#one piece kingdom hearts au


OP/KH AU: Shanks & Luffy

It goes something like this:

Luffy always knew there was something more outside the islands he knew. That just beyond the horizon, there was moreout there, waiting to be explored.

Shanks and his crew’s arrival on Destiny Islands only confirmed his suspicions.

Shanks wasn’t from around here.

Shanks was from a different world.

He came from a different world with a big, colourful ship, a crew of motley, colourful people; and gave Luffy his hat when Luffy declared that he would find Kingdom Hearts, the core of all the stories Shanks told him while they were on the island (world).

Each of the stories were filled with danger and wonder, thrilling adventuresthat made Luffy smile and dream about the big, wide expanse of space. How many different worlds were out there, just waiting to be explored?

He wanted to find out.

He told Shanks as much, but Shanks only jeered and ruffled the top of Luffy’s head with a laugh.

“An anchor like you would only slow us down,” he smirked.

Dumb Shanks.

- - -

Shanks had a big key.

It was a really, reallybig key. It was red and bright and the keychain was a little pirate ship with a red bow, dangling and clinking with every movement.

“It’s based off our gummi ship,” Shanks had laughed, and then dismissed the key (he called it a Keyblade, but Luffy wondered how you could slice anything with an edge so blunt) with a flash of light.

“There used to be so many Keyblade wielders, anchor! They would travel around the world and work together to defeat the darkness!”
He spoke with so much enthusiasm, his feet buried in the sand of the island Luffy played on. His crew was gathered around Lucky Roo, who was demonstrating how to eat two whole watermelons at once. It felt light, somehow, and Luffy fussed with the warm sand beneath his fingers as the chorus of laughter echoed behind him.

The weather was always good here, always sunny, without a rain cloud in the sight. Yasopp said that a world this peaceful was a sight for sore eyes, or something, but everyone had agreed. They looked relieved.

Shanks and his crew had been here a long time now.

Luffy hoped they would never leave.

“What about now? I didn’t see anyone else with a key sword in your crew, Shanks!”

“Keyblade, anchor.”

“That’s what I said!”

But Shanks’ eyes had become a bit downcast, and he summoned his Keyblade again, the blood red metal gleaming in the tropical sun light. He held it up to the sun like he was presenting it to the sky, one hand firmly on the handle and the other keeping him upright on the sand.

“There aren’t any others. There were a few, a long time ago, but they’re… far away now, in a place that I can’t reach.”

He had turned to Luffy then, a smile broadening on his face.

“One day, we’ll meet again, though. You know why?”

Luffy shook his head, and watched in awe as Shanks pointed the tip of his blade straight up towards the sky, like his entire body was being led by the single movement. From the tip of the Keyblade, there was a bright, single beam of white light, that glittered and flickered brilliantly before tapering off into the sky.

“Because our hearts are connected. So no matter where they are, no matter how far away, they will always be connected to me, just like how we are now.”

Shanks grin had, somehow, grown even brighter as he looked down at Luffy.

“Isn’t that amazing, Anchor?”

My partner and I talked about a Kingdom Hearts ONE PIECE AU and I just think. About it. Constantly.

Luffy is Sora, Ace is Riku, Sabo is Kairi and Sabo who “goes missing” and “loses his memories” of Luffy (tbf everyone does for Sora BUT THE PARALLELS) and how Ace and Luffy probably looks for Sabo like how Riku and Sora looks for Kairi while Ace gets tricked by the Darkness:tm: that it can help him find his missing brothers and loses himself to the darkness–

While Brook and Usopp are Goofy and Donald respectively (court musician, royal army’s sniper) BECAUSE SHANKS IS KING MICKEY and it makes s e n s e ecause Yasopp would be part of Shanks’ crew and they’re busy with Shanks and they need someone to find the Key so Brook and Usopp go find Luffy

AND ZORO IS LEON! And Nami is Yuffie, while Robin is Aerith and they all u know get dragged into Luffy’s adventure, his quest to find Sabo and Ace and his dream to find ONE PIECE (Kingdom Hearts) after it faded away into darkness like the stories Shanks told Luffy about–AND AND AND Atlantica is Fishman Island and they meet JINBE and Triton is King Neptune and etcetc

Aalso how Shanks, instead of “giving” Luffy a devil fruit, ends up giving Luffy his Keyblade instead–unintentional successor… AND ERAQUS IS WHITEBEARD with Marco Thatch and Izo being Terra Aqua and Ventus……. Rayleigh is Yensid, Yensid being Mickey’s original teacher, Shanks most likely learning from Rayleigh, and then Rayleigh teaching Luffy like how Yensid conducts the trial for Sora and Riku…

Pete is Buggy.

Maleficent is a mix of Tashigi and Smoker, not really a BIG BAD villain and actually ends up helping Luffy/Sora…

Oh, also with Zack being Rosinante, Cloud being Law, and Sepiroth being Doflamingo…

There’s just… head empty, only thoughts about this AU-

