was good enough ( she was still trying to work on her signature ) for daehwi. “here you go – i hope this is alright!”
