#op nami


A date with a formidable warrior.


Could Zoro have known that from now on, he would be drowning in debt.

Loguetown 48 series . How long ago that was..

Wow, at least some interaction . A family trio . Ugh . Why there is no interaction between Zoro and Nami anime / manga.

Something that is also waiting for an adjustment .



Secret Santa Gift for the lovely @soultronicafrom@codedredalert Patreon Secret Santa!

The prompt was History Professor AU Nico Robin; I hope you like what I came up with.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

When Nico Robin was a young girl, books had been her happy place. Books always gave. Books never demanded from her. No book made her work her hands bloody around the house. Books did not chastise or harm her. Books only welcomed her home, bringing her comfort when nothing else did.

Books would have followed her into death. So, it was only appropriate that they would follow her into life, too.


Luffy reterning to Marine Ford after the war of the best.

Kid: “im sure hes just doing this to up his bounty”

Other pirates: “its so he keeps his image”

Luffy: “some old guy said it would be a good idea”

Someone points a gun at brook

Me: “dude- the only way a bullet would work would be if they had skin and orgons- what are you? And idiot?”

I’m one day late but, exactly 22 years ago yesterday the first episode of One Piece airs. We entered a fun adventure with the Straw Hats on October 20, 1999. And we would still be there accompanying them to the last route.

21 years ago today, Nami had joined the Straw Hats. Deciding to set sail and achieve her dreams with them.

nami (ɔ ˃͈ з˂͈)(˃̵֊ ˂̵ c) robin ½ header by me ☆ like or reblog if you save/use. (don’t repost)

Thank you, Children of the Sea! Our Shipping has finished, and we sent out all our digital bundles a

Thank you, Children of the Sea! 

Our Shipping has finished, and we sent out all our digital bundles as well! Please check your spam folder if you haven’t received it!

Please also stay tuned for our after sales!! 
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  Children of the sea, we have an announcement!We thank you kindly for your immense patience, and wo

  Children of the sea, we have an announcement!

We thank you kindly for your immense patience, and would like to inform everyone that— our shipping process has begun!

That means we’ll be emailing digital bundles very soon as well, so please check your emails and spam as well! (☆ω☆)

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