
Merry Christmas @onceuponabluemoonSummary: Just your good ol’ Safe Haven AU, it’s the GlMerry Christmas @onceuponabluemoonSummary: Just your good ol’ Safe Haven AU, it’s the GlMerry Christmas @onceuponabluemoonSummary: Just your good ol’ Safe Haven AU, it’s the Gl

Merry Christmas @onceuponabluemoon

Summary: Just your good ol’ Safe Haven AU, it’s the Gladers’ first winter on the island so everyone is staying warm by the fire and playing music to celebrate a concept from the Old World called “Christmas”. Good things happened and mistakes were made that night.

Message to giftee: Hey Saph, merry christmas!! This gift kind of went all over the place but I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed working on it <3

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