



The thing about being a trainee at the same time as being a student was that sometimes he had special permission to skip school to go to the company instead as long as his grades weren’t suffering from it. That was all fine and all except for one thing – Daehwi had never been particularly good at studying when it came to anything but languages and right now most of his grades were in the red. The school term about to end and a month left until the start of summer vacation didn’t help on his teacher’s pressuring him and threatening him with summer detention and extra homework and whatnot (were they even allowed to do such things?!).

Either way school right now was hell, and considering he hadn’t done any of his homework for today, a day that wasn’t a day off, he had decided on a very clever tactical retreat and steered from his path to school to go to Nova’s main building and join the daily training instead.

Except he never got that far. On his way to a public park to change out of his uniform as to not rise suspicion for not being in school, he encountered another young boy who was obviously a student from a simple glance at his clothes. It wasn’t so much an encounter as it was the guy almost throwing breadcrumbs at him instead of the birds jumping around not too far away. “Hey, what was that for!” Daehwi complained and continued: “shouldn’t you be in school and not out here feeding birds?!” Pot calling the kettle black?

hyeongjun is no bad boy, you can easily tell that by looking at his cute face, he’s that type of guy who barely knows was ‘bad’ means. hence it’s quite weird how he ended up in this situation… suddenly he? cute best boy hyeongjun ends up at not school when he should be at school. he’s not too sure how it happened, but suddenly as he was in school he decided he didn’t want to be in school, so he just… he just left. he’s sure someone if not everybody noticed, he’s not exactly invincible at school, even though he wouldn’t like to admit it he’s probably popular. but he’ll answer their questions about where he had gone tomorrow, today he just wants to relax.

and how does the boy relax? by going out to feed animals of course, hyeongjun is an animal lover, he’s quite fond of animals, and one of his hobbies is feeding whatever animals he finds, the most usual one he feeds are the ones at the park. and those at the park? they’re birds, hence he was throwing bread at the birds. but just as he was throwing bread at the birds he got lost in his mind, suddenly he began thinking about the date he and beomgyu had agreed on. and before he knew of it, he was throwing bread at a stranger.

immediately a red tone caught his cheeks, oh my god, what was he doing? at first he wanted to bow and apologize, but then the other asked what he was doing at not school. the male looked at the other, but they weren’t at school neither, were they? “hey!” he said throwing another piece of bread on the other “what are you doing here? shouldn’t you be at school” he pouted as his face cutely turned into an angry expression.



The thing about being who he was, was that sometimes Daehwi abandoned projects in the middle of everything. Maybe he got bored, maybe something else caught his attention. Maybe he remembered he had to do something somewhere else. There could be many reasons for unfinished work, especially when it came to chores, homework and other stuff that seemed bothersome. But after locating a stack of papers in the corner of his room, long forgotten, Daehwi had realised he had forgotten something he probably shouldn’t have. Thus it was out with him again, into the hot streets of Seoul to pass out flyers that were probably outdated by now.

Stopping a tall woman in her tracks, he held out the slip of paper. “Here! Can you please take this?!” he asked with enthusiasm in his voice, but begging in his words. “I need to get rid of these or I’m pretty sure someone is going to get mad at me at some point!”

            ⁺     she skids to a stop just short of the male  –  feet almost toppling over one another as she stares incredulously at the stranger. she could feel the irritation burn against her eyelids as she refrained from rolling her eyes – did she look like a human recycling bin? as she’s passed a piece of paper. was it so important that he had to stop her in the middle of her strut  –  she was sure she was just in the middle of her one-two-step-ciara beat! but she breathes out slowly, trying to rid herself of that negative energy.

he seemed harmless,innoncent, even, and stressed – if anything – and it wouldn’t do jieqiong any good to start a crowd of onlookers over someone random nobody who had gotten on her bad side today. technically, he wasn’t doing anything wrong except invading her personal space and breathing her air – but those were mere details that he probably didn’t care about like she. 

–   “yeah, uh … sure.” she presses her lips together as she turns curtly to the side to evade him, about to crumple the piece of paper and properly dispose of it in the nearest trash can because hello, littering was so b.c. era  –  but the name on the flyer stops her dead in her tracks. “what the hell?

nova entertainment? oh, i’ll be damned – so maybe that kid wasn’t a nobody like she thought. with that in mind, she carefully folds the flyer before pocketing it for good luck. who knows, maybe the kid’s luck would rub off on her. 

know your name



Choi Beomgyu was never one to stray away from strangers. He had been warned about ‘stranger danger’ countless times and yet Beomgyu never listened. In fact, he loved meeting strangers. Which is why he had helped organise this meet up. Beomgyu’s best friend Soobin was famous on tiktok and he had introduced Beomgyu to a number of people, Eric included.

It had started as a friendly, innocent discussion between newly formed friends over girl groups and dancing and it had somehow led to a meetup on a warm, summer day at an ice-cream shop. The high schooler shoveled his spoon in his mouth and held it there, savouring the flavour while playing with the spoon in between his teeth. The trio had a lot in common and had similar interests which only made Beomgyu happier. He had new friends.

❝ That’s a good name, hyung, but like what about, you ready? ❞he paused for dramatic effect.❝ Acute Triangle? ❞ He moved his hands dramatically as he said the name and then laughed.❝ Get it? ‘Cause we’re all cute and there’s three of us which is like a triangle. ❞He smiled proudly. To him, it was the best damn name ever.


One suggestion simply made him raise his eyebrow whilst the other made him click his tongue. These guys weren’t even trying, were they? Admittedly Beomgyu had a point with his commentary, but Eric was the most concerning one. “So depressing! At least call us terrific or something!” Using his spoon to still point rudely at his seniors Daehwi showed no remorse with his actions.

“You both suck at this, don’t you?” he grimaced, offering no mercy whatsoever. “I mean at least Beomgyu hyung is more creative with the whole playing with words, and he’s not wrong.” They all were pretty darned cute, but of course Daehwi was the cutest amongst them.

Honestly he was probably no better himself if he didn’t give this some serious thought, and it seemed like he couldn’t just spit out some random name like ‘the musketeers’ because there were three of them or something like that even though in his humblest opinion that was still better than any suggestion so far. Taking another bite of his ice cream he sucked a bit on his spoon before it was yet again used to point with. “Guys! Oh my god I’m totally brilliant!” After such a declaration one would expect his suggestion to be nothing short of amazing (or to fall completely flat on the ground). “Like, you know how we’re new stars forming or something like that yeah? You all know what a nebula is?”

eric isn’t going to argue when daehwi says they suck at naming things - in his case he’s entirely correct, eric’s never had much luck in naming things. he laughs, though, shrugging, as he knows he’s horrible at this, and isn’t all that worried since he’s got faith in daehwi that he’ll offer up a great idea. he can’t just go and berate eric and beomgyu’s efforts and then not offer up something far better, right?

“that’s pretty smart, actually.” he chuckles in response to beomgyu’s suggestion, noting that they are, in fact, pretty cute. he’d like to think of himself as more manly though (whether he is or not - not being the more believable of the two). however, when daehwi bursts out with his claim of being brilliant, eric looks at him, waiting for his amazing idea expectantly. when he finally unveils it, ‘nebula’, eric hums, slowly nodding, eyes squinting as he thinks about it. 

then, pulling his spoon from his mouth with a slight pop he nods firmly. “i like it! much better than the terrible trio, i’ll admit.” though he pretends to be slightly wounded by the admission that his suggestion was awful. “i like space stuff!” spooning more ice cream into his mouth he tilts his head and looks to beomgyu. “what do you think? you like it? honestly, i think it might be the best we’re going to get.” 



Of course he had followed Luxe closely since their debut, and of course he knew the members when he saw one. They were not his favourite girl group for nothing after all. What had started as him waiting for his brother to show up in the Royal cafe to dump one of these stupid flyers on him (it counted right? Even though they lived in the same house?) turned into a fateful encounter as none other than the leader of Luxe stepped in and made his jaw drop to the table. Honestly he had thought himself having the luck of a lifetime when he get to see her and work with her up close during the MGAs last year, and thus he had never expected to see her again. The young fan felt like he could cry from joy right there and then, but he managed to hold it in and sprint up to her.

“Sunbaenim!” he called out hoping he wouldn’t get pushed away by the guards immediately. “I don’t think you remember me but I’m Daehwi, you coached and helped me once! I’m sure it’s thanks to you that I’m where I am today so can you please take this?!” With those words, his body bent into a deep bow as he shakily from nerves held out one of the flyers for her to take. For his next request however, he became strangely bashful, not knowing how to convey his feelings. “And… I-if you can, then maybe a sign…”

﹡     ━━    she was running late – something that she hadn’t done since her first week at royal all those years ago. even though it was a customary vocal lesson, naeun still hadn’t making coach choi wait for her – especially when she had been the one to set up the appointment. having gotten to the company building in the middle of the day – her manager had been by her side in case fans got too close, something she was grateful to. ever since news of her being casted in the new drama alongside kim soohyun, she’d been seeing more people follow after her than usual.

just as she was about to pass the threshold from the cafe ( she couldn’t help herself from grabbing a bite of one of the bowls – yena had gotten her hooked ever since the first time they had come here ) but she hears a familiar voice propel her backwards – head turning at the sound of a call. she feels her eyes narrow as she tries to put a name to the face before realization sets and a grin immediately warps along her lips, happily. “ah, daehwi-ssi, right?” her hands clap joyfully before setting a touch to her manager’s shoulder to allow the younger to pass by. “it’s been so long, how are you?” 

she watches as the other passes a paper her way – eyes widening at just what was written on the paper. it was laughable. a recruitment flyer from sphere – for her? a royal idol? “ah, are you here to poach me out of royal’s hands?” she laughs before shaking her head ; his second request has her giggling once more before nodding. “of course, i’ll take any request from a former pupil!” manager kyu is at the ready with a pen, passing it over to her so she could sign the paper with her signature. although a clumsy signature, she hoped it was good enough ( she was still trying to work on her signature ) for daehwi. “here you go – i hope this is alright!”
