#one piece fanfiction



Secret Santa Gift for the lovely @soultronicafrom@codedredalert Patreon Secret Santa!

The prompt was History Professor AU Nico Robin; I hope you like what I came up with.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

When Nico Robin was a young girl, books had been her happy place. Books always gave. Books never demanded from her. No book made her work her hands bloody around the house. Books did not chastise or harm her. Books only welcomed her home, bringing her comfort when nothing else did.

Books would have followed her into death. So, it was only appropriate that they would follow her into life, too.


mozuku seaweed and rice
gen, set nebulously post-wano, Sanji and Jimbe-centric
for@creepysora, Merry Christmas my friend

The clock inched closer to midnight. Every dish was clean, the next morning’s breakfast prepped, Sanji’s domain put back in order. He sat hunched under the light of a single candle as he scratched out the week’s menu. His toes tapped in time with the ticking seconds, humming a tuneless song while the waves rocked back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

His stocks were still in chaos after Luffy’s disastrous attempts at playing chef. There just hadn’t been time to replenish anything but the basics. At least his captain hadn’t touched their wine collection, and Sanji poured himself a glass of rosé as he lit a cigarette with the flickering flame of the candle.

As Sanji exhaled a ring of smoke, the door to the galley opened. He looked up just long enough to see Jimbe’s hulking frame duck under the doorway before returning to his menu.

“Hungry?” he asked.

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It was impossible for me to NOT draw something based off @sashi-ya’s lovely Fire Festivalficfrom her Cherry Blossoms over Wanoevent.
(which I personally asked)

Undercover Sabo winning a dragon plushie for (me)the reader was something that killed my heart with fluffiness.


➡️Support me on RedBubble!


☕️ Dm me for commissions!  ☕️



This was a fun art trade with the amazing @kwnblack​!!! I love her work and you should most definitely follow her!! She is an amazing and lovely noodle!! 10/10 Sabo approves of Carmen!! I hope you enjoy it, Kwney!! 

As the header suggests, this is NSFW, but very vanilla so no major triggers other than penetration 

Babe Below~!

Keep reading

(brb having a mental breakdown while crying)


➡ nsfw.
Demon! Roronoa Zoro x F! Reader x Sanji ~ Stay Away From The King of Hell ~

Hi guys! I wanted to write a little scenario and I ended up with an nsfw fic including Sanji into a bisexual fantasy Also, my beautiful friend @the-witch-of-one-piece gave me the idea of making these demon! Zoro stories a serie! If you like the idea please tell me so I can keep writing them :3

  • tw: nsfw. Zosan action. dp. dom! demonic! Zoro. Sub! Reader. Sub! Sanji. Zoro is possessed so he will be acting like the devil, don’t expect a romantic fic here :P
  • wc: 3.5k

He hasn’t been the same since Wano. Zoro has changed. None of you dared to say nothing, but every one of you noticed. A growing appetite for red meats… raw red meats. The bloodier, the better. Sanji is not trying to stop him any longer.

“What are we going to do?” every nakama ask when Zoro is taking one of his usual naps. Yet, things have changed there too… He only sleeps during the day and never during the nights.

“(Name), do you have any idea?” Nami asks you because you are Zoro’s predilect nakama. He has a special affinity for you, and you for him. Love? Yeah, maybe you two are in love. But Zoro doesn’t care. He protects you, yes. But he doesn’t care about the tags. Sex? Of course… but not since Wano.

Zoro has been avoiding sleeping next to you, touching, kissing, grazing you. And you been doing the same… all of you have. The image of his transformation still lingers your memories, from dying to that… thing. Feral, drooling, so ready to drink the blood of his enemies. Purple and green, he looked like the King of Hell…

Zoro is the King of Hell.

He grunts during his sleep, who knows against what he is fighting. Is that thing going to sprout from his insides once again? When you are asleep? During the day? During the night?

“You should go and talk to him, (Name)-chwan. You are the one who spoke to him the last time. I’ll be backing you up in case he goes feral” Sanji suggests, and he is right. The only voice able to calm him down was yours.

“Fine” you mumble, not sure. That man right there… is still your lover? Is Roronoa Zoro still? You take a look at his sleeping position against the mast of the Thousand Sunny Go as the Sun slowly hides over the horizon. His jaw tensed, his arms muscles spasming. His nails have grown slightly longer and now are carving in his own palms as he clenches his hands.

He has periods of normality, but usually he isolates himself. Away from you, from your crew. But for how long this situation will go on? It’s time to act.

An icy full moon shines now over a black firmament full of stars, and you, wary walk towards him. He is now awake, hands behind his head, his katanas on his right side (good sign) and steel eye fixed on the moon.

The sound of your steps over the deck alerts him, in a sudden and violent motion he looks at you and you freeze.

His aura it’s perceivable, more than always. Nobody has such an intimidating sight like him, and as now you all know, that aura comes from nothing else than a real demon.

You can feel Sanji’s flames igniting around his ankles at your back, yet he still says nothing. Normally, he would shout at him to stop but not now. The mission consists of talking to Zoro in the most peaceful way possible.

“Why are you coming, (Name)?” Zoro asks, once his sight has returned and fixed into the moon. “I- I miss you, Zoro” you mumble, because you do, and think that if you talk about your feelings he would somehow, treat you kindly.

“I told you not to come closer” Zoro grunts, the veins on his temple growing and pumping. “Oi Marimo…” Sanji grunts back, already losing the little patient he has left. How dare he speak like that to a woman?

“Cook, you too. Please” the green haired samurai says, surprisingly politely and trying to calm himself with all of his strength. Sanji’s brows twitch. That’s not how Zoro would normally talk to him, not even ask something with “please”.

You turn around to look at your blonde nakama, tears are flooding your eyes. “I’m sorry” Sanji mouths, and dares to place one of his hands on your shoulder. Wrong decision.

In less than a second, as fast as possible, even more than Sanji’s super speed, Zoro appears at your back. His eye fixes on Sanji’s hand and then into the blonde’s eye. You stay froze, eyes widened, a cold shiver running through your back. The tingling sound of Zoro’s sharp blades, and the draining effect of Enma could be felt on your and Sanji’s bodies.

You swallow, tilting your head to the side as Zoro’s big, veiny, calloused hand now rests on your free shoulder. Sanji’s blue visible eye holds a flame inside, and you could only think Zoro’s probably too.

“Sanji… why are you touching her?” Zoro whispers, holding a beast about to burst. Both, Sanji and you, gasp to hear Zoro naming him for the very first time. “Zoro… I was just comforting her. She wanted to talk to you, and you pushed her away” Sanji firmly, also naming him, says.

A silence, that seems eternal, you unable to move wait for the inevitable to happen in a matter of seconds. But none of them move, and it seems as if your body was the perfect shield, the only thing that was holding Zoro back.

But you were wrong and in a sudden motion, Zoro’s hand end up under your chin, squeezing your cheeks with his fingers. “You want to fuck her, don’t you?” he asks, completely unexpectedly. Zoro has never ever pronounced the world fuck in front of anybody, and you are sure not even in front of you either.

Sanji gets angrier and angrier, and he knows too well he could handle Zoro in his demon form just fine, but you are in the middle, and he has to protect you. “Marimo, stop this. Let her go, you are hurting her. You know that I’m not attacking you because she is in the middle” he says. “Let her go, now”.

“You haven’t answered yet. You wanna fuck her, Sanji?” Zoro asks again, pronouncing the chef’s name in a rather lustful tone. The green haired demon tilts your head to the side and licks in the most sinful possible way your cheek.

You react to his touch almost immediately, scared but so needy for it. “And I bet you want to fuck him, too… don’t you?” Zoro whispers into your ear, warmth breath, making your skin go all bumpy.

From Sanji’s nose, the most delicate little thin red line falls. Of course, this makes him aroused, but you seem to be in danger and inside him a storm of contradictions take place. “Let her go, Marimo” he screams, trying to kick him.

But your lips semi opened with ectasis expression, the teasing, even Zoro’s shameless speech is killing him, and he loses focus. So much he does, Zoro easily stops him from keep moving.

Enma’s edge to his neck, making his marked chin go up to avoid being beheaded. “Marimo… what…?” he stutters with a mix in between anger, hornyness and fright in his voice.

Zoro smirks and licks his upper lip. “Now you two are gonna get what you’ve been looking for. I told you not to come closer, and still you did. As the King I am you should comply” he states, passing his free hand now over your breasts.

You gasp and press your legs together; you need to give your throbbing sex some kind of release. You would lie if this weren’t something you have dreamt of many times but… is this moral? Is this safe?

“I can smell how wet you are from here, (Name)” Zoro mumbles, once again presenting beasty characteristics. “You want this, don’t you? Then turn around for your King, come on” he orders you and you do.

Sanji tries to tell you stop, but the metallic cold feeling of Enma’s blade on his Adam’s apple as it moves makes him shut up immediately.

Zoro’s hand land on Sandai Kitetsu that up until now was hanging from his hips so gracefully. “Marimo…” Sanji moans, this time he is really scared. “Shh I’m not gonna hurt her, just wanna get rid of those clothes”

Just the tip of his blade is enough to cut your shorts, shirt, and bra in the middle. Both pieces fall to the side exposing your whole anatomy to him. Your hands are behind your back, and your widened eyes express fear and lust.

Sanji’s nosebleed is now profuse, and that’s just more fuel to the flame.

“Sanji… you know how much I need blood, don’t you?” Zoro says, still with Enma to the cook’s neck and with a demonic expression. Sanji simply nods, barely moving any muscle and waits for the King of Hell’s next movement.

The little drops that fall from the blonde’s nose, trail a path from it towards his lips. Ferrous taste invading his mouth, inviting Zoro to drink from such ambrosia. “Stay still, Sanji” he commands, and the blade of his sword barely grazes the white skin up from his neck to his lips collecting drops of it in it.

Zoro takes Enma to his mouth, licking the blood off from it in the most lascivious imagery. “Zo-“ Sanji lips tremble, excitedly, horny? You don’t get exactly what’s going on and still rejoice on living it.

“Hah, they say princes have blue blood… but yours it’s so red and delicious” Zoro grunts, now taking his steely iris to yours. He is marking his next victim, and oh girl, your naked body in front of him it’s the one.

Your nipples get hard with the breeze of the night in the Grandline. Every nakama went to sleep as planned, you all needed full calm around Zoro in order to talk to him… but plans changed just a little…

“Come closer” the swordsman tells you, and as you do his mouth quickly land on your breasts. Sharp fangs, yet still human, nibble on your sensitive buttons. He pulls, bites and sucks. You whine, with your palm covering your mouth and closing your eyes as you feel despicable for enjoying this.

But Zoro is not ashamed, and nor seems Sanji. He sucks and fix his eye into his partner, showing him a lustful show and a bisexual fantasy. Will Sanji succumb to such thing? The Devil is known to tempt his victims and that’s exactly what Zoro is doing.

Zoro’s tongue sticked out plays with your nipple, the wind now freeze and make them even harder. Hard like Sanji’s crotch, hard, dripping, staining his black trousers with salty, sticky precum.

“Look at you, cook… so miserable” Zoro laughs, and moves Enma down indicating his friend to kneel on the deck of the Thousand Sunny go. “Come here crawling and undress me”.

You open your eyes, is this happening for real? Will Sanji comply to such orders?

And he does. You don’t know exactly if it’s just Zoro’s aura that’s able to make people move as he pleases or is that Sanji is really doing this because he wants it. But he does, and his skilful hands began unbuttoning Zoro’s green coat until the top half part of it hangs at each side of his hips.

Sanji’s pointy perfect nose barely graze Zoro’s hipbones, inhaling the scent of his caramel, covered in scars, skin. “Calm down, Sanji…” Zoro scolds him, as if he was lesser than a pet. Though Sanji seemed to be drooling over both of yours and Zoro’s half nudity.

“Let me ask you again, Sanji… Do you wanna fuck her?” Zoro asks, pushing the Germa prince, making him fall back on his ass. Sanji blinks, looking at him and then at you. “I- I…”

“Say you want it, Sanji-kun~” you moan, both because you want it and also because Zoro’s knee is playing in between your thighs now. “The little slut wants you, cook… come on”

Zoro turns you around and makes you walk towards the railing. “Arms on the rail, spread” he commands, using Sandai Kitetsu’s blade in between your legs. His heavy hand on your head, pulling from your hair to make you face him. “Are you gonna let the cook fuck you rough? Hm?” he asks, smirking and licking the commissure of his lips where a trail of Sanji’s dried blood rests.

You nod, panting as the excitement and exhilaration of this whole situation is making you act like a needy mess. “Good whore, serving your King as you should” he spits, putting your head down so your back arches and your ass ends lifted up.

Sanji still on the floor, startled to even say something look like a starving animal, drooling and needy to touch, to lick, to fuck you. “Come here, Sanji. Show me how you fuck her”

As fast as Zoro has said that to him, the cook is up walking towards you two to fulfil the duty of fucking you just as you asked him to. His soft, cared palms land on the small of your back and him, desperately, doesn’t even wait to undress he just lowers his zipper to stick himself inside you.

But the demon inside Zoro won’t let him do such terrible thing, oh no. And instead, Zoro wants to have a little bit more fun…

“As I thought, desperate. Cook, should I teach you how it’s done?” Zoro says, stopping Sanji as his arm passes from the back all across the cook’s belly. “Zoro- why?” Sanji pants and protests and lets you dripping wet as he hasn’t filled you up with his dick yet.

Zoro’s cynic laugh resonates in both of you. You are so drawn to touch yourself; you can’t take it anymore.  “Look Sanji, look. Look how the whore is touching herself. She wants our dicks to fill her up” the swordsman whispers into Sanji’s ear, grazing it with his lips.

Sanji trembles, both because he wants to fuck you and because of the intense teasing, the sinful act of succumbing to a man’s touch. Him, Vinsmoke Sanji, a Casanova, getting harder because of a man doing that to him. What a contradiction, what a beautiful, libidinous temptation.

The blonde’s mind becomes blurry, he needs release, and the now drops of drools from Zoro’s bite on his neck ends up with him completely surrendered and whatever he wants to do with him.

Much to Sanji’s surprise, Zoro gently unbuttons his shirt as he asks for him to unbuckle his belt. “See her dripping cunt? She is getting off just by hearing us do this” he whispers, voice getting lower and raspier. And hell, Zoro is right. You can’t help but trace circles on your clit as you can barely see them so close, so lasciviously almost dancing with the other. What’s inside of Zoro is definitely changing everything, not only in between you two, but his whole relationship with his nakamas… specially with Sanji.

Zoro’s hardness pressed against the cook’s back. Calloused hands that now reach for white, scarless abs, go up and down. And Sanji’s nape rests on Zoro’s shoulder with his lips semi open, subdued to the most carnal desires.

“Give me your hand, cook” Zoro commands, and surrounding one of Sanji’s hands he takes it to his lower belly, going down in a painful slow-motion. “Zoro… please” Sanji begs, at this point he wants to be touched.

“Don’t rush, cook” the swordsman says, biting once again his neck this time feeling sharper than before. Zoro’s demon is blooming, manifesting in his physical traits… and none of you have a problem with it. The first time you saw that creature you didn’t thought it was horrible, but sexy, worthy of a dark God, hybrid human with a feral façade and attitude. Feral, scary, but absolutely irresistible.

Sanji’s hand with Zoro’s around it finally get to the prince’s throbbing shaft. The sticky wetness that has left the trousers of the cook damped bathe Zoro’s back of his hand. “Ah… Sanji…” he grunts, allowing the trousers that barely hang from Sanji’s prominent hipbones to slide down to the ground.

Exposed milky crotch, reddish, almost purple tip sprouting slippery arousal product. Fingers around his shaft, up and down, pumping together. Whet teeth carving marks on fair shoulders, making Sanji whine uncontrollably, with tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

“I’m gonna… cum” Sanji states, trembling, realizing Zoro has become fully transformed and even tiny horns have grown from his forehead. You on the verge of maybe the second orgasm already, have your sight fixed on them as they even haven’t noticed you are there.

“You are not cumming until I tell you so, Sanji. You, (Name) who told you to stop? Prepare your cunt we are gonna fuck you now” he conducts, and you, as fast as possible return to your position of hands on the rail and ass up for them.

Zoro stops jerking Sanji and makes him come closer to your entrance. “If you are gonna cum, you are gonna do it inside of her”.  He doesn’t wait and guides his partner’s dripping dick inside of your clenching walls. You moan, loudly, causing your whines to be heard all over the Grandline vast ocean being plied by your ship.

“Sh, whore” Zoro let Sanji alone, who at this point is fucking you mercilessly. “Suck it” he commands, while the green robe ends up completely on the ground as well as his black pants. His hardness so tempting, multiplied by the effect of black patterns drawn over his skin, specially from his hip bones down.

You receive his sex in your mouth, allowing to be choked with salty delight sprouting from it. Thrusts at your back, thrusts on your mouth, pulling from your hair, and Sanji’s nails carving at each side of your glutes. Breaking you in half, the wings of the Pirate King destroy you. Your legs turn weaker and weaker. Almost impossible to stay standing, your knuckles become white from how hard you are gripping to the railing not to fall.

When Sanji show inevitable signs of bursting, Zoro who hasn’t ever stopped fucking your mouth snatches the blonde’s cheeks. “Look at your face, little whore” he smirks, enjoying the rapt expressions of Sanji’s upcoming orgasm.

A moan ripped from his throat, breathed into Zoro’s mouth as he bites the cook’s pinkish juicy lips. A moan followed by yours, feeling so full of Sanji’s release you also cum moaning around Zoro’s hard shaft.

“Good you too, but it’s not the end… who should I fuck first?”

Pushing Sanji back, making his cum drip from your entrance through your thighs and into the floor, Zoro turns you around. You gasp, still trembling for the past orgasm. The look into his eyes have changed even more, and the steel colour of his irises is covered by a purple gaze.

“Zoro…” you stutter. “King of Hell, little whore” he corrects you and lifts you up sitting you on the rail. Dangerously balancing yourself your legs surround his waist and your hands grab his little horns. “Hah, the whore found a good use for these” he laughs, looking up towards his little sprouting protrusions.

He doesn’t wait and impales you, even if your overly sensitive entrance would use some rest, he won’t give you the pleasure to do so. His hips, strong and merciless move in and out of you, and his sharp teeth graze your lips painfully making them bleed a little.

The ferrous taste of your red vital fluid makes him even feral, and you feel as if your insides are being ripped. But you don’t care, you want more, more and more. You want that beast to go in so deep, deepest every time. You look at the muscles of his body tense, his mandible, the perfection of the scar crossing his chest tensing too.

A quick look at the side towards the man who had just fucked you some minutes ago gives you the imagery of a blond already hard again, jerking him off, fixing his sight in the way Zoro fucks you and you enjoy being impaled.

“Sanji, little whore, come here” Zoro manages to say, in between guttural demonic grunts and sweaty temples. And Sanji, as if he knew exactly what his friend wanted comes closer to you too. You open your eyes and look at them kiss in the most passionate, lecherous way. It makes you wanna join, and so you do, slowly but surely.

Three tongues dancing with each other, strings of saliva forming in between them, the most sinful attitude, worthy of the very King and vassals of hell.

“Fuck her too, stretch this cunt with me” Zoro commands his friend and so that’s what the blonde does. Zoro walks a little back so Sanji can fit in between you and the railing and when it’s all set his dick slides inside you. It stretches you to no extent, the grazing of both of them sexes inside you, pumping in and out in unison. Sanji’s little whines on your ear, Zoro’s grunt on your lips…

Trembling, coming. Coming them too, your uterus full of their releases. Your skin with marks, scratches of Zoro’s longer nails, the dried blood of your bitten lips… Let’s descend to hell and never come back…

“That’s why I told you to stay away from me, (Name), Sanji… I haven’t still tamed my demon… and it’s so hungry”

“Let us help you to do so, Zoro…” ~


How to use the prompts!

aka rules, sort of.

Hello, by the way, I’m Hotalando or ShindaHotaru and I kind of run this blog? Or rather neglected it for a very long time, along with tumblr and eventually the fandom a bit, too. So now that I’m back and found out that some peeps are still following this blog so I thought, why not revive it?

So, let’s reanimate this fella and have some fun!

Basic plot:I will post a new prompt every other week and you are free to make a drawing or a fanfic or a drabble or comic out of it.

How to participate?

  1. Post your work here or wherever else and link it here in a post, put #onepiece-prompts in the tags (to be sure, maybe even the prompt it’s for) and include a disclaimer! Especially when it contains anything that is considered as trigger warning!
  2. Put the prompt somewhere in the postorthe tags
  3. I will reblog everything, as long as it’s probably tagged and warned for, and not harmful or you know, just what’s the standard complete no-go

Rules, quick and short:

  • No deadlines
  • Ratings only up to Mature (that is for now! I might change that later)
  • Be kind: No shipping wars, respect each other’s genders, ethnical backgrounds, sexualities, mental constitution, nationality, favourite colour, religion, least favourite food, etc. Be respectful!
  • As said before, especially when it comes to fanfics: Add a disclaimer including all necessary tags and trigger warnings!
  • For visual arts: Just make sure to keep in mind that this is a public blog and well, minors might be watching. So in case you’re unsure, I guess it’s best you only link to your piece where it’s appropriately displayed behind obstacles (I hope you know what I mean) and post a huge warning along with it.
  • Anything goes as long as it goes by the things said after “Be kind”
  • Be fair, warn us about spoilers!

So then, what’s okay?

Well, mostly everything. AU, shipping, hairstyles, genderswap, age swap, any word length, just remember that this is a blog for everyone so yeah. Be kind, respectful, considerate.

Anything else?

Yeah, I’m doing this on my own for now so I might not be able to reblog immediately. I’m not sure how this will work out after all so be patient!

You can participate with each prompt or just do a work whenever you like the prompt. It’s up to you! This is for fun, so let’s keep it at that!

I’m aware that this is an old system and there’re plenty of other prompt blogs but this is not up for competition but as said multiple times before: It’s for fun. And I hope some people can enjoy it.

I will keep on posting prompts into the void until oblivion if I have to. :D

covers for my fanfics~

Last entry for ZoTash month 2019 that I finally finished - 

Wrong about you


Tashigi is in awe after witnessing the display of Zoro’s strength. She can’t exactly tell him that it was admirable, especially not that she misjudged him. There are a lot of questions she wants to ask, but she can’t allow herself to forget that he’s a pirate and that she’s a marine, despite the temporary alliance. What’s more, she needs to get him to leave so she can faint in silence.

Short one-shot after Tashigi and Zoro fought Monet. Cannon divergence. Prompts used: opposite sides, pride, scars, what if.


back w my usual shameless self promo me n bestie @wrongwaymosshead are writing zosan one shots u can find them on ao3. each one is standalone and essentially self indulging fluff and somewhat crack hehe enjoy


uhh hello!! me and my pal @wrongwaymosshead have been working on this zosan relationship study fic for a while and we finally finished it! So pls enjoy uwu


Zoro always believed love to be a nuisance, something to go out of your way for, rearranging your life to fit around another person, but being in love with Sanji has blown all of those assumptions out of the water. Zoro thinks there’s always been a spot for Sanji in his heart. He fits right into place, along with Kuina, with his dream, with Luffy and the crew. So easily that Zoro hardly noticed until it was right in front of his face. A big sign that says, “You’re in love with him, moron.”

Zoro didn’t think it was possible for him to yearn, but Sanji continues to exceed his expectations.


A collection of zs snippets as their relationship develops. Each section is set post-arc.
