#omg this is so sweet



Mini Fanfic #927: Snow Chameleon (Sonic)

1:34 p.m. Outside of The Rabbits and Chaotix’s Household……..

Charmy: (Adjusting the “Snowman” In Front of him) Add a few more buttons down here aaaaaaand….(Gets Back Up on his Feet With a Bright Smile on his Face) Vola! You’re 80% close to completion, Espio!

Espio: (Gives Charmy a Deadpinned Look on his Face While Having hs Body Inside of the Snowman’s Body) So this is my punishment for losing a round or two of the game to you?

Charmy: That’s right. (Starts Smirking Confidently) And I must say that you are looking mighty good as a Snow Chameleon right now.

Espio: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Snow Chameleon?

Charmy: Yeah, you know? Half Chameleon, Half Snowman? It’s a completely original concept I made up last night.

Espio: I see……(‘Sigh’) Still, I’ll admit that your skills in the Naruto Ultimate game are worth the praise. At least compared to mine poor attempts….

Charmy: Well, not to brag or anything, but I’m a pretty quick learner when comes to these types of games. I can teach ya a thing or two if you want.

Espio: I have been wanting to improve my skills in video games for a while now….(Simply Nodded) Very well. I accept your offer.

Charmy: (Smiles Brightly) Sweet! (Points at Himself With Confidents in his Eyes) With your Charmy Sensei’s guidance, you’ll be a pro gamer in no time!

Espio: (Raised an Eyebrow) Charmy-Sensei?

Charmy: Yep. I thought about that one last night too! You like?

Espio: It’s….. something. Just don’t expect me to call you that too often.

Charmy: (Shrugs) Sounds good to me.

'Doors Open’

Cream: (Happily Rushes Out of the House With Cheese Floating Next to Her) Boys!~ We’re back!~

Cheese: (Holds a Hat and Scarf in his Hands) Chao Chao Chao!~

Cream: We don’t have a top hat of our own in the house just yet, but we did found this very lovely summer hat for you to wear instead.

Cheese: Chao Chao. (Starts Putting the Hat on Espio’s Head Before Wrapping the Scarf Around Him) Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao.

Cream: Awwwww~ (Pulls a Mirror Handle in Front of Espio) We told you that you would make a pretty Snow Chameleon, Espio~

Cheese: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Chao Chao.

Espio: (Takes a Look in the Mirror of Himself) Hm….I do look fairly good in this unusual style. (Turns to the Duo) You did well, you two. I would pat your heads if my hands weren’t buried already in this body of snow.

Cream: (Giggles Softly) It’s quite already, Espio. But now that mentioned it, how are you doing in there? Are you feeling cold and shivery in anyway?

Espio: A little, but not too much for me to develop a cold. I’ll be just, Cream.

Cream: ('Sigh’) Alright….if you insist. (Gives Espio a Firm, (Cute) Pouty Look on her Face) But be sure to come out of there if you do, okay?

Espio: (Chuckles Very Lightly While Nodding in Agreement) Roger that.

Vanilla: Kids! (Walks Out of the House Along With Vector) Your Hot Cocos are ready!~

Vector: Yeah and what’s with the opened doo- (Eyes Widened While Hearing Vanilla’s Gasps at What is in Front of the Two of Them) No way…..

Espio: (Turns to the Surprised Couple) Ah. Vector, mother, fancy seeing you here. I would wave hello, but…. you know.

Charmy: We gotcha, buddy! (Moves One of the Wooden Hands Up and Down While Cream Does the Same)

Espio: ('Sigh’) Wasn’t really necessary to begin with, but thanks anyways, you two….

Vanilla: (Immediately Puts on a Motherly Glare While Placing her Hands on her Hips) Cheese Rabbit, Charmy Bee, and Cream Annabelle Rabbit! Why on Green Earth is your brother inside that body of snow!?

Vector: (Already Snickering) Yeah and why does he look like he’s about to take a vacation trip to the Bahamas or something? Hey, you need your sunglasses there, Frosty?

Cream: You like? Espio is playing the role of our brave Snow Chameleon.

Charmy: (Starts Smirking Again) This was after I beat him in a few games of Naruto with my pro gaming skills.

Vector: Espio the Snow Chameleon, huh? (Snickers Again) Nice.

Vanilla: (Turns to her Boyfriend With a Pout) Vector!

Vector: (Chuckles Lightly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Sorry, sorry. I know we’re supposed to take this seriously and all, but you gotta admit, he kinda looks hilarious as a snowman, you know?

Vanilla: (Place her Elbow on her Other Arm and Hand on her Chin in an Unsure Fashion) Mmrm….Well, he does look a tad bit silly…..(Turns Espio) Espio, are you sure you’re going to be okay in there? I know you’re mostly cold-blooded and everything, but-

Espio: You have nothing to fear here, mother. I may not have much movement in the schemeof things, but I can assure that as I keep my balance, I’ll be just fine- (Suddenly Falls Face Down on the Snowy Ground Down Along With the Body of Snow)


Espio: ('Groans in a Bit of Pain and Coldness’)

Vector/Cream/Charmy/Cheese: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock and Horror) ('GASPS’) ESPIO!/CHAO CHAO!!

Vanilla:MY BABY!!!!

Few Minutes Later in Espio’s Room…….

Espio: (Covered Up in the Bed With a Wrapped Warm Towel On the Top of his Forehead) Ah..Ah….AHHHHH CHOO! (Sneezes on a Hanker Chift With a Sigh) Note to mental self: Never accept a challenge from Charmy. Or from anyone else for that matter…..

Vanilla: (Walks in the Room While Hold a Food Tray in her Hand) We made you a bowl of chicken noodles soup, sweetie.

Cream: (Follows Behind her and Everyone Else With a Cup of Hot Coco) And we reheated your Hot Coco for you.

Cheese: Chao Chao Chao.

Espio: (Gently Receives the Cup of Hot Coco From Cream’s Hand Before Taking a Sip of It) ('Sigh’) As refreshing as always….

Vector: How you holding up there, champ?

Espio: The warmth and recovery is going smoothly thanks to your efforts. I apologize for giving you all a scare earlier.

Vanilla: (Smiles Softly) There’s no need for you to apologize, honey. (Takes the Warm Towel Away from Espio’s Forehead) As long as you’re in here safe and sound, then that’s all it really matters. (Kiss the Top of Espio’s Forehead) But I really wished you didn’t agree to be in the snowman earlier. Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?

Espio: Yes, but….to be frank, it’s not the worst cold related scenario I’ve been through so far.

Everyone: It wasn’t?/ Chao Chao Chao?

Espio: Nope. (Smiles a bit Sheepishly) Oddly enough, when I was a lot younger, it was first time I learned the essence of meditation. So naturally, I decided to meditate in various surroundings: on top trees, during rainy, sometimes snowy days, I even tried meditating under a cold waterfall once.

Cream/Cheese: (Eyes Widened in Awe) Woooooah……

Charmy: Sick!

Vector: Sheesh, Espio. I know that you wanna be a ninja and all, but did you had to take drastic measures like that?

Espio: You’d be surprised how careless and reckless I was in my younger years. (Takes Another Sip of his Coco)

Vanilla: (Already Gives Espio a Pout, Disappointed Look on her Face While Mumbling)

Espio: (Eyes Widened at the Sight of his Mother’s Stare) B-But rest assured! Master has already scolded and disciplined me during those times. So there’s really no need for you to worry, mother.

Vanilla: (Stares at Espio For a Brief Second Before Sighing in a Bit of Defeat) I’ll take your word for it. Just promise me you won’t do something like that anymore, okay? (Turns to Three of Her Other Children) That goes for the three of you as well.

Vector: (Turns to the Trio While Crossing his Arms) Yeah, it’s all fun and games until one of you ends up getting hurt or sick. So, no more of that, alright?

Cream: Yes, Mom and Mr. Vector.

Cheese: Chao Chao.

Charmy: ('Sigh’) We’ll try to be more responsible next time…..Unless….

Everyone: CHARMY!

Charmy: I’m joking! I’m joking! I promise I won’t do anything like that again!

Vanilla: Thank you.

Story Idea Inspired by the Talented @rechicken-and-waffles






