#one shot


Character: Dean Winchester

Warning: Kidnapping, injury to kid, angst

Word Count: 2,916

Request:  Hi, do you think you could write about demons or even Amara kidnaps deans daughter who is around 5ish. Can they hurt her before she is rescued by Team Free Will.

A/N: I couldn’t bring myself to make the kid’s injury intentional, so I worked it in another way. Also, when I asked for daddy!Dean ideas, I though you guys might want some fluff, but whatever, you asked for it.


   Starting on the day she was born, every time Dean saw his baby daughter, every time he leaned over her crib or lifted her from her bassinet, he let her know that he loved her. She got big enough to answer with a smile and return his kisses, and when she got good at walking, she sought him out for it. As she grew more, the exchange became their morning routine. Whoever wakes up first starts it. Dean sleeps well at night knowing he’ll get a kiss and an “I love you” from his now five-year-old daughter in the morning.

   “Daddy” —she’ll begin by pushing on his shoulder— “Daddy, guess what?”

   “Mm?” Dean’ll murmur.

   “I love you.” She’ll lean up to give him a kiss on the nose.

   “I love you too,” will be Dean’s response, and then he’ll pull her up next to him to kiss her back and cuddle for a minute. He had to learn to wake up gently for her.

   But this morning he doesn’t get that. This morning he wakes up behind the wheel of the Impala with a pounding headache. Out the front window he can see bushes, to his left a highway, to his right an open door, empty seat, and more bushes. Groaning, he straightens up and rubs his head. Dried blood comes away on his fingertips. He doesn’t really remember what happened. He was driving, it was dark, and then he was swerving off the road, glass broke, someone screamed, and then something struck the back of his head. He turns to look behind him where he buckled in his daughter, but all he sees is her seat, glass shards from a busted window sprinkled across the back seat. The straps have been cuts, and a lone teddy bear stares back at him.

   Dean panics, bursts from the car and swings around to scour the floor in the back, walks around the other side for a different view. In doing so he steps over Sam who, he barely notices, is unconscious but still breathing. He checks under the car, in the bushes, and even steps into a nearby thicket of trees frantically searching for his daughter, and with each second that passes with no sign of her, his heart races faster.

   “Cassidy!” he calls. “Cassidy!”

   The sound of a silent environment is the only reply. Dean winds his way back to the car, stands forlornly on the highway, and turns in a circle praying the toddler is only hiding.


*    *    *    *    *

   Cassidy doesn’t know this woman. Daddy told her not to talk to strangers, so she hasn’t said anything, but she yelled a couple times, and the mean lady didn’t like that.

   Daddy isn’t here. That’s not good. Strange place, scary lady, and there’s lots of cuts on her arms. They hurt. She wants a Band-Aid.

   Where’s Daddy?

*    *    *    *    *

   Dean hasn’t called anyone yet. It kills him not to put an APB out on his little girl, not to put every hunter he knows on her trail, but nobody knows she exists. He’s worked hard to keep her a secret for her own safety. This search is one he’ll have to do alone, but he doesn’t know where to start. There was no sulfur, hex bag, blood, or fur at the scene to point him in the right direction. Not so much as a scrap of a shirt was left behind. All he has is her Beanie Baby teddy bear, but Gabby isn’t much help in or out of his pocket.

   “Somebody had to know about her to take her,” Sam is saying.

   “You think I don’t know that?”

   “Who knows about her? Besides me and Cass.”

   “Bobby knew, but he ain’t talkin’ much these days.”

   “You’ve never told anybody else? Nothing ever slipped? You never got a little too drunk and started bragging?”

   “No, Sam!” Dean snaps. “Nobody outside of this family knows a damn thing! And I would know if somebody was onto us because I am the ultimate overprotective, helicopter parent!”

   “Okay, Dean.”

   Dean rests his forehead in the palm of one hand and squeezes Gabby with the other. “I barely use her name in public, man. The government doesn’t even know she was born. I have done everything … I swear, if she’s hurt …”

   “We’re gonna find her. I promise.”

   “Where the hell do we start?”

   Sam lowers his eyes. Neither one of them knows the answer. When his phone rings, Dean is sluggish to answer it. Hunting doesn’t concern him right now. He taps ‘answer’ and then ‘loudspeaker’, then mutters, “Yeah?”

   “Dean Winchester?” says a woman’s voice.

   “Who’s askin’?”

   “You’re looking for someone.”

   Dean wakes up. “Who is this?”

   “She’s five, right? Blond, green eyes, last seen wearing flower-print leggings and a purple t-shirt?”

   “What’ve you done with her?” he growls. Across the table, Sam opens his laptop to track the call.

   “Nothing, yet. Here. Have some proof.” The line is quiet for a moment, and then a little girl’s voice says, “Daddy?”

   “Cassidy? Sweetheart? Where are you? Are you hurt?”

   “I said she’s fine.Relax.”

   “What the hell do you want?”

   “We can talk about that when you get here.”

   “And where is ‘here’?”

   “They say you’re smart. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”


   “My employers. And Dean? I would hurry. They’re not patient.” The woman hangs up.

   “Got it,” Sam announces. “It’s not too far. Let’s go.”

*    *    *    *    *

   It’s a filthy trailer home off a highway forgotten by the town to which it leads. Red paint peels off wood siding, and frogs and insects make their respective noises in the bushes and trees. As far as either brother can tell, there’s no warding or traps on the place. Had they not known about it, they would have passed it by.

   Dean approaches the front door with his shotgun up and Sam at his back. A solid kick breaks the latch on the aluminum door. They find no lights on inside, and the sunlight coming through the bare windows is dappled by the surrounding trees. It’s a narrow, obviously inhabited place that opens first into a living room with a kitchen on one end. Orange carpet and paneling from the seventies make it an ugly space, but it’s clean, and nothing they see is witchy or demonic in nature.

   Somebody puts a gun to Dean’s head.

   “Sit down on that chair,” a woman orders. “Anybody makes a wrong move, I’ll blow your brains out. Now drop your gun and sit.”

   Dean doesn’t have an option. The gun is too close for an escape attempt to get him out of the way fast enough, so, pursing his lips, he sets the shotgun on the sofa and sits down in one of two metal folding chairs. The woman instructs Sam, who has also put his gun down, to bind him with a length of rope around his chest and zip ties around his wrists and ankles. Then, with the older brother restrained, she ties Sam up herself and moves their weapons farther away.

   “Where’s my kid?”

   The woman goes toward the kitchen, disappears down a hallway, and moments later returns leading Cassidy. Tear stains on her face, the girl dashes for her father, but her captor grabs her by the back of her shirt. She screams and struggles, frantically demands to be let go, and Dean strains against his bonds with all his might until the woman points her gun at the five-year-old.

   “No!” he shouts.

   The room stills. No one make a move or a sound. Even Cassidy, instinctively knowing that the device by her ear is dangerous, freezes and holds her breath. Dean is tense in his chair, heart racing, hands shaking, eyes locked on his daughter and the gun at her temple.

   “My employers tell me you’re hard to keep locked up,” says the woman calmly, “so this is how it’s gonna go: you stay put, and the kid doesn’t get hurt. Understand?”

   Dean glares at her.

   “Good,” she says. Taking a cell phone from her pocket, she dials a number and says to the receiver, “I’ve got ‘em.”

*    *    *    *    *

   There hasn’t yet been a trap Dean couldn’t escape. Whether it was his doing, Sam’s, or a combined effort, he’s made it out of every one. This is the first predicament where his options have been stripped. He can escape zip ties – it takes time but he knows how – but he can’t do it without risking alerting the woman holding a loaded gun against his daughter’s head. He’s not sure how far he could go before she actually pulls the trigger, but he knows Cassidy is only safe because she provides leverage. As soon as her captor perceives his behavior as uncontrollable, she won’t be. The only thing he can think to do is talk. So he does.

   “What’s your deal?” he asks. The woman doesn’t answer. “It’s demons, right? They promised you something if you gave them me and Sam?”

   The woman sighs and stares at him exasperatedly.

   “So what’d you ask for? Fame, fortune, a way to hide from me when I get out of here?”

   Rolling her eyes, she obliges him. “They’re gonna bring my son back. After eight years, I’ll finally see him again.”

   “Cut me loose and you can see him right now.” If looks could kill, the woman would be a burnt shell on the floor.

   Sam asks, “What’s your name?”

   The woman hesitates but answers, “Lily.”

   “Lily, we know demons. The bastards talk a big game, but their promises are bull. They’re gonna take what they want and probably kill you in the process.”

   “They’re going to bring my son back!” Lily snaps. “I’m his mother, and it’s my job to do what’s best for him!”

   “What’s best for him is leaving him where he is!”

   “You don’t understand!” Lily laughs bitterly, and her voice takes on a tremble. “He was ten. He was on his way home from a friend’s house, and somebody ran him over. He didn’t deserve that. He deserves a life.”

   “What happened to him is terrible, Lily, and I’m sorry, but you’re playing with fire here. It’s gonna go bad.”

   “I have to take that chance. I’m sorry.” From a nearby desk, Lily takes a roll of duct tape and then approaches the brothers.

   When Cassidy sees Lily stick a length of rope over her uncle’s mouth, she starts to whimper, and fresh tears roll down her cheeks.

   “Cassidy, look at me.” Dean hurries to speak. “It’s gonna be okay, baby girl, we’re getting out of here, I love – mmf!”

   Suddenly, the toddler bolts toward the door, actually managing to get the busted thing open before being noticed. Lily lunges for her, and the little girl runs for it. Dean tries to free himself and grab Lily, but his zip ties hold him fast and has to hope that the five-year-old can evade a grown woman until he gets free. In two seconds he hears her scream – Lily hasn’t made it out the door yet – and a different woman carries her, thrashing, back inside and tosses her aside. Cassidy huddles in a corner and snivels.

   “Ms. Armstrong,” says the newcomer as two men come in behind her, “don’t tell me you can’t control a child. You have her family. Rough them up a bit.”

   “You said not to touch them.”

   The demon grins slowly. “I did say that. Good on you. Brownie points.” Motioning to her companions, she orders them to free the brothers and adds, “And take that tape off. It doesn’t go with the rest of those pretty faces.”

   The duct tape is ripped off hardly a minute after being applied. Dean flinches as a few hairs are ripped out and it pulls at the skin on his lips, and he devises a plan while the demon break the zip ties. He doesn’t fight when he’s yanked to his feet, arms pinned behind his back, but he says snarkily, “Thanks. I think I’ll kill you now.”

   The lead demon laughs. “You’re funny, but we won’t be the ones dying today.”

   Cassidy comes out of her corner and goes to hug her father’s legs, but she’s kept at bay by the boot of the demon who’s got him. It takes immense self-control to not lash out this second; he’s only got one plan and one shot at making it work. Stilling his mind, he keeps his eyes on the demon in front of him. Sam watches him.

   “Let’s go, boys,” orders the demon. She raises her hand to snap herself out of the room.

   “What about me?” Lily interjects. “Where’s my son?”

   “Where he’s been for eight years.”

   “You said you’d bring him back!”

   “I did. I changed my mind. You can have that one instead.” She motions to Cassidy.

   “I want my son!” Lily shrieks, stepping towards the demon. “Bring him back!”

   “No. Really, Lily, what’s the problem? They’re all the same.”

   Dean sees Lily raise her hands and lunge forward. He sees the demon lash out and hoist her off the ground by her throat and squeeze. He sees his chance. With all his might, he slams his head into the jaw of the demon holding him and pulls free. Sam follows along. In sync they jab their elbows into soft spots and use the surprise of their attack to get one up on the demons.

   “Cass, go!” Dean shouts.

   Startled, the five-year-old bolts for the door, and this time Dean makes sure she makes it. When the female demon breaks Lily’s neck to go after her, Dean blocks her with his body and backhands her across the face. He continues the assault by dousing her with his flask of holy water. Face steaming, she shouts and stumbles backward. Meanwhile, San has taken care of his demon using the demon blade, and before Dean can whip out his angel blade, he jumps the other one too. Lily should have searched them.

   “Get Cass!” Sam shouts.

   Dean runs for the door. A pang of guilt would haunt him forever, but he would sacrifice his brother for his daughter in a heartbeat. Cassidy hasn’t gone far, and Dean scoops her up in stride. Clutching her to his body, he runs for the car, but something suddenly slams into his side and knocks him flat. He lands on top of Cassidy. Something pops, and at first he thinks it was his hip or shoulder, but Cassidy’s pained cry tells him it was much worse than that. He can’t address this because his attention is demanded by the demon on top of him with a kitchen knife in her hand. A successful grab for her wrists gives his face a narrow escape of being stabbed, but the demon, red face blistered and frothing at the mouth, wraps her hands around his neck and squeezes. Reflexively, he claws at her hands, but she has him at a disadvantage. His vision starts to blur.

   A thunk is heard. At the same time, the demon’s jaw drops in a silent scream, she sparks and sputters on the inside, and her grip loosens. Dean pushes her off himself as she dies; out of the corner of his eyes he sees a knife handle protruding from her back and Sam halfway to him. Coughing, he rolls over and fumbles for his daughter.

   When he grabs her arm, she screams.

*    *    *    *    *

   Cassidy wouldn’t let the doctors touch her. Each time one came in to the room, she panicked, and if they got too close she screamed bloody murder. A nurse had to put her under just to look at her arm. It was pronounced broken, put in a cast, and Dean did his best to give satisfactory yet evasive answers to the questions that were asked. He was beside her until she woke up and held her when she stretched out her arms to him. Now she won’t leave his lap, won’t even let him go to the bathroom though Sam stays with her. She won’t talk, either. In fact, she’s essentially unresponsive to anything said to her. When he reads her a story, she puts her eyes on the page but doesn’t seem to feel strongly about it one way or another. Dean decorates her cast, but for all the attention she gives it, the whole arm might as well have been amputated. Not even Gabby the Bear gets a reaction.

   Eventually, she drifts off again, this time without the influence of drugs, and yet Dean continues to cradle her in his lap, one arm around her shoulders, the other looped under her outside leg.

   “I wish you’d tell me what you’re thinking,” he says to her. “I can’t read minds, baby girl. Are you still scared? Hm?” He strokes her cheek. “The bad guys are gone. Your uncle got ‘em all.”

   Cassidy whimpers softly in her sleep and scrunches her nose.

   “Shh, shh. It’s alright. It’s alright. Nobody’s gonna hurt you here.”

   He drifts off face-up on her hospital bed with the five-year-old on his chest, arms wrapped around her. In the morning he yawns and brings her closer to his head to give her a kiss when she stirs.

   Hugging her, he says, “I love you.”

   For the first time ever, she doesn’t say it back.

@pureawesomeness001 @27bmm @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @super-not-naturall @gabriel-themightysugaraddict @mogarukes @mrswhozeewhatsis @hexparker @kdfrqqg @little-castiel13 @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @thing-you-do-with-that-thing

Summary:Prompt fill: Kaishin Discord Server - Winter
Written Nov 2018
Read on AO3

It was cold, incredibly cold, and snow had seemed to be falling from the sky for weeks. Shinichi had been pleasantly surprised that evening, his boyfriend had been at his door, the magician’s nose and cheeks bright red from the cold. Kaito had a drink tray in one hand and a bag from a cafe they both enjoy in the other. Turns out, the magician just had the sudden urge to visit the cafe with Shinichi but knew that there was no way he could get the detective to go out in that weather, so he had decided to bring the cafe to him. It was a sweet gesture, but Shinichi berated him for being so dumb as to go outside with so little layers on. Regardless, they had a nice, light dinner, until the power went out.

  Kaito was heartbroken, he had wanted to cuddle and watch terrible Christmas movies all night long. “Shinichi!” He complained, fumbling around in the now incredibly dark room, curse the shorter days, “My plans are ruined!”

  “Whatever,” Shinichi retorted, turning on his phone’s flashlight and rummaging around the kitchen. Kaito let out an aghast noise, horrified that his boyfriend was unaffected by his plight. Shinichi ignored him in favor of continuing his search.

  “My own boyfriend, neglecting me, in favor of looking around the kitchen for, what, a flashlight?” Kaito was curious now, his histrionics forgotten.

  “Nope,” Shinichi placed a candle on the counter, “candles.”

  “Candles.” Kaito seemed unamused, “You are foregoing the marvel of humanity harnessing the power of electricity for candles?”

  “Yep,” Shinichi replied cheerfully, placing more candles on the counter, “now are you going to help me light these or what?”

  “Of course, dear,” Kaito replied and, always one for magic, ignited the candles with a snap of his fingers. The warm glow filled the room as Shinichi shut off the artificial light from his phone, the heavy snowfall visible now that the harsh light was gone. It was magic in itself, casting an enchanting air about the room, as if they were a completely different universe, just the two of them and the candlelight.

  They carried several candles into Shinichi’s living room, the wood floors already growing cold with the lowering temperature. After setting down his candle, Kaito quickly moved to the couch, covering himself in one of Shinichi’s many blankets. As he burrowed himself into the soft fabric, he anticipated Shinichi joining him soon after, but he could still hear the detective rummaging about the room. “Shinichi!” he cried, his voice muffled from the blanket, “What are you doing now? It’s too cold!” Shinichi only laughed in response, and a clicking noise brought Kaito out from beneath the covers. Shinichi was bent in front of the fireplace, messing with something at the bottom of it. Shinichi leaned back, looking pleased, as a fire ignited within. His boyfriend turned back to him smugly.

  “Gas fireplace,” he said as an explanation, “You looked cold.” Kaito quickly migrated off the couch to sit in front of the fire.

  “Convenient.” Kaito revelled in the warmth, a pleased hum coming from his throat. Shinichi sat down next to him, planting a small kiss on his cheek as Kaito wrapped the blanket around him. They sat in silence for a while, relaxing in the warmth of the fire and each other. “I’m still bummed about the movies. I don’t suppose you have a gas powered tv, do you?”

  “No, you dork,” Shinichi laughed, “but I think I might have something.” Kaito made a distressed noise as Shinichi stood up.

  “I didn’t mean it, don’t leave Shinichi.” Kaito reached out a desperate hand toward his boyfriend, as if the detective was leaving into the blizzard, never to return. Shinichi rolled his eyes and made his way toward one of the built-in bookcases that lined the fireplace. He took down what looked like a small suitcase and something in a thin sleeve of cardboard. Kaito couldn’t quite see what the detective was doing, but it soon became clear.

  The telltale sound of a needle being placed on a vinyl record echoed in the quiet room. The familiar sound of a Christmas song filled Kaito’s ears, the quality of the vinyl giving it a nostalgic feel. “It’s not a movie,” Shinichi said, moving back to his blanket-covered boyfriend, “but it’s something.” The smile Shinichi gave him was soft and warm. The light from the fire gave him an ethereal look, as if he just stepped out of a painting. Before he could move to sit back down, Kaito stood up, so abruptly that Shinichi stumbled back a little. With a playful smirk, the magician gave a small bow and extended his hand toward his boyfriend.

  “Might I have this dance?” Kaito looked up at him, the firelight dancing in his eyes.

  “How could I possibly say no?” Shinichi replied, placing his hand onto Kaito’s. He straightened and wrapped a hand around to the small of Shinichi’s back, pulling him close. Shinichi was unfazed, smoothly placing his hand onto Kaito’s shoulder. Kaito kicked the blanket out of the way as he began to lead Shinichi around in a nonsensical pattern, only abiding to the tempo of the song, one with an upbeat tune. Shinichi said nothing about Kaito’s terrible choices, only giggled when he insisted on dipping and spinning Shinichi every sixth step or so.

  It went on for a while, the two occasionally switching positions, taking care not to bump into the furniture while staying near the fire, the farther edges of the room too cold to journey too. Kaito was leading again, and the songs had turn slower. They were barely moving now, Shinichi’s head resting on Kaito’s shoulder. The record turned back to the gentle crackling of needle on vinyl, causing Shinichi to make an annoyed little whine.

  “I’ll get it, love.” Kaito said, his voice a whisper, he guided Shinichi to where he was sat before, wrapped the blanket around him and planted a kiss on his temple. Kaito took the needle off the record and turned off the power. He grabbed more blankets and the pillows from the couch. When he was finished he managed to make a kind of makeshift bed on the floor; they certainly weren’t going to sleep in one of the cold bedrooms.

  Shinichi, who seemed to be on the verge of sleep, made no protest when Kaito pulled him down to rest on the “bed”. Kaito wrapped both of them in another blanket and took a moment to observe his boyfriend’s sleepy face. It was exceptionally adorable. “Goodnight, Kaito,” Shinichi yawned, his heavy eyelids finally falling closed, “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Kaito smiled, placing a kiss on Shinichi’s forehead and keeping him close. Who knew that not having power could be so wonderful.

Shinichi always finds himself sighing, and one day a guardian angel appears to help him smile more.
Written Oct 2018
Read on AO3

Shinichi let out a sigh. He did it so often it had just become second nature to him at this point, he can’t even remember how it started. He let out another sigh, it was unpleasant to think about. The senior officers on the force would tell him about his teenage years, how he would never sigh, just face all of the cases head on. They couldn’t tell him why he started to sigh either, that or they refused to tell him.

   He knew there was something wrong with him, some trauma blocking his memoires. He remembered his childhood, how he fell in love with books and mysteries and soccer, but after his sixteenth birthday, everything is a blur. The gap spanned to when he was twenty. More than four years he had lost, and his newest memories began with him waking up in a hospital.

   His mother was there, she was crying, when he addressed her, she only said she was sorry, that she couldn’t believe it either. When he asked what she was talking about, she ran to get the doctor. No one ever explained why he was there.

   His life went on. He had been on the force as a detective for several years now, Megure was glad to finally have him as an official member of the team. He threw himself into his work, he decided that it was unimportant to focus on his past when it wasn’t something he could remember. He still found himself wondering, but he could always convince himself it was nothing to be remembered.

   He let out another sigh. He always started to reflect on these things to much, right around the first of April. The weather was still warming up from a record cold winter, so the roads were mostly deserted on his walk home. He had stopped by a small coffee shop to warm himself up, the liquid scalding his mouth, but he drank it anyway. Surprisingly, he found his eye drawn to a park across the street. It was practically devoid of human life, a few joggers braving the cold. He let out a sigh. He didn’t have anything to do tonight anyway. Ran was busy this weekend and had turned down his offer for dinner.

   Ran was nothing like he remembered. He thought that they would be dating by his twenties, but when he confessed, Ran acted…off. She was shocked at first, then a melancholic look fell across her face. She turned him down, but she wouldn’t give a reason, she just said it was better that they remain friends. Then she introduced him to several new faces, at least, new to him. Masumi Sera and Hattori Heiji were both detectives he had been introduced to, Hattori even vehemently told him about what good friends they were, but Shinichi couldn’t recall them, however familiar they seemed. He knew he acted colder now. He shied away from spending much time around anyone but the police force and Ran, the looks people gave him made him feel even worse than he usually felt, at least Ran had the decency to pretend to hide those looks.

   Shinichi let out another sigh. There he went, thinking about unpleasant things yet again. He shook himself from his thoughts as he entered the park, the trees were just about to bloom, the cold holding them back. There were a scarce few birds chirping somewhere in the boughs, a calming sound in Shinichi’s ever hectic life. The nature was a nice scenery for coffee and a walk, a distraction from his constant sighing. The playground he eventually stumbled across was empty of children, so he allowed himself to take a seat on the swings and finish his coffee. When was the last time he had been to a park? It hadn’t been since the gap in his memories, the whole park atmosphere made him nostalgic for something, or someone, he couldn’t remember.

He let out a sigh as he downed the remaining drops in his cup. Why couldn’t he just act happy for once? It was silly to live the rest of his life like this. He knew it wore down on those around him, particularly Ran. It wasn’t a surprise to him when she turned him down for this weekend, he wouldn’t want to spend time with himself either. Shinichi sighed.

   “You really need to stop doing that.” A voice said, surprising Shinichi. He hadn’t heard any footsteps. He opened his eyes to a startling sight. A young man, in his late teens/ early twenties, was standing in front of him. He had messy hair and his eyes were a peculiar shade of blue, his face was scrunched in distaste, assumedly at Shinichi’s sighing, and his attire seemed completely out of place. He wore a white suit with white shoes and white gloves, even his shirt and tie were white. The thing that really startled Shinichi, however, where the pair of large, white wings sprouting from the man’s back. “You need to smile more. “Just give me all of your sighs, and I’ll turn them into happiness!” The man’s face lit up in a bright smile, and, oh, Shinichi’s heart ached for some reason, this man reminded him of someone, perhaps his younger self? They looked very similar after all.

   Shinichi was shocked when a “please” fell from his lips, almost too quiet to hear, but the man gave him a soft smile and offered him a hand. Shinichi allowed himself to be pulled up from the swing, the cloth of the glove soft, yet startlingly cold, beneath his hand. Suddenly, there was a puff of smoke, and Shinichi found himself holding a bouquet of flowers. Bright red and dark red roses, along with some pink carnations and forget me nots. Shinichi stared in amazement at the flowers for a moment before looking back up at the man. His face had a large smile across it, pleased with the trick, but it suddenly fell when Shinichi looked at him.

“Oh, no, what’s wrong? Do you not like flowers?” He raised a hand as if to touch Shinichi’s face, but stopped himself, a look of pain coming across his face.

“No, nothing’s wrong,” Shinichi said, raising a hand to his face, he was surprised to find he was crying. “I’m sorry,” he said, wiping at the tears that formed, “I…I have no idea why I’m crying, this is embarrassing, I’m sorry.” Shinichi let out a frustrated sigh, why was he crying? And in front of a stranger nonetheless. The man’s face looked in pain, just for a moment, when Shinichi sighed.

“You don’t need to be sorry,” his voice was calm and gentle, as if he were soothing a child, “If you want to cry, then cry. You don’t have to be strong all the time, Shinichi.” That was definitely weird.

“Who are you?” Shinichi eyed the man, he didn’t recognize him, but then again, he didn’t recognize a lot of people he supposedly knew. And then there was the question of his attire, and those wings. The man pondered his answer for a moment.

“Well, I guess, your guardian angel?”

Shinichi was sighing less. He had to be if his coworkers were commenting on it, and he had his “guardian angel” to thank for it. It still seemed absolutely absurd. Why did he need a guardian angel, why did he show up now? But whatever remains, no matter how improbable, and all that. The man certainly appeared supernatural. He appeared out of nowhere, even inside of Shinichi’s home, and he always wore the same attire. Despite his otherworldly nature, the angel seemed to prefer performing human illusions, human magic tricks that felt nostalgic in some way.

The angel appeared before him when he would sigh, and he would perform some magic tricks, the angel’s delight in performing lifting Shinichi’s mood more than the tricks themselves. Soon, the angel just started hanging around all the time, not that Shinichi minded. Not only were his tricks fun, but the angel could hold a good conversation, and seemed in tune to Shinichi’s interests, even if he held an opinion different than Shinichi’s own, how anyone could look so displeased at the mention of Sherlock Holmes, Shinichi didn’t know. The sight of the angel brought a smile to Shinichi’s lips, he couldn’t recall the last time he had been so happy. He didn’t care that the angel refused to give him a name, well, it hurt a little, but he knew that it wasn’t for any malicious reason. He also didn’t care that the longer he spent with the angel, the more he seemed to have nightmare. He never remembered what they were, the memory fading when he woke, but he always found himself in tears.

Memories started returning, too. He remembered the day at Tropical Land, with Ran. He remembered becoming Conan, remembered the Shonen Tantei and Haibara, the scientist looked almost tearful when Shinichi ran over to tell her about his returning memories. The day he remembered Hattori was eventful. He called up the detective and within the day, the Osakan was at his house, chatting about a storm and berating Shinichi for ever forgetting him, all in good humor. Hattori questioned him on how much he remembered, and they discovered that almost all of his memories returned, just a few lost days in several months and the area surrounding whatever event caused the amnesia. From Hattori’s reaction, it seemed like he knew what the event was, but he refused to tell Shinichi anything surrounding that time. The angel was there too, watching Shinichi bond with his forgotten friend, smiling until his lost memories came up, the angel probably believed the expression was hidden from Shinichi’s view, but he saw the man’s face fall in a mirror. He probably knew what that trauma was, if he was his guardian angel like he claimed, it probably wouldn’t be a good memory to see your human hurt, but seeing the angel’s face in pain caused a tightness in Shinichi’s chest that he couldn’t place.

After one particularly hard day, multiple homicides, all of them incredibly brutal, Shinichi, who admitted to himself he sighed quite a lot that say, came home to find the angel in his library, A mischievous smile on his face. He lead Shinichi to the couch, his hand once again incredibly cold, and made him take a seat. If the angel hadn’t looked so excited, Shinichi would have just ignored him and gone to bed, but how can he say no when the other looked to excited. “Today, Kudou Shinichi, I have an extra special show just for you!” The angel threw his arms wide in a grandiose gesture. Shinichi gave him a polite clap in return, he really didn’t think he could be the kind of audience the angel wanted him to be, but he would humor him anyway. The angel did not disappoint. He performed card tricks and other staple magic, Shinichi smuggly explaining each after they happened, the angel letting out a huff, but never stopping Shinichi’s explanation. Gradually, the tricks increased in skill, Shinichi having to think more on how the trick was done, the angel obviously pleased by this development. “And now for my final trick!” The angel made a top hat and wand appear, showing the detective that the hat was empty, then waved the wand over it. “Three, two, one!” in a puff of smoke, several doves appeared from inside the hat and flew toward Shinichi, landing around him and cooing softly. Reaching out a hand, Shinichi careful stroked one of the bird’s feathers, the other doves moving in closer, apparently jealous.

“You’re smiling,” Shinichi turned to look at the angel, a content smile on the other’s face, as he realized that he was, indeed, smiling, “I’m glad.” Shinichi turned away, slightly embarrassed by the idea that the angel did all of this for him.

“Thank you,” Shinichi said, focusing his attentions on the birds now fighting for their turn to be pet, “for this, and everything else.”

“Of course, Shinichi.” How was it that the detective could so clearly hear the smile in the angel’s voice, “It’s what I’m here for.” Shinichi turned to look at the angel as he made a flower, a gardenia, appear and offer it to Shinichi. As Shinichi took the flower, his hand brushed against the angel’s. It was notable, because this hand was incredibly warm, even through the glove the other always wore. It was because of this that Shinichi realized that it was the first time the angel ever offered him his right hand. The angel seemed to notice as soon as Shinichi did, and quickly pulled his hand away, brushing the situation off by scolding the birds for fighting for Shinichi’s attention.

The seasons were changing again. Summer had passed by, and Shinichi had made the best memories he had in a long time, his sighs almost nonexistent. The nightmare were still occuring, traces now lingered in his mind. Blood on his hands, rain pounding on his back, a gunshot or was that the sound of rain? He didn’t know if it was fiction or reality, but the sadness always lingered with him long after he woke up.

The angel almost never left his side. No one could see him but Shinichi, so it wasn’t necessary to try to keep him hidden, Shinichi just had to be careful not to look crazy talking to himself in public. His tricks, too, were bringing memories with them now. Nothing concrete, just feelings of familiarity and adrenaline, excitement, and joy. Another feeling blossomed in his chest when he saw the angel smile, but Shinichi hesitated to name it.

They were walking in the park, the trees beginning to turn colors, the chill returning to the air, when it happened. They were just talking, the angel speaking enthusiastically with his hands, the look on his face bright and full of joy, when a name came to him, Kuroba Kaito.

Shinichi froze, at first confused. He didn’t know anyone by that name, at least, he didn’t remember. “Shinichi?” Kaito turned back to face him, his face now worried. Wait, Kaito? That was him, wasn’t it? Shinichi moved to sit on a nearby bench, his head beginning to throb in pain. “Shinichi? What’s wrong?” Why did he know this angel’s name? Why did the name bring such feeling of…of…affection?

“You died.” It fell past his lips before he had a chance to process what he was saying. He looked at the angel standing above him, his eyes wide, afraid of what Shinichi just said. Then Shinichi passed out.

There had been a chance of rain, but Kaito had been sent on the heist being tonight. He told Shinichi that he had backup plans for his backup plans, that everything would be alright, but as Shinichi ran up to the roof the meet KID, the rain audible from inside the concrete stairwell, a terrible feeling was building in his chest. When he made it to the roof access, he hit the door without stopping, he knew something was wrong, there was no logical reason to believe so, but he just knew.

Sometimes, he hated it when he was right. In all of the pounding rain, he didn’t hear it, no one had heard it, a gunshot. But it must of happened, there was no other reason for KID to be bleeding out, he was clutching his shoulder, what little of his face Shinichi could see was twisted in pain. He was ducked behind an air conditioning unit, just a couple yards from Shinichi. The sound of the opening door drew the thief’s attention, and a look of panic spread across his face, Shinichi was in danger.

It happened before Shinichi knew what was happening. KID moved from his hiding place, running toward Shinichi, and pushed him to the ground. A gunshot. A scream of pain. A weight pressing down on him. Something warm soaking into his shirt. Iron in the air. Blood. Bleeding. Shot. KID was shot again. Kaito was shot again. They are still in danger. Move. Move! MOVE!

Shinichi lifted Kaito’s weight off of him. Moving the both of them back to his original hiding place, his blood pounding in his ears, mixing with the sound of the rain, Kaito’s chest was rising and falling with effort. Shinichi threw open the thief’s jacket, trying to find the bullet wound. His chest, red was blossoming from his chest, practically his heart. Shinichi ripped off his on coat and bundled it over the wound. It took him several moments before he realized that Kaito was speaking, his voice weak and cracking. “…Nichi, Shinichi, I did it.”  The smile on the magician’s lips was truly happy, despite the pain he must be in. “I destroyed it, that’s why they’re so angry.” He attempted to laugh, but it quickly morphed into a wet cough, his chest stuttering with the effort, his breath wheezing.

“Don’t speak,” Shinichi’s voice was rough with emotion, tears begging to sting in his eyes, “everything will be okay, we can talk later.”

“Shinichi,” Kaito looked at him, the look in his eyes twisting Shinichi’s chest into an impossible knot, “ I don’t think I’m going to get a later.” The magician’s eyes were shiny with tears, their salty form mixing with the rain, unceasing against the pair. “I think tonight was my final performance.”

“Of course it was,” Shinichi’s voice was heavy with false happiness, “Kaitou KID has completed his mission, now he can elegantly disappear, and Kuroba Kaito can take center stage as the world’s greatest magician.” Kaito laughed, breathy and almost inaudible.

“No, this was Kuroba Kaito’s last show as well, he will finally be revealed to the audience. Aoko is going to be so mad.” The magician’s lips trembled, his voice breaking with sobs and fear. Shinichi bit his lip, holding back from scolding the magician, like any of that mattered right now, he had to get to a hospital, he had to be okay, Shinichi hadn’t even told him yet-

“I don’t want to die.” Shinichi had never heard the magician sound like that. Even in the darkest moments, Kaito always hid his fear, always looking ahead with that insufferable smirk on his face. This was raw emotion, Kaito knew, Shinichi knew, too, however much he tried to deny it, there was only one truth. “I really don’t want to die, Shinichi.” Kaito reached one hand toward the detective, who held it without a second thought, using one hand to push down on Kaito’s wound, throwing his coat away to press down directly, as the other gripped the magician’s hand, which at some point lost its glove. His fingers were cold, whether from the rain or the blood loss Shinichi was unsure. He was sure that his grip was too tight, but the magician didn’t complain. Shinichi couldn’t find any words as the magician continued to cry, his heartbeat growing weak beneath Shinichi’s hand.

“I love you,” the magician said from his weaking sobs, “I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time now, but I promised myself I would tell you after I found Pandora, and, well, this is my last chance.” Shinichi sucked in a breath, shaking his head, trying to get the magician to stop, he didn’t want this to be goodbye. “I love you, Kudou Shinichi.” The smile the magician gave he was warm, despite his cold hand. Kaito let out a long breath, apparently content with his words.

He didn’t breath back in. His hand fell slack in Shinichi’s grip as his heart stopped beating beneath Shinichi’s other hand. Abandoning its place on Kaito’s chest, Shinchi moved his other hand to hold Kaito’s. He knew he was crying, he was sure he was sobbing, but all he could hear was the sound of rain and all he could feel was Kaito’s cold hand. Kaito couldn’t be cold, Kaito was never cold. He was warm, he was light, he was a beacon of hope in Shinichi’s darkest times, he couldn’t be cold.

Shinichi let out a breath, trying to warm Kaito’s hand. It couldn’t be cold. He did it again, and again, and again, and again. He didn’t hear the task force reach the roof, he didn’t hear Nakamori’s revelation of Kaitou KID’s identity, he didn’t feel them pull Shinichi away from Kaito, he just kept letting out air. He couldn’t be cold.

Shinichi woke up on the park bench, sore from sleeping in such an uncomfortable surface, his eyes wet with tears. He remembered now. He remembered Kaitou KID and how he discovered his identity. He remembered promising to help KID take down the people who were after him and Pandora in exchange for KID’s help taking down the Black Org. He remembered Kuroba Kaito and his ability to light up a room, make people laugh, bring a bit of joy, a bit of magic, into every situation. He remembered why he fell in love. He remembered that he never got to tell Kaito that he loved him.

Becoming more aware of his surroundings, he realized that his hand was in Kaito’s lap, a cold hand resting on his side as a warm hand carded through Shinichi’s hair. “You remember now, right?” Kaito’s voice was soft, as if fearful of Shinichi’s answer.

“Yeah,” Shinichi said, his voice just as quiet, “I do. Kaito let out a low laugh, completely mirthless.

“Well, cat’s out of the bag,” Kaito said, trying to make light out of the situation. Shinichi sat up, forcing Kaito to pull his hands away. As Shinichi faced him, he grabbed Kaito’s right hand and held it, just like he had that terrible night so many years ago. It was warm beneath his grip, but Shinichi let out a breath onto it anyway. “No matter how cold I have felt,” Kaito said, a bittersweet expression on his face, “that hand has always remained warm.” Shinichi met Kaito’s eyes, tears threatening to reemerge. Those sighs, they were the unconscious memory of trying to warm Kaito’s hand. His subconscious refused to let him stop until he knew that Kaito was warm.

“It was cruel to leave me like that, without waiting to hear my response.”

“Your response?” Kaito looked confused for a moment, the realization hit him and his face turned red, Shinichi almost laughed at how cute it was.

“Me too.” Shinichi said, giving Kaito’s hand a squeeze.

“You too?” Kaito looked hopeful, and his smile only grew as Shinichi nodded.

“I love you, too” Kaito moved in and kissed Shinichi, his lips cold, yet so alive. He pulled away almost reluctantly.

“No matter what, Shinichi, I promise I will always be beside you.” Shinichi only nodded in return before Kaito leaned back in to kiss him.

When Shinichi next opened his eyes. Kaito was gone.

It took a while, but Shinichi finally found the resolve to visit Kaito’s grave. Nakamori-keibu had been nervous to tell him where it was, seeing how badly Kaito’s death had affected him, but he had eventually agreed. He laid down a bouquet of red roses and began to talk of trivial things. What had happened since Kaito left, how he was readjusting to life since his memories returned, a magic show he saw recently. He stood there for a while, sometimes just in silence, but as he did, he felt a warm presence holding tightly onto his hand.

Shinichi let out a, content, sigh.

Summary:Prompt fill: Kaishin Discord Server - Autumn
Written Sept 2018
Read on AO3

Autumn had finally arrived. The weather was becoming cooler, jackets now necessary, a relief from the intense summer they had had.Trees were beginning to change color, green fading into an array of reds, oranges, yellows and browns. Perhaps Shinichi’s favorite part of the season was the cold mornings. The old, wood floors of his childhood home froze his toes, leading him to wear slippers, and the chill in the air to a blanket over his shoulders; most notably, however, was that the first cup of coffee was all the more satisfying. Sure, the hot beverage would burn his tongue, but it was worth it to feel the warmth of the drink spread through his body, warming his soul.

These mornings were all the more pleasant nowadays. He got to share them with Kaito. Mornings weren’t as cold when you woke up in your lover’s arms, plus, he didn’t have to be the one to wake up and start the coffee, he could wait until the smell of the intoxicating brew wafted its way into Shinichi’s bedroom before having to make his way downstairs. When he was down there, Kaito already had a cup prepared, not to mention being able to cuddle on the couch kept him warm. Shinichi loved Kaito and would never use him for anything, but he had to admit it was nice to have his own giant hot water bottle for cold mornings.

Not only did this giant, walking water bottle make his morning coffee, he also took him on cute, fall themed dates, what more could a man want? Kaito was currently throwing one hand around in elaborate gestures, excitedly talking about the day he had planned for the two of the. His other hand was resting on Shinichi’s waist, holding him close underneath the blanket as Shinichi let his hands warm up on his coffee cup, taking long sips and enjoying the sound of his lover’s voice. “…and then we can come home and cuddle and watch that movie I told you about.” Shinichi hummed in approval. “You only heard half of what I said, didn’t you?” Shinichi hummed again, in agreement. “That just means the date will be a surprise. Life is more fun that way anyway.”

After Shinichi had finished his coffee, Kaito rushed to get the detective dressed, eager to get the day started. When Shinichi had deemed himself thoroughly prepared, he met Kaito at the front door. The magician was practically buzzing with excitement. Shinichi rolled his eyes, how he managed to be so excited for each date, Shinichi didn’t know; he felt the same, however, even if it didn’t show on his face.

Kaito took him by the hand and lead them down the streets of Beika, a skip in his step as they talked about Kaito’s upcoming shows, books they had read, the weird morning T.V. show they had been watching, anything that came to mind. All the while, Kaito lead them around corners and down different alleyways, Shinichi grew up here, but the way Kaito got around always left him feeling a little lost, so when Kaito pulled them down a short alley that lead them to a small park, it was like entering a portal to another world.

The trees were full of fall color. Brilliant reds, vibrant oranges, and vivid yellows colored the branches of large, struddy looking trees. Despite being in a city, the leaf covered pathways were devoid of people, although birds and squirrels flitted in and out of Shinichi’s view. “How did you find this place?” Shinichi asked, his voice full of awe. Kaito grinned at his boyfriend’s reaction.

“You would be surprised at the things you can see from a bird’s eye view.” Kaito had, of course, scouted the place after spotting it from the air. He had to ensure it was a good date location before he took his darling anywhere. The park had been everything Kaito had hoped it would be. It was the perfect location for this date, and it had to be, he had been planning this date for months, ever since the weather had started to cool. Tugging at his boyfriend’s hand, he lead them onto the path, the crisp leaves crunching under foot. They walked, hand in hand, admiring the beautiful colors, the silence between them comfortable. The birds chirped from somewhere in the high branches, and the soft breeze carried leaves down, falling gently, almost like a dance, to the ground below. The park may have been small, but the tree cover was so dense, and it was so quiet, Shinichi could have believed Kaito had somehow teleported him away into a distant forest.

They had wandered that way for almost an hour, before Kaito pulled Shinichi to a stop. He was staring a large, beautiful maple tree. The red of its leaves were like a fine, red wine. Light managed to sneak through its branches, casting delicate shadows onto the pair’s faces. “Well,” Kaito said, a mischievous grin on his face, “let’s go.”

“Go where?” Shinichi asked, confused as Kaito approached the tree then made a leap for one of the low hanging branches. The magician quickly pulled himself up into the branches, disappearing from Shinichi’s view. “ Kuroba Kaito, I am not a squirrel. ” Shinichi marched to the base of the tree, looking up into the canopy to try to spot his boyfriend. He was standing in the higher boughs of the maple, grinning down at him, eyes alight with mirth, the light sneaking through illuminated his face, and the warm colors around him only made Shinichi realize how startling beautiful the magician’s eyes were. If he wasn’t already smitten, hearing Kaito giggle, looking so ethereal, certainly solidified his love for the other.

“I’ll help you up,” Kaito said, laughter in his voice, “all you had to do was ask.” Kaito elegantly maneuvered his way to the lower branches, Shinichi mesmerized by the graceful movements. The smug look he gave Shinichi when he reached a low branch let the detective know his admiring looks hadn’t been lost on the magician. Shinichi was sure the blush he gave in return was the same color as the maple leaves.

Kaito had somehow managed to lead them up through the branches, and now they were seated up there, near the base of the tree, perched on two large branches high off the ground. All Shinichi could see was the red of the maple. Kaito admired his lover for a moment, much like how Shinichi had admired him just moments before. The detective look like he was in a trance, eyes staring out into the branches, the light making his face glow in its golden light. Kaito loved that look in Shinichi’s eyes, it was one of wonder and of innocence. It was a rare look on the detective’s face, it was hard when he was constantly surrounded by death and betrayal. His blue eyes shone like a clear autumn sky, his face was relaxed, not twisted in concentration. Don’t get him wrong, Kaito loved watching Shinichi solve a mystery, but sometimes, he needed to see Shinichi like this, to know that he was relaxing and enjoying what was around him.

Kaito pulled a picnic basket from where he had stowed it in the tree this morning, before Shinichi got up. He nudged the other with it, shaking him from his entranced state. “I’m not even going to ask,” Shinichi said, looking at the basket and rolling his eyes, but there was a soft smile on his lips.

They ate up there, in the trees, laughing and talking and taking and just enjoying the feeling of isolation. It was there own little world up there, and no one could interfere. Once they finished, Kaito began putting everything back in the basket, still smiling and chatting, while Shinichi gazed at him. Slowly, carefully, he leaned forward, meeting Kaito’s lips as the other turned to look at him. The magician jumped slightly, caught off guard at the sudden kiss, but he quickly melted into it. It was small and chaste, but it carried Shinichi’s emotions clearly. Shinichi pulled back, embarrassed. Kaito only giggled at his love’s flustered face. “What was that for? Not that I’m complaining.”

“Nothing,” Shinichi answered bluntly, despite the blush still coloring his face. “I just love you.” Now it was Kaito who matched the maple leaves. It was rare, but Shinichi could fluster Kaito if he tried hard enough, and it was a treat every time. Kaito tried to form a sentence, but all of his words came out incoherent. Eventually, he gave up with a little whine, burying his face in his hands.”

“You aren’t allowed to do that, Shinichi. That has to be illegal.” Shinichi let out a laugh. He nudged Kaito’s foot to get his boyfriend to look at him.

“Let’s get home and watch that movie.” Kaito nodded in agreement, still too embarrassed to speak.

The movie ended up being fairly mediocre, but the two didn’t mind. They were pressed together on the couch, relishing in one another’s company, making jokes about the plot holes in the movie’s story and coming up with wild ideas that would improve the movie’s quality. It was looking like a cold, fall day. The trees were changing, the birds were leaving, and winter was fast approaching, but if the rest of autumn was like today, the pair was looking forward to it.

Summary: Kaito is angry at Shinichi and locked him outside. He will let him back in on one condition.
Written July 2018
Read on AO3

This is why Shinichi avoided arguments with Kaito like the plague. He was currently stuck outside of his house, Kaito having bolted the door, and none of the windows would open. It was embarrassing enough to have your boyfriend lock you out of your own house , but he had Hattori and Hakuba over to discuss a recent string of serial murders. It was just a silly argument and now he had to freeze out in the autumn evening being judged by his contemporaries until Kaito decided to be merciful. “Kaito!” Shinichi shouted at the door, “Please! It’s cold out here!”

“No!” came a shout from inside, “I’m still mad at you!”

“Kaito! We have guests! Be a good host!” Shinichi waited a moment, but he got no reply. He sighed and turned to look at the other two detectives, who gave him a pitying look. “Fine! What can I do to make it up to you!”

“I told you what you have to do!” Shinichi paused. Kaito never told him what he had to do, but if he says that he did… Oh God no.

“Kaito, that was a joke right? You’re not going to make me do that in front of Hakuba and Hattori , are you?”

“I think my demands are clear.”

“Kaito, I am not doing that now . You can kick me out again after their gone, but-”

“There’s no point in it if they’re gone, Shinichi!” He wasn’t going to let this go, was he? He glanced back at his friends, who were now looking at him in a mix of confusion and fear, they knew what Kaito was capable of. “Start singing, Shinichi!” The magician’s pleasure was clear in his sing-songy tone.

Slowly, with embarrassment burning bright on his face, Shinichi began mumbling something under his breath. “Come on Shinichi! You have to say it for all to hear!” Shinichi squeezed his eyes shut and tried to pretend that he wasn’t standing in front of two of the most intelligent people he knew. “Shin~i~chi~!” Shinichi took a large breath and began to recite the cursed words.

“I’m a little teapot-” he heard Hattori let out a snort, “short and stout. Here is my my handle,” Shinichi moved a hand to his hip, “and here is my spout,” he moved his other hand to the “spout” position. Hattori was practically cackling at this point, Hakuba was silent, all to used to the pain of being through Kuroba’s jokes. Shinichi could hear faint snickers through the door as well, he knew he only heard them because Kaito wanted him too.

“You’re doing so well, Shinichi! Keep going!” Shinichi let out a small whine, this had to be cruel and unusual punishment. “Come on, you’re halfway there!”

“When I get all steamed up hear me shout-”

“You have to shout this part, Shinichi!”

“Kaito!” Shinichi dropped the ridiculous pose, “I am not going to shout a children’s song in the middle of the neighborhood!”

“The faster you fo it, the faster it will be over.” That sing-song tone had to be the voice of the devil.

“Yeah, Kudou,” Hattori managed through his laughter, “it’s just one more line.” Shinichi turned a harsh glare on the Osakan.

“We are no longer friends.” His words seemed to have the opposite effect, Hattori laughed harder. Hakuba only gave him a defeated look. Composing himself, Shinichi regained his pose and cleared his throat.

“Tip me over and pour me out!” He could hear how his voice echoed down the street. As soon as the last word left his lips, tried the door handle. It swung open with ease. He marched past his boyfriend, the tips of his ears bright red. “I hate you,” he said, feeling more than seeing the giant, evil grin on the magician’s face.

“No one don’t~” Kaito replied, ushering in his guests.

“No,” Shinichi sighed, more to himself than to Kaito, “I really don’t.”

Summary:Sometimes life is cruel, which is the case for these two. Luck never seems to be on their side, but they are able to find some solace in one another. What luck that a deck comes with a pair of fools.
Written April 2018
Read on AO3

It’s funny how time works. Day bleeds into night, a perfect cycle, but time is strict, rigid. One second it is March, the next, April. This is what a small detective was thinking of as he sat on the roof of the Haido City Hotel, the breeze still warming from its frosty, winter cold. He was there to meet someone for the first of April, someone who would only appear on the first of April, not a second earlier, so when he heard footsteps approach him from behind, he knew the month of Mars had passed.

“You’re here earlier than last year.” The thief eased himself down beside the small detective, who gave a weak chuckle in return.

“It’s not like I have anything better to do, you know that.”

“No progress, huh?” A hum in confirmation. “Looks like Lady Luck abandoned us both.”

“Luck was never on my side in the first place.” That had to be true, there had been an absence of luck for years, every since the incident at Tropical Land.

The thief knew this, he knew a lot of things about the detective, much more than those who constantly surround him. He knew the boy looked forward to this day every year, much like himself. It was a day without masks, without lies, without names.

Names were dangerous. They were fluid, easily changed, and in abundance, especially for people such as themselves, so the two never used them on the first of April. They just talked, a place to speak freely, without repercussion, a tradition which started almost years ago, a year after their first meeting.

It had been on accident, they had both arrived without the knowledge of the other, planning to take a moment’s reprieve from their usual lives. Upon realization that they both desired the same thing, they decided to find that reprieve in one another. They knew they were safe with one another, safe from all of the things pressing on their minds big and small.

As the years progressed they had spent more and more time on the first together, last year it was close to a whole day, and as the detective’s current persona grew older, he was given more freedom, something both were glad to take advantage of.

“So,” the thief said, a cheerful, eager tone in his voice, “ we have several hours until sunrise, and therefore breakfast, what do you want to do?” The detective turned to face him, an amused smirk on his face.

“I know you have some sort of magic show planned, idiot.” The thief smiled.

“You know me to well detective.”

So that’s how their day began. The magician performed a magic show on a cool spring morning on the top of a hotel for an audience of one. The audience refraining from his usual critic in favor of not ruining the relaxed, joyful look the performer held on his face. After the magic show, they contented themselves in swapping stories about some of the high points in the last year, many ended up involving one another. By the time the sun rose, they were already blending into the street below, no one the wiser of their late night meeting, and soon they were sitting in a small cafe in a district where the chance of anyone they knew seeing them was low.

“Hey,” the detective spoke up from his place across from the magician, who was happily perusing the menu’s pastry section.

“What is it?” Indigo eyes met the detective’s, bright in a way that had he had not seen since last April first.

“Are you not wearing a disguise?”

“Hmm, nope.”

“Oh.” It was surprising in a way, but in another, it wasn’t. They did look startling similar, well they would be if the situation was different.

“You order a hot chocolate, I’ll order an iced coffee, then we’ll swap when the staff isn’t looking.” The detective hummed in agreement.

The zoo was a nice trip. They made their way there after breakfast, it was still early in the day, not to mention a school day, so the zoo was quiet, even if the staff shot curious looks at the pair. The more nocturnal animals were settling in to sleep, but they could still be seen, and the other animals were eagerly waiting around the front of their enclosures for breakfast. If they bypassed the animals of the aquatic affinity, neither mentioned it. They passed the time by quizzing one another on animal facts, stopping to eat lunch at one of the concession stands near the North American animals. A bison was loitering near the fence and the magician was pleased to see the detective fight down a snicker when a top hat just so happened to appear on the animals head before disappearing before any zookeepers could notice.

The detective lead the thief through shopping district after shopping district across Tokyo, hitting all the smaller, locally run bookstores. The trains they took between each location began to slowly fill with students returning home after school. Hats placed low on each of their heads, the magician would ask the detective about some of them, what clubs each student was in, how they were doing academically, just things to pass the time.

Of course the magician wanted to have dinner at the Tokyo tower. He seemed to have an obsession with heights, but the detective didn’t mind. And if they were dressed far more casually than the other patrons and were shot dirty looks from the diners as well as the staff, neither cared.

“I do believe it’s your turn to buy the meal, detective,” the magician said as their haughty waiter gave the magician the bill. The detective only sighed as he took the check from the other’s hands and placed his card inside, he didn’t get to use it that often nowadays anyways, and it was worth the look on the waiters face.

The sun had completely set by the time they made it back to the roof of the Haido City Hotel. The magician pulled out a small electric light and a set of cards and they made small talk for a few more hours, the detective giving the thief a pointed look whenever he tried to cheat at the game they were playing.

After several games, the thief stood, placing the cards back inside of his suit, which he changed back into at some point, though his hat was held at his side. “It’s almost time, detective. I do believe it’s time for the finale. The detective sighed, the day truly did go by to quickly, even if he had to admit the lack of sleep was starting to get to him.

“Well, I’m never one to forgo tradition.” The two shared a smile before a bang and flash of light illuminated the sky.

The citizens of Tokyo never understood why the Haido City Hotel lit up on April first. The staff was asked constantly, but they never had an answer to the public’s inquiry. It was even staked out a few years, but they never knew when the fireworks would go off. It started several years ago, a display went off early in the morning. The following years it slowly bleed into the day, then into night, and there was never evidence that someone had been there. It was a sight, however, so no one truly cared. Large displays of bright colors and shapes, coloring the sky for no particular reason, the city eventually wrote it off to a very dedicated prankster. Only two people knew the true significance behind the marvel. A testament to the meeting of April’s favorite fools.

Summary:Prompt fill:  Soulmates share their sense of taste.
Written Feb 2018
Read on AO3

It was always incredibly important to Kudo Shinichi that he always ate delicious food, not because he was a connoisseur of any sort, nor because his family had the wealth to do so, but because he felt it was his duty to ensure that his soulmate would be privilege to the greatest tastes Shinichi could afford. His parent were the ones to instill this mentality in him, telling stories about how they would feel so connected to one another when they were able to share a meal without meeting one another. How they would neglect eating their own meals in order to not ruin whatever the other was eating. Shinichi had no way of knowing who his soulmate was, where they lived, whether or not they had the level of privilege he had, so, as soon he was told about soulmates, he would always beg his parents to take him to the restaurants with the greatest food, unaware of their cost at the time, and his parents would always comply. The tradition continued until he lived on his own. He had to be conscious of his spending money, so he altered his approach. He was constantly online, looking for the restaurants that were lesser known, lower priced, but praised for their exceptional food. Shinichi discovered some of his favorite restaurants this way, and by the way he would crave those restaurants, his soulmate must like them too.

Speaking of his soulmate, Shinichi had always found them peculiar. Home-cooked meals could always be picked out, and Shinichi always enjoyed the days he could taste such a meal on his lips-and he was thankful Ran was always offering to make meals for him, otherwise his soulmate might hate him for constantly eating convenience store food-so it was one of the highlights of Shinichi’s day when he would taste those meals, it made him so much more connected with his soulmate, and he kept track of the kinds of things his soulmate ate in order to try and deduce the things his soulmate liked or hated. His soulmate loved chocolate, in all forms, and didn’t seem to eat a lot of fish, which made him think his soulmate wasn’t Japanese for quite a while. His soulmate also ate some weird combinations, some to gross to even think about physically eating. He hoped most of those were for dares or some kind of punishment game.

At about the age of eight, Shinichi found he was glad he had decided to keep a journal about his soulmates eating habits. At all the usual times he would taste some meal on his lips, he tasted nothing. It lasted weeks, only occasionally tasting crackers or other easy to digest foods. He worried that his counterpart had been hospitalized, but hospitals gave their patients proper meals, so Shinichi decided that it must be something more mental keeping his soulmate from eating. He set out on a quest, scouring back through his notes to find the foods he deemed his soulmate liked the most. Yusaku and Yukiko became slightly concerned when their son started to demand foods he usually ate in moderation, chocolate, in all kinds of forms, meals cooked a certain way, as little fish as possible, certain restaurants, and when their eight-year-old finally disclosed the reason for his behavior, they complied. And it seemed to work, Shinichi began to have certain cravings, sometimes for foods he was eating, other times for meals that he quickly begged his parents to have, and, eventually, he began to taste proper meals on his lips again. Still afraid his soulmate would stop eating, Shinichi started yet another tradition, on Saturdays, he would ensure he ate whatever he thought his soulmate would most enjoy.

That tradition he carried into his teens, incorporating the ever-growing set of data, the small restaurants he would frequent, and begging for the occasionally favor from Ran to help him cook a meal. Ran would always agree, and soon made it a tradition of her own to spend Saturdays with Shinichi, cooking or going out to meals with him. She loved watching him, how dedicated he was to this person he didn’t even know, and hoped that his soulmate would one day be able to appreciate this, and go to these meals with him. His soulmate seemed to at least become attached to Saturdays, Shinichi wouldn’t taste anything until well after the times Shinichi ate.

Shinichi was content, he was rising in popularity as a detective, and he loved being one, sure, but if asked, Shinichi would always say that food was his absolute favorite thing in the world. That statement made his fame slightly more uncomfortable as fans would send in different kinds of foods, expensive ones, homemade one, desserts and bentos to giftcards to some of the most luxurious restaurants in Tokyo. Not only were his fans keen to try to exploit this fact, but so was Suzuki Sonoko. She would offer the use of her family’s private chef, or just paying for one of the more expensive restaurants on Shinichi’s list in exchange for favors. The most frequent one might be her most outrageous.

“If you catch Kaitou KID for me, I’ll pay for all of your meal expenses for the next five years.” Shinichi looked up, taken aback.

“I’m sorry? You want me to what?” Sonoko sighed, placing her hands on her hips and leaning menacingly over Shinichi, where he sat at his desk.

“I want you to catch Kaitou 1412 for me and show me his face before taking him in to police custody in exchange for all of your food expenses for the next five years.” Shinichi’s face must still have shown confusion, because Sonoko let out another sigh and elaborated, “Kaitou KID is like, the most notorious criminal right now, and if anyone can catch him, you can, you detective nerd, so take that as a compliment and do this for me.”

And that’s how Shinichi began his hunt for a phantom, he couldn’t turn down that offer, it would be absolute lunacy. All of his food expenses? Shinichi had learned to go about it cost effectively, but with Sonoko as his wallet, he could frequent the higher ticket restaurants more frequently, or buy higher quality ingredients, or take cooking classes. He had to do this favor for Sonoko. The first few heists he attended, Shinichi was so caught up in trying to catch the thief that he got nowhere close to him, so he put his goal on the back burner and just tried to focus on the phantom thief as much as possible.

Shinichi began to experience the heists in a completely new way. He picked up on the meaning behind the notices quicker, and with each passing heist, began to meet the thief’s pace. He came to respect KID, he was clever and he pushed Shinichi to think in different ways, and if the banter the two would exchange was any indication, KID liked the challenge the Shinichi brought to him as well. This continued on for a few months until a certain heist, the first one to ever be scheduled on a Saturday.

It shouldn’t have been as surprising as it was, but through all of the research and analysis Shinichi did on the thief, Saturdays were the least likely KID picked for heists, it was one of the reasons why Shinichi allowed himself to pursue the thief with such fervor. The owner of the jewel had challenged KID to steal it, however, so Kaitou KID, never one to turn down a challenge, really didn’t have a choice. As much as it pained Shinichi, he couldn’t miss a heist, and, sure, he found the phantom thief to be a great rival, but Sonoko’s offer was too good to pass up. He made sure his breakfast was quite elaborate, an unspoken apology to his soulmate, and hoped the flavor helped his soulmate, if the taste of an energy bar and black coffee, unusual for his soulmate, was anything to go by.

The heist location was in the museum the gem’s owner curated. He had brought the sizable peridot out of storage for one day only, and had smugly challenged Kaitou KID to steal it from “the one of a kind security” of the museum. Shinichi didn’t understand why all of these rich people think their security is any different than the others, the thief always gets through it. Shinichi was at the heist location around five, managing to grab a sandwich at a small western deli he had found on one of his cheap food hunts. He wasn’t the biggest fan of deli food, but it was quick and easy and he was now craving said sandwich, so his soulmate must be enjoying the taste. It wasn’t like he was the only one eating pre-heist either, many of the officers were eating quick bites in between planning.

Shinichi, however, was more concerned over who wasn’t eating. His soulmate still hadn’t had anything but the energy bar and now he tasted, what, some kind of cosmetic? It certainly didn’t taste like the lip balm he often felt on his lips during the colder months, and it felt more dense than lip balm too.

Shinichi was thrown out of his musings by the feeling of someone staring at him. Quickly jerking his head around, he scanned the area, no one was making eye contact with him, and no one looked like they were actively trying to avoid him, he did, however, notice the curator and his wife. They must have just arrived, as they were talking with Nakamori-keibu. The curator looked as Shinichi had assumed, a pompous man who was dressed formally, like he was trying to shove his wealth in everyone else’s face. His wife was just as pompous looking, her face heavily coated in makeup with intensely red lipstick. Which just brought his thoughts back to his soulmate.

It was rare for his soulmate to wear lipstick or lipgloss, and he usually only felt it in the evening, so was it cosmetics for dates? Shinichi didn’t want to think about that. He knew a lot of people dated outside of their soulmate, as it was rare to actually find one another, but what could he say, Shinichi was a romantic at heart.

Shinichi shook himself from those thoughts, he had to focus on the heist. He took a seat on one of the benches on the side of the exhibit hall, it was evident they were there for more aesthetic purposes rather than comfort. He pulled a copy of the heist note from his pocket, it was fairly straightforward, a clear acceptance of the curator’s challenge, but there was something else in it, something Shinichi hasn’t quite discovered yet. His suspicion was that the thief had incorporated a clue as to who he would disguise himself as in order to enter the museum, but it was a struggle to find in what way the thief had coded the hint.

He had lost himself trying to decode the note in every cypher he knew of, and when he had finally gotten it, it was just about the time of the heist. Almost jumping from his seat, Shinichi rushed to find the inspector, he was still standing on the other side of the exhibit by the gem with the curator and his wife, who were apparently quite displeased with division two’s plan. “It is just outrageous that you people even need to be here!” the curator exclaimed, with a voice as pompous as he looked.

“My husband had this place upgraded to the best security system in all of Japan, isn’t that right dear?” His wife, with a voice equally as pompous, added.

“Of course, just look for yourselves! There is absolutely no way Kaitou KID could break into this case,” the pair stalked over to the display case the jewel was resting in, “Only my handprint can open this case,” the curator explained, reaching for the panel keeping the case locked.

“Wait! Don’t get to close!” Shinichi yelled, still too far away to prevent what happened next, which was his wife, with a quick smirk aimed toward the detective, forcing the man’s hand onto the panel, unlocking the display case, and with an explosion of smoke, the curator’s wife was gone, and Kaitou KID stood smugly on top of the now empty case.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” KID gestered out to the clearly shocked group of officers and reporters, there only because the curator allowed it; Shinichi, however, was still making his way toward the thief. “I’m terribly sorry I have to cut tonight short, I do hope you forgive me, but I’m usually occupied on Saturdays, and as there is still time left in the day, I hope we can all go home and enjoy it.” That statement shocked Shinichi enough to stop his approach, so the phantom really did avoid Saturday heists. It was nice to confirm one of his suspicions, but it only raised more questions.

In a flash, KID had thrown another smoke bomb, the cover allowing him to remove himself from the display before the task force could make their move. Shinichi wasn’t certain which way the thief would escape, but his gut told him the roof was his best bet. He was pleased to find his hunch was right. Throwing open the door, he could clearly see the thief standing by the edge of the roof, his whole body showing ease and confidence. Before  Shinichi could even register it himself, he was already deploying a soccer ball which hurled toward the phantom at a breakneck speed, then-

Blood. Shinichi tasted blood, but he wasn’t bleeding, did his soulmate bite their lip or…

“Jesus, Tantei-kun, give a guy some time to react next time, did I do something to offend you?” Shinichi brought his attention back to the criminal in front of him. KID was holding the left side of his face, visibly turning red even in the dim light. And his lip… was busted and bleeding. Oh .

Shinichi couldn’t jump to conclusions, it could just be a coincidence, but, “KID, tell me, did you use some kind of cosmetic on your lips for your disguise today? Not on a mask, but your actual lips.” KID, through his pain, gave Shinichi a questioning smirk.

“Why detective, I didn’t know you were interested in cosmetics. To answer your question, yes, I did, it was a lovely shade called “He’s With Me”. Don’t ask me why they name lipsticks these kinds of things, I don’t understand it either.” Okay, well, Shinichi didn’t need all that information.

“KID, what have you had to eat today?”

“I really don’t understand the interrogation, Tantei-kun, first you hit me in the face with a soccer ball, now you sound like my mother asking about how I’ve been eating.”

“Please, KID, just tell me.” The thief seemed to consider it for a couple seconds.

“Well, it’s a heist day and it was kind of sudden, so I had to do a bit of setup and recon this morning, so, I don’t know, I guess I just grabbed a power bar and some coffee, as vile as straight black coffee is.”

Well great. Shinichi had no idea what to do with this information. Well first I should probably… “KID, I think we’re soulmates.”


“Yeah, I’m fairly certain. I made chocolate chip pancakes this morning with a side of bacon, then for lunch I went to a deli and got a turkey sandwich on rye bread with lettuce, tomato, and provolone cheese.”

“…Was the bread toasted?”


“… You really need to take me to all of these places, Tantei-kun, do you know how tragic it is to crave something and then have absolutely no idea where to find said dish? I have been searching for that yakisoba place for months .” Despite himself, Shinichi let out a little laugh.

“Well, like you said, there is still time left in the day”

“You mean, you’re fine with…this?” KID gestured to himself, a small, genuine smile on his lips.

“Only if your okay with dating a detective and, you know, you don’t try to assault anyone, and I think those are pretty reasonable standards.” KID laughed, a sound Shinichi could listen to for the rest of his life.

“Well detective, I think we have ourselves a date.”

Kaito reaches out to Shinichi after a long period of silence.
Written Dec 2017
Read on AO3

It’s been awhile since we last saw each other. I hope you’ve been okay. You always knew me best, I hope we can see each other again here soon. Call me when you can XXX-XXX-XXXX
Best, Kaito

It’s been a few weeks since my last letter. I haven’t received a response. I guess that maybe I have the wrong address? Are your parents still in the same place? It was before my father died that I last heard from them. Maybe I could visit them soon. Call me, XXX-XXX-XXXX
Best, Kaito

The weather has been bad lately. I don’t know why but I keep finding myself writing these letters. I don’t even know if you are getting them. I hope you understand. You always used to understand me best.
Best, Kaito

I forgot to ask– How is Ran? I know you guys were on and off again for a long time. Are you two still together? I know that it was awkward when she found out about the Conan ordeal. I wondered how your relationship fared after she found out.
Best, Kaito

Y’know, I had always hoped that it would be us. Together. In the end. I always had so much fun when we played together at my heists. Would you come back and play again if I set up a new one? Please let me know. XXX-XXX-XXXX
Love, Kaito

Are you even getting these? I mean I’d understand if you weren’t. I’d always thought that you, out of everyone I knew, would be the one to travel the world. Maybe I should send them to your parents’ house for them to forward instead? I looked them up- they’re still living in that house that we used to get lost in together. Do you remember? I miss you. Please call me. XXX-XXX-XXXX
Love, Kaito

Since you weren’t replying, I decided to look you up online. Everything is about the High School Detective phase. You don’t even have a Facebook. Didn’t you used to have one? What happened to it? This is making me worried please call me ASAP XXX-XXX-XXXX
Love, Kaito

There are rumors. I hope they aren’t true. They say you’re dead. That you have been for a while. Was your breakup with Ran after the Conan discovery that bad? I did find that in an American paper. Is that where you moved to? I really hope I didn’t reach out too late. Were you able to read any of my letters? Am I writing to a dead man?
Love, Kaito

I called your parents today. I dialed the number from memory. It was late at night, but knowing your parents I knew I could get them. They seemed so surprised to hear from me. We had a nice conversation until I mentioned you. I heard your mom choke up. Your dad took the phone outside before he told me what happened. Were you really that devastated after you broke up with your childhood crush that you wanted to end it? Or was there a deeper reason? I probably won’t send this letter, knowing that the rumors were true. Do you know what effect that had on the people around you? I even heard from those detectives-in-training you dragged around during the Conan incident. All of them miss you. Was it really only July that you did it? That was days before I sent the first letter out in the post. Would you still be here if I had gathered the courage to sit and write it just a week earlier? What an odd detective you are, Meitantei.
Love, Kaito

Summary:Prompt fill: We’re at an ugly Christmas sweater party and that thing is horrendous where did you even find that au, and “I tried so hard to meet you under the mistletoe that I knocked over the Christmas tree and now everyone at the party is staring at me” AU
Written Dec 2017
Read on AO3

How in the name of Jolly old St. Nick did this happen . Kaito stared dumbfounded at the detective across the room.He knew that there would be police officers at this party, Aoko had invited him to her father’s annual police Christmas Party for as long as he could remember, but seeing the high school detective was something else entirely. He had only returned recently, wrapping up a case that had kept him away for almost a year, or that would be what Kaito thought if he didn’t, a), help Kudo Shinichi take down that organization, and ,b), know that he was actually six at the time. In all of Kaito’s shock, he didn’t realize he had been staring, and Kudo had just whipped his head around back, sensing that someone was watching him. Kaito quickly turned back to Aoko, who was currently perusing the buffet table.

“Aoko!” Kaito said, maybe a bit too enthusiastically, “do they have those chocolate chip cookies like they did last year?” Aoko, who jumped a little when Kaito spoke, turned to give him an inquisitive look.

“Yeah, they do, but why do you…” Aoko trailed off, her gaze moving from Kaito’s face to something over his shoulder. “Oh sweet Christmas, he wins!”

“What?” Kaito snapped his fingers to regain Aoko’s attention. “What on Earth are you talking about?” Aoko looked at him, in a ‘are you serious right now?’  kind of way. “I’m talking about that guy’s sweater, there is an ugly sweater contest, remember?”

“Duh I remember, why do you think I’m wearing this, for fun?” Kaito gestured to his own torso, that was covered by a sweater of his own design. He had hot glued an entire advent calendar to the front and drew a stick figure Christmas scene on the back, and he had sewn the most obnoxiously colored lights he could find across the whole thing, and of course they lit up. He did all this work, and now Aoko was saying he won’t even win? He won every year, it wasn’t possible. “So, point this guy out for me, who could possibly have an uglier sweater than me?” Kaito said, turning back around to face the expanse of the room.

“There,” Aoko replied smugly, “the guy that kinda looks like you.” Kaito scanned the room until he saw who she was pointing at, Kudo Shinichi, “Great,” Kaito thought and, wait, “ Oh eggnog, what isthat?!”

Distracted by the detective’s presence, Kaito neglected to notice the absolutely horrendous roadkill that made Kudo Shinichi’s sweater. The thing had a stuffed reindeer piercing through the detective’s torso, surrounded by an actual wreath decorated with candy canes and gingerbread men , and just to add insult to injury, Kudo also had lights sewn into the sweater, similar colors to, but his were shaped like snowflakes.

“Aoko,” Kaito deadpanned, “I can’t believe that thing exists.”

“Me either, Kaito, it looks like you’re going to have to give up your throne.” Kaito turned away from the amazing sight to eat some pity cookies, it just wasn’t fair, Kudo was already stupid pretty, crazy intelligent, and now it turns out he is also a master at tacky sweaters? It was like the man wanted Kaito to fall in with him. Aoko gave him a sympathetic pat as he nibbled on a cookie. “There is always next year Kaito.”

After moping around the party for another hour, trying to make sure Kudo didn’t spot him, the judges decided that, yes Kudo’s sweater was a monstrosity that should not exist in this world, Nakamori found Kaito in order to give him his condolences for losing the crown. “Attention ladies and gentlemen!” One of the organizers stood on a chair, cupping her hands around her mouth in a faux megaphone, “It’s getting close to midnight, and you all know what that means! Mistletoe Mines!” There was a mix of groans and cheers throughout the partygoers, Kaito, well, he would have been one of the Scrooges of the bunch if it hadn’t been for the detective in the room.

The police holiday party had a very… interesting tradition, from eleven to midnight, mistletoe was hung everywhere . Standing at the dessert table, mistletoe. Asking the DJ for a certain song, mistletoe. Just standing in the middle of the room, slightly off center, you better believe there is mistletoe. Of course, they didn’t expect people to go in for a full-blown kiss, something chaste on the cheek was enough, but you had to kiss whoever was under the mistletoe with you, otherwise you had to face a punishment, and the police force knew some punishment games. It was a relatively well liked tradition overall, and if someone was seriously against smooching, they always got a pass. The women of the TMPD were always thankful for Kaito’s attendance. If he saw some lady get stuck under the mistletoe, looking very uncomfortable, or warily watching a coworker start to make their way over, he would rush in and present the lady with an overly dramatic declaration of love, then kiss the back of the lady’s hand. Kaito was the only one allowed to get away with it.

He continued the tradition this year as well. It had only been ten minutes since the mistletoe had been hung up, and he had already rushed to the aid of three women, they were all incredibly used to Kaito’s help at these parties, so they greeted his declaration and kiss with an equally dramatic rejection, and Kaito, wearing a Santa hat and ridiculously ugly sweater, would feign sorrow and walk away dejectedly. All three events were met with applause and a little bow from both parties.

Kaito’s mood was starting to brighten, then he saw Kudo standing under the mistletoe by the insanely large Christmas tree. He. Had. To. Get. Over. There. Aoko turned to say something to him, but only found a dust cloud, he was already sprinting across the room to be the first to Kudo, who looked quite flustered when one of his companions, Ran if Kaito remembered correctly, informed him that, yes, he was under the mistletoe and, no she would give him an out. Bless her.

In all of Kaito’s distraction, a state which has seemed to happen more tonight than any other preceding it, he forgot about the ten foot tall Christmas tree. Which he managed to smack straight into. And watched in horror as it began to fall. There were gasps, some small yells, and then, the tree was suspended, mere inches from colliding with the floor, ornaments precariously swinging back and forth on their branches. And Kaito, put on his best poker face and gave the best “ Tada! It’s magic! ” pose. Everyone was silent for a solid minute before they burst into applause as the tree slowly righted itself.

Kudo though, Kudo still looked at him in absolute terror, which, to be fair, he was in the line of tree. ‘ Oh Kris Kringle I almost crushed Kudo’ Kaito thought, in horror. He hoped to God he wasn’t blushing as furiously as he thought he was. Slowly, apologetically, Kaito walked toward Kudo.

“Aren’t you glad you weren’t just crushed by a Christmas tree, I think I deserve a reward.” ‘ STUPID, STUPID, KAITO WHAT? REALLY? YOU JUST ASKED HIM THAT? ARE YOU AN IDIOT?’

“ I suppose,” Kudo looked at Kaito thoughtfully for a moment before leaning in and kissing him on the cheek “Merry Christmas you stupid thief.”

Well, Kaito knew he had to be blushing now.

Summary:Prompt fill:  Person A: “Welcome to my humble abode.”
Person B: “This is a tree house.”
Written May 2017
Read on AO3

The heist had taken a turn for the worst, at least, it had in Shinichi’s case. Presently, Kaito stood in front of the detective quite stunned, as the man had just tried to stop KID from escaping, he had attempted to kick his soccer ball at him. It backfired. Kaito had quickly maneuvered to the left, behind a glass pane he had set up for one of his tricks, which Shinichi had accounted for, but failed to take note of the large piece of glass; however the glass held, and Shinichi ended up with a face full of soccer ball. Now he was passed out, on the floor, in some out of the way shrine displaying  a holy gem they had kept hidden for ages and refused police aid for. Kaito had absolutely no idea what to do with the detective, if the members of the shrine found Shinichi in here they would most certainly have him arrested for trespassing, they had even threatened the police with such, so there was only one thing he could do. Luckily, Shinichi had been the first, and so far the only , person to find him, so kidnapping the detective without anyone noticing would be simple. So he did.


Shinichi’s head ached. Was it usually this miserable to be hit with a soccer ball? He almost felt guilty for aiming at KID so many times, but not only had Shinichi hit himself with his own soccer ball, he had also been thrown off balance and hit the floor, hard. Speaking of, how had the heist gone? The light meeting his still closed eyes made his headache worse, so he must have been knocked out for the rest of the night. The people at the shrine were adamant about not having anyone unrelated enter the shrine and that they could protect the jewel themselves, so he must have been arrested for trespassing. The birds cooing were too loud, did they have to be cheerful this early? Why could he hear birds this clearly? It was like they were right on top of hi- Shinichi opened his eyes and let out a little yelp. A bird, a dove he noted, had been laying on his chest, far too close to his face for comfort. The dove, similarly startled, quickly flew off of him and came to rest on a man’s arm.

“Finally awake, Meitantei?” The smug voice could only belong to one person, someone who, at this moment, Shinichi was glad to see. Shinichi sat up slowly, trying his best not to agitate the pounding headache, and looked at KID more closely. He was dressed in a black shirt with black pants, a black baseball cap low over his eyes, his incognito gear then , Shinichi thought. His eyes were as well hidden as always, but his smug grin was as clear as day.

“I have to be honest,” Shinichi started, a smug grin of his own, “I’m relieved I’m somewhere I’m not sure of instead of in holding.” KID laughed, a honest laugh, his grin becoming more genuine for just a second before the cheshire smile returned.

“How do you know we aren’t in a cell of some sort?”

“Because cells don’t let you keep pets,” he pointed at the dove perched delicately on KID’s shoulder, “and they don’t have floors and walls made of wood with completely open windows…” Shinichi’s sentence drifted off, much to KID’s amusement. The detective’s confident air quickly turned curious, his face scrunching up as he tried to deduce where he could be without aggravating his headache to much. Deciding to let the detective off the hook, Kaito spoke up.

“Detective, welcome to my humble abode!” He gave a grand gesture, throwing his arms open as if to indicate how amazing the small room was, the dove on his arm, and a few perched around the room flew out the window just past Shinichi head just for added effect.

“KID,” Shinichi paused, confirming his next words before he said them, “this is a tree house.” KID kept his arms spread as if he were expecting some sort of acknowledgement or applause; however, Shinichi gave him no such thing, slowly standing and brushing himself and straightening his clothes. “I appreciate you keeping me from being arrested, as ironic as it is, and I appreciate you letting me rest somewhere instead of just dumping me outside of the heist site, but I have to get going, I have things to do today.” He looked around for a door out of the room, a quick glance out of a window told him it was far to high up in the tree for one to simply jump out of, so there had to be a way to climb out. To his dismay, the only exit he could see was a trap down beneath KID’s feet.

“Come on, detective.” KID crossed his arms, frowning in a way that was clearly meant to be an exaggeration, “Do you dislike me so much that you don’t want to spend some time with lil’ ol’ me?” Shinichi stared at him for a few moments, an expressionless face meeting a pouting lip with what would be puppy-dog eyes if Shinichi could see them, before he eventually sighed and sat back down on the bed.

“Magician Under the Moonlight, Heisei Lupin, the great thief, Kaitou KID, wants me, a detective, to stay and have a chat, in his super secret base, a treehouse.” He said it in a mock-serious tone, more of a statement than a question, but KID seemed pleased the detective had understood what he wanted. “Well then, what does the great thief want to know about me that he doesn’t already? My favorite book? Favorite soccer player? Favorite food?” KID shook his head, still giving Shinichi his smug smile.

“Of course not, I already know all of those things. What I want to know is,” he paused, seemly for dramatic effect, prompting Shinichi to tell him to continue, “Do you have a lover?” The room went quiet, neither spoke for quite a while, Shinichi too stunned to respond. His mind thinking of all the possible reasons as to why Kaitou KID would ask him such a question. The doves, who had returned to perch in several different windows, started to coo nervously and flew closer to KID and looked at him curiously.

“Why would you want to know something like that?” Shinichi final responded, his face displaying just how wary he was of what KID would do with the information. KID merely shrugged in return, casually leaning back into a window frame.

“I was just curious.”

“About a rival’s love life?” Another shrug from KID.

“Why not, I already know everything else about you. A thief has to stay informed.” Shinichi sighed, visibly mulling over the question before properly answering.

“I don’t have a lover, no, but there is someone I’m interested in.” KID stood a little straighter and leaned, intrigued, in Shinichi’s direction.

“Oh? Do go on detective, who’s the lucky lady? Still Miss Mouri, perhaps? Or is it some young thing in the police force? Just say the name I’m sure to know them fairly well.”

“I would hope you did.” Shinichi said it like it was an unconscious retort to his statement which, frankly, made Kaito nervous. Was it someone on his taskforce? Was it Aoko? He really hoped it wasn’t Aoko, that would be painfully awkward.

“So you won’t tell me who they are?” Shinichi shook his head, a smug grin on his own face as Kaito was the one who now looked confused.

“Maybe you should just let me go so I can meet them.”

“You’re seeing them today?!” KID started pacing the length of the small room, “You go to one of my heists, in the middle of nowhere , when you know you have a date tomorrow? Seriously?” Shinichi shrugged.

“I wasn’t planning on being abducted by a master criminal.”

“You should have told me sooner! Go! Don’t be late!” Kaito threw open the trap door and gestured wildly to it. Shinichi laughed then walked over to the door.

“Wow, you really are a gentleman.” With that, Shinichi climbed out of the tree house and onto the world below, calling up one last time before leaving, “I’ll see you soon KID.” Kaito just closed the trapdoor and slid onto the floor, pulled off his hat and shoved his face into his hands, his doves surrounding him, sensing his foul mood.

“Great job Kaito,” he mumbled sarcastically, “You get your crush alone in a cute little tree house hideout, get him to tell you if he likes anyone, then encourage him to go on a date with that person, perfect!” he pulled his bag out from beneath the twin sized metal bed Shinichi had been sitting on, and pulled out his phone. He had several missed calls from Aoko and one text message.

A : Bakaito, I called and rang your doorbell far too many times to count. I wanted to tell you in person, but I guess this will have to do if it gets you back here. I got you a date with that detective you’re always gushing about, you’re welcome, it’s today, so don’t be late!

Kaito read and reread the message multiple times before it finally sunk in and, as soon as it did, the doves were all in a stir as Kaito grabbed his bag and practically leapt out of the tree house. He was a gentleman after all, he shouldn’t keep his date waiting.

Summary:Prompt fill: Person A and Person B are forced to attend a single’s party, and nobody knows they are dating. 
Written Feb 2017
Read on AO3

Shinichi didn’t really understand why he had been invited to the party he was currently at. Well, he kind of knew so that was a lie. He was there because Ran had told him that she didn’t want to go alone, even though it was a singles awareness party; being alone was kind of the point. He had been talking to Kaito and found out that Aoko was the one that had invited Ran, so at least he had someone to blame, other than his best friend, for him showing up to the party.

He was a bit upset that he had yet to see Kaito here, he was coming because he was part of the planning committee along with Aoko and some girl named Akako that he had heard about from Kaito, apparently they had all gone to highschool together.

He still found it quite entertaining when Kaito went off about some grudge he held against Akako, so Aoko had invited Ran and Hakuba to piss him off that there were a bunch of detectives at the party (apparently when he called Kaito, Aoko had already informed him that she had invited Ran so Shinichi would probably be coming too).

He had apparently looked a little too happy when he found out Shinichi was coming and Aoko got suspicious. They couldn’t actually tell anyone they have been dating for almost a year, because they had only officially met as Kaito and Shinichi 2 weeks ago.

Yet, here they both were, on Valentine’s day, not doing their original plans that they had made in December, and instead attending a freaking Singles Awareness party. That was supposed to last until midnight.

Shinichi was quite put-out by the whole situation because he was really looking forward to the plans they had made. Which included going to the exact restaurant the party was taking place in. He had a feeling that Kaito had a hand in the locations, purely for this reason.

He thought it was sweet of his boyfriend to get the party to be at the exact places they were planning on going anyway, since they had been dragged to, and in Kaito’s case forced to help with, a singles party.

“Ah! Kudo-san!”

Shinichi turned; before him was the man of the hour- one Kaito KID, also known as Kuroba Kaito.

“Kuroba-san, how are you?”

“I’m amazing. It’s good to see you again,” the man replied with a shit-eating grin.

This got some suspicious looks from the others present.

“Kuroba-san,” Ran intruded, “are you drunk?”

Aoko looked her straight in the eye and spoke, “Yes he is. I dragged him out of his house this morning because he was sobbing into his desk claiming ‘he doesn’t love me’. Still no idea who the ‘he’ is.”

Shinichi glanced to the thief in question. At least the other had the decency to looked ashamed. “Kuroba-san, would you like to come with me for a moment?” Shinichi held out his hand to Kaito and the thief’s hand was quickly placed on top. He dragged the other man to the bathroom because he needed to slap some sense into him. Shinichi looked at his boyfriend. “‘He doesn’t love me,’ huh? Do you really think so lowly of me?” When Kaito didn’t respond, Shinichi shook his head, “You are the most insecure jerk I have ever met Kaito.”

He grabbed the man by his shoulders and pulled him forward, into a kiss. As he pulled his face away, he shifted into a hug and whispered into the other’s ear, “But that’s why I love you.”

Kaito slowly pulled away with a slight blush on his face. “Uh, Shinichi-”

Shinichi looked at him with a puzzled look.

“You- were you aware we were followed?”

“What?” And, sure enough, when he turned around to see what Kaito was staring at, there was a crowd of Ran, Aoko, Akako, Hakuba, Heiji (when had he gotten here? was he even invited?), and a few others. Most of them had out their smart phones and were filming the scene. “Damnit. Guess we can’t sneak around anymore.”

Summary:Prompt fill: Person A and Person B are forced to attend a single’s party, and nobody knows they are dating.
Written Feb 2017
Read on AO3

“You want me to go to a what?”

“A singles’ party!” Ran repeated, slightly annoyed at her best friend’s obvious dislike to the idea. “Come on Shinichi! I’msingle,you’re single, and we both have nothing to do on Valentine’s day!” Ran crossed her arms with a “well?”  look on her face? ‘ Well’ Shinichi thought bitterly, ‘ Youare single, Iam dating a thief, and youcan’t know about that.’ He didn’t even know how Ran would react if he told her that he was in love with a guy .

“Fine.” he sighed out reluctantly. He hadn’t spent time with Ran in a while, and he missed her company. “I’ll go, but don’t expect too much enthusiasm out of me.”

“I never have Shinichi.”


Ran had explained that the party was being hosted by a recent friend of her’s, a girl named Aoko. She didn’t give him a last name, which was strange, especially since Ran had a strange look on her face when she mentioned her. He did recognise the name, although he couldn’t place it.

Now he was standing in front of a house in Ekoda, right next to his secret boyfriend’s house. The name just clicked. Aoko Nakamori is Kaito’s best friend. He was screwed.

“Hurry it up Shinichi! Don’t lose your nerve now! Plus it’s cold out here!” Ran called from where she stood at the gate to the Nakamori household. Shinichi took several deep breaths and caught up with his best friend.

“Me? Lose my nerve? Never.”

Aoko answered the door soon after and they were quickly ushered in from the cold February day. Shinichi had regained some confidence, after all, there was no certainty that Kaito himself would be there. He walked in and started removing his shoes and heavy coat. “Thank yo-” he began to say to Aoko for inviting him to the party, but as he raised his head to meet their host’s eyes, he found himself staring at an equally shocked man of the magician/thief trade. So much for confidence.

“Oh! Kudo-san I don’t believe you have ever met my friend Kaito. I also have to introduce you to my friend Akako, and Hakuba is on his way, have you met him?” Shinichi was snapped out of his shocked state.

“No, unfortunately I haven’t had the opportunity to meet him in person, but I’ve heard much about how great a detective he is.” Aoko blushed ‘Oh?’ Shinichi thought, ‘ I believe Nakamori-san has more in mind then just having a singles party.’

“ Great detective my ass.” Kaito interjected, “He is constantly trying to have me confess to being Kaitou KID, even if I was, why would I just admit it?” Shinichi had to stop himself from letting out a snort.

“Kaito! I can’t believe you.”

“No, he’s right Nakamori-san, I don’t think KID is the type to give up so easily.”a beautiful woman with long black hair and red eyes said as she walked into the entryway.”

“I don’t like what you’re implying Akako.” Kaito returned.

“How about we all just get out of this entry way?” Ran finally spoke, looking very uncomfortable.

Everyone agreed and moved to the living room. Shinichi, being one of the first in the room, sat on a couch centered with the television while Aoko and Akako took a love seat and Ran took a chair. Kaito sat next to Shinichi on the other end of the couch, leaving as much room between them as possible. They switched the topic of conversation to something more civil and Shinichi relaxed until he noticed a repeating tapping sound next to him on the couch.

Kaito’s hand was resting on the center cushion in a manner which would not look unusual to the average person. His finger was tapping the cushion in an intentional way. Morse. Hey. Hey. Hey. was being tapped repeatedly.

Shinichi shifted his sitting position as inconspicuously as possible, moving his hand to make a question mark before resting several inches from Kaito’s fingers. Kaito was speaking, so Shinichi thought he hadn’t seen him, until his message changed.

This is weird

You think

I’m glad I get to see you on Valentine’s day

“Kudo-san?” Shinichi shot his head up, “Is there something wrong, you’re incredibly red.” Akako had been the one to ask. Shinichi sputtered, trying to find an acceptable response. Suddenly, a hand was on his forehead.

“Hmmmm, I think he has a fever.” Kaito remarked, his hand still resting on Shinichi’s forehead. ‘ At least everyone else in this room is now as embarrassed as I am’ the blushing boy consoled himself. ‘ And they don’t know any better so they will probably believe Kaito’s lie.

“Oh, does he?” A new voice entered the room. A voice Shinichi recognized quickly. Hakuba. “I would like to double check, Kuroba, you can take your hand off of him now.” Which Kaito did with his own brand of embarrassment. Hakuba reached down to rest a hand on Shinichi’s forehead. After a beat, he stood back up. “He does have a fever.” the Brit concluded, much to Shinichi’s surprise, “He should probably lie down for a while.” Hakuba leaned down into the space between Kaito and Shinichi on the couch where both their hands were resting. “I hope you’re both aware that this is a singles’ party.” He whispered.

“Oh what a shame, none of us really know Kudo-san yet, right Kaito?” Aoko replied with a disappointed tone. Kaito nodded in turn with a nervous smile.

“Oh?” Hakuba questioned walking away from the couch, an eyebrow raised in questioned. “Well, it can’t be helped, even if I wanted to properly speak with him myself.”

“Kaito, why don’t you show him to dad’s room? He can rest there for a while.” Kaito quickly stood at Aoko’s suggestion, trying furiously to hide his flush.

“Of course, come on Kudo-san.” Shinichi stood in turn, apologized to the room for his retirement, and left for Nakamori-keibu’s room behind Kaito.

“Geez they are so obvious.” Ran muttered after they closed the door. The rest of the room agreed.

Summary: Prompt fill: “Watching Christmas films together”
Written Dec 2016
Read on AO3

Shinichi was in a bad mood. Not only was it yet another Christmas Eve that his parents were in another country for, it was below freezing and he had just finished solving his most recent case (some lady killed her husband with cyanide laced popcorn during a movie at the theater). He vaguely wished that he could go to a viewing of A Christmas Carol without having to solve a murder at the end. He was over it.

He trudged his way down the now snowy road back to his house. He honestly wanted nothing to do with people at that point. The Suzuki’s were holding their annual Christmas Eve party so he wouldn’t have to worry about anyone randomly appearing at his house and ruining his little free time(even though he was expected to attend; he could deal with having to fake sick for a few days to say that he fell ill on the day of and didn’t have time to call). Even Kaitou KID had planned a heist for the night and Shinichi was especially grateful for the lack of random appearances at his house the thief had been making for the last few weeks.

When Shinichi reached his house, he ditched his shoes, started a pot of coffee, grabbed a blanket and a book, and settled down on his couch for a relaxing evening.

Or, that’s what it was supposed to be.

Shinichi was half way through “The Flower of Utah,” his favorite chapter of A Study in Scarlett, when a resounding knock came from his front door.

He huffed as he stood up and set his coffee mug on a coaster on the coffee table. Whoever is at that damn door, Shinichi thought, better have a really good goddamn reason to bother me at- he glanced at his watch- 10:30 on Christmas Eve.  

Shinichi opened the door, harsher than necessary, admittedly. He was genuinely confused when the person he had sometimes seen around KID heists, often helping Nakamori-keibu, was standing in front of his door. Shinichi was immediately confused. He had never even seen this man this close before, let alone talked to him after that one time Nakamori attempted to introduce them.

“What the hell do you want?”

The man jerked slightly, surprised. “I thought that maybe something had happened ‘cause you didn’t come to the KID heist, so I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

Shinichi looked at the man in confusion, “You mean you didn’t hear? About the movie theater murderer?”

The man scratched his head. “I had, but Nakamori-keibu insisted that I come and check on you. Can’t really ignore a wish of the man that practically raised me.” He glanced to the side. “Especially since we live next to each other and he’d notice if I didn’t come back late enough to actually visit you,” the man mumbled. Shinichi struggled to hold back a slight chuckle at the man’s obvious frustration at this fact

Shinichi gestured inside, “Would you like to come in?”

The man nodded and walked forward into the house far enough for Shinichi to close the door before he took off his shoes and put on an extra pair of slippers that he saw. Shinichi led the other man into the living room in silence. Once he was seated, Shinichi went to pick up his coffee and noticed it was empty. He picked it up and stood, turning to the man, “Would you like some coffee…?”

“Ah, Kaito. And no thank you, coffee isn’t really my thing. Do you have some hot chocolate?”

Shinichi crinkled his brow in thought. If he remembered correctly, his mother tried to keep some in the house for when she would visit; apparently she didn’t understand how he and his father could enjoy “that damn rocket fuel.”

“I’ll have to look, but I should have some. Not sure how high quality it is. My mom is really the only one that drinks it.”

Kaito nodded, “That’s fine. I don’t really care about that kind of thing.”  

They both went into the kitchen and, in Shinichi’s case, began to look for the hot chocolate while Kaito poured another cup of coffee for him. Once Shinichi finally found the packets he tossed one onto the counter and pulled out a mug for Kaito. He tore it open and dumped it into the mug, which was quickly followed by milk out of the fridge and it was placed in the microwave. It finished, was mixed, and handed across the counter to Kaito.

Kaito looked down at what was probably the most expensive cup of hot cocoa he had ever had. First of all, it was an extremely expensive brand that he had seen his father buy at some point in France, and, second of all, it was made with milk. He had never been able to just casually use milk like that before and was completely baffled that there were people that made hot chocolate with milk instead of water, like, what the hell, how much money did this kid have at his disposal? Well, of course there was the fact that Shinichi’s parents were a famous actress and author respectfully, and the boy himself was a famous high-school detective, but at that moment Kaito’s brain conveniently forgot that information, leaving him watching the detective’s retreating back in confusion as Shinichi left the kitchen.

Kaito was startled out of his thoughts by a “You coming or what?”

Kaito headed back into the living room to see Shinichi holding the remote control for the TV in one and and his coffee in the other while curled up under the blanket he had seen on the couch earlier.

Shinichi pointed to a blanket on the recliner, “Grab that one and come sit over here.”

Kaito did as he was demanded and settled in on the couch next to the detective.

“Hope a movie is okay, KID.”

Kaito turned to Shinichi with wide eyes, “How did you-”

“You might want to find a better hiding place for the monocle than your back pocket.”

“Ah- yes a- a movie is just fine.” Kaito dug the monocle out of his pocket and placed it on the end table next to him.

As the beginning of The Polar Express started, they both shifted until they were in a comfortable position, and if that position looked just a little too close to a couple cuddling, neither of them dared to mention it.

They fell asleep about the time the children were reaching the pole to meet with Santa. The last thing Kaito can remember is thinking, I knew Nakamori was trying to set me up for a date.


Hakuba approached Kaito at the New Year’s party the Nakamoris were holding.”So, Kuroba. Where did you disappear to after the last KID heist?”

A blush came across the thief’s face as he thought about the night that he spent at Shinichi’s house and especially the moment when the detective finally woke up the next morning and stretched after standing up, exposing a small band of skin that Kaito had trouble trying not to stare at. Who would have thought that the detective would be that toned. “No- nowhere. Why do you ask?”

Aoko came up behind him, “Because you didn’t come home until almost noon on Christmas and Aoko was worried so she mentioned it to Hakuba-kun.”

Kaito’s mouth gaped like a thing as he tried to come up with an excuse that didn’t involve anything near the truth.

Akako walked up to them, “He was opening up his heart.”
They all stared at Kaito in shock. Nakamori-keibu, who had been listening into the conversation, smirked, he knew sending Kaito to that teenage-wannabe-detective’s house was a good idea.

Summary:Prompt fill: “Watching Christmas films together” –  Shinichi follows a family tradition.
Written Dec 2016
Read on AO3

It was cold outside. In fact, it was freezing, 0 degrees celsius according to the weather reports. Shinichi was glad that on days like these he was able to stay at home and do absolutely nothing.

It was Christmas and he was at home, alone, wrapped up in a blanket with a hot cup of coffee nestled in his hands. He knew that Christmas was supposed to be a time to gather with friends and family, but his parents were still running from Yuusaku’s editors and Sonoko hosted a big Christmas party yesterday and, whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, all of Shinichi’s friends are also Sonoko’s friends. Spending that much time with the same group of people was exhausting after the hours the party lasted for, and, thankfully, Ran understood he needed his space, as downtrodden she was that he was all alone in such a big house on Christmas.

He sighed at the thought of his best friend pouting in that ‘you should feel sorry for making me use this face’ way she had, and he sunk lower into the warmth of his fluffy blanket. He was practicing a Christmas tradition in the Kudo household, watch all of the Christmas movies possible. Yes, it seemed dumb, but when your mother had a role in at least half of the movies on the ‘Must Watch at Christmas’ list, and yes, there was an actual list, it became a staple in your household.

Shinichi never minded the custom. He would sit in the living room and his family would snack and make small talk over the movies they had watched so often that he was able to quote scenes from many of the films by the time he was eight, and they overall had a wonderful Christmas. It was an unspoken rule that the movies must be played from the moment the first member of the household woke up to the time the last member went to sleep. Even though Yuusaku and Yukiko weren’t in the country, he knew they wouldn’t pass over the practice, or rather, Yukiko would torture his father with the movies even if they were on the move.

Shinichi was in the middle of watching his fifth movie, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer , the list obviously had to include some classics, when he heard his front door creak open. The sound was trying to be inconspicuous, though Shinichi knew the perpetrator could have made their entrance completely silent if they wanted too. He glanced at the clock, a little past noon, and smiled. “Honey!” rang in from the entranceway, “I’m home!” Ever the one for theatrics, Shinichi knew the expected visitor had struck a grand pose by the door, waiting for him to walk over and witness the “glorious” scene.

Shinchi remained silent, eyes unwavering from the familiar film in front of him, as the figure from the hall made a small, sad noise. “Shinichi!” the sad voice cried, “You’re supposed to say ‘Welcome home dear’ and come give me a kiss!” The voice changed to mimic a stereotypical housewife before returning to the visitor’s normal tone, but Shinichi still remained silent, focused on the old, claymated movie. After a few more seconds of silence, Shinichi heard socked feet shuffle into the room to stand behind the couch. Determined to keep vigil, Shinichi neglected to acknowledge his presence.

Suddenly, cold hands placed themselves on Shinichi’s neck, causing him to jump. “Kaito!” he finally cried, still refusing to turn around, but sinking lower into the blanket to escape the icy touch. “Be glad I put my coffee down when I heard you come in or you would be straight back outside!” His voice became muffled due to his soft sanctuary from the cold, but Kaito could hear him just fine.

“It’s your fault for not acknowledging me Shin-chan~ What’s so important that you couldn’t even greet me, hm?” He could hear, rather than see, Kaito’s smirk stretching across his face. Understanding he would not be let off until he gave Kaito an answering, Shinichi sighed and shifted around in his cocoon until only his eyes were staring, quite annoyed, at the intruding magician.

“Christmas tradition.” was the short answer. Kaito cocked his head and scrunched his eyes in confusion.

“Christmas tradition? What, watching movies?” Shinchi hummed in confirmation as he returned his gaze to the children’s movie. “Aw man,” Kaito sighed, draping himself over the top of the couch,” I thought you said we should stay here because you didn’t want to have a super romantic, one-of-a-kind Christmas date, you could have just told me you wanted to spend the day practicing a family tradition with me, Shin-chan~” The teasing lilt in his voice caused Shinichi to groan internally, he could feel the blush starting to color his cheeks. “Well,” the source of Shinichi’s woes continued, “It’s a great thing I brought all of these snacks.”

True to his word, Kaito hopped over the couch and brandished several grocery bags full of chips and sweets. He opened the bags, set them on the table, and turned, expecting praise from the detective. “Hot chocolate is next to the coffee pot.” Kaito smiled, knowing that was the closest to praise he would receive, and ran to the kitchen to create a hand warmer of his own.

After acquiring his hot choclety milk he skipped-carefully-back to the couch where Shinichi had emerged from the blanket some. Kaito grabbed the second blanket folded over the back of the couch, settled under Shinichi’s blanket, and threw the new one on top of them both. Shinichi gave him a soft smile before turning his attention back to the television.

The magician sighed contentedly as he focused on the familiar movie and copied Shinichi’s previous actions, sinking into the warmth of the blankets, the soft weight of them comforting. “Hey Shinichi?” The detective made a noncommittal noise in response, “I don’t want to get up to change the movies.”

“Don’t have to.” Shinichi responded, “They are all burned onto a set of two discs. This is the fifth of the second set.” Kaito nearly choked on his drink. They had what?

“You mean to tell me, your family has compiled, what, like, twenty movies on a set of  just two discs?” Shinichi, again, only hummed in response. “How did they even manage to do that?” Kaito couldn’t believe the Kudos were so determined with their Christmas tradition that they would copy so many movies onto so little discs. Shinichi gently nudged Kaito with his foot and looked over, smugly, at him. Kaito giggled, sure he knew where his detective was going by the look on his face.

“It’s a Christmas miracle.”

Summary: God, Shinichi thought, I couldn’t be more helpless, could I? Shinichi heads home from a heist, but KID has a surprise for him.
Written Nov 2016
Read on AO3

Shinichi watched as KID fell into the night. The updraft from the momentum of his fall caused him to come back into Shinichi’s sight when the hang-glider finally opened.

The thief smirked in his direction when he saw the detective still looking, but Shinichi never saw it.

At that exact moment he looked down, not wanting him to believe he was worried.

As KID disappeared over the horizon, Shinichi slowly turned and started down from the roof of the (previous) home of KID’s latest target. When he encountered Nakamori-keibu, he was stopped.

“No luck tonight, Kudou?”

Shinichi shook his head in response.

“Well, we’ll get KID next time,” Nakamori said. “You doing okay Kudou? You’ve been acting funny during the last few heists.”

Shinichi nodded and pushed past the man, not giving him a straight answer.

As most of the task force looked after him in slight worry, he walked away from the heist location toward his home.


When he entered his house, he noticed something was off. There were footsteps. Slight, but there. Shinichi immediately went into defensive mode. No one but him lived there anymore. No one should be anywhere close to his house except for the professor.

He quietly stepped toward the noise and stopped at what he saw.

There in his kitchen sat a thief. Not just any thief, but Kaito KID. It should have been impossible for the other man to enter, but there he was.

Shinichi stepped forward, “What do you want?”

The thief looked at him, “Oh, you know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that.” Shinichi stood apprehensive against the counter as KID stood up and started walking forward. “But, mainly, I wanted this.”

In three seconds, KID crossed the rest of the room and placed a gentle kiss on Shinichi’s cheek.

The detective grabbed the thief, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

KID smirked, “Not much.”

Shinichi shifted his hold to the thief’s collar and pulled him forward until their lips met.

KID pulled away and vanished before Shinichi recovered from the situation he had put himself into.


The next day Shinichi returned the gem KID had stolen the day before with a slight blush on his face and a new number in his phone contacts, one saved under the name Kuroba Kaito.

God , Shinichi thought, I couldn’t be more helpless, could I?

He shook off those thoughts. He had a dinner date to get ready for.

Summary: Kaito can’t seem to recall ever seeing someone pull a rabbit out of a hat, and neither can Shinichi. So Kaito decides to attempt this apparently unseen feat.
Written Nov 2016
Read on AO3

“Hey, Shinichi.”

“Shinichi.” Shinichi felt a poke on his check. He only shifted around in his favorite chair in the library.

“Heyyyyyyyyyyyy, Shinichiiiiiiiii.”

With a huff, said boy sent down his novel,he was rereading A Study in Scarlet for the upteenth time, and turned to look at the nusiance. Kuroba Kaito had been bothering him even though he knew this was precious down time for Shinichi.

“What Kaito?” His tone was clearly exasperated; however, it didn’t seem to deter the other boys always cheerful demeanor, in fact, Shinichi’s weariness to his antics seemed to only make Kaito happier.

“Have you ever seen a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat?” Kaito’s lips quirked from a pleased expression into something one could only describe as a knowing smirk.

“What?” Shinichi’s own expression had been clouded with confusion as that was one thing he hadn’t expected the magician to ask, to watch a trick, maybe, but certainly not about whether he had ever seen a certain trick before. He thought over it, trying to remember what little magic shows he had ever seen, mostly cheap ones for kids’ birthdays or even the one he had seen when he was a child, the first time, though the second had been remedied some time ago after the fall of the Black Org., when he saw Kuroba Toichi perform after his family had been personally invited by the magician. “I don’t suppose I have, why?”

“Well, it’s a cliche, isn’t it?” Shinichi only nodded in response and Kaito continued, “I grew up surrounded by magic and even I have never seen a magician pull a live rabbit out of a hat.” Shinichi’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, Kaito, self titled ‘Magician Extraordinaire’ had never seen a rabbit come out of a hat. Noticing his surprise, Kaito chuckled a little, “I mean, I’ve seen my dad make doves appear out of a hat and even other magicians pull stuffed rabbits out, but never a live, real rabbit.Odd, isn’t it?”

“I guess.” Shinichi mumbled,” So, does that mean I get to see it happen right now?”  He quirked an eyebrow at the magician who was still draping himself over the side of Shinichi’s chair, although the magician had jumped to his feet soon after Shinichi’s question had left his lips.

“Bingo~ That’s why you’re my favorite, Meitantei, you always know what I’m thinking!” He moved to stand directly in front of Shinichi’s chair while Shinichi, secretly amused, stared dead-faced at the quirky look alike. He knew what he had induced from the magician, but he didn’t mind since the tricks were always entertaining. “My dearest gentleman!” Kaito gave a bow and a wink at Shinichi, who only rolled his eyes in response. “ I will know perform a most amazing feat, the likes of which I know you have never seen before!” An even harder eye roll escaped from Shinichi almost unconsciously.

“I just told you I hadn’t seen anyone pull a rabbit out of a hat before, you aren’t allowed to ham it up.”

“Tantei-kun!” Kaito huffed childishly, “You have to let me have my fun!”

“Fine, fine.” Shinichi relented, which returned Kaito’s smug look.

“Now then, for my first-!” Kaito started.

“And only” Shinichi interjected.

“-trick!” Kaito finished with an annoyed look at Shinichi. “I will pull a rabbit from a hat!” With that said, Kaito pulled a white top hat out of nowhere. ‘ Scratch that ’ Shinichi thought, ‘ That’s KID’s “Silk designer hat”’ and he made a mental note to tease Kaito about it later but for now….

“Do you just carry that with you?” Kaito laughed.

“Of course I do, tantei-kun. What if I need to be mysterious? Or need something to pull a rabbit from?” Cue another eye roll from Shinichi, but he made no further comments.

“Now then.” Kaito started again, “ As you can see, I am holding a perfectly normal hat-” Shinichi scoffed, the day KID’s hat is normal is the day Shinichi retires, but didn’t comment. “With absolutely no slits or a false top.” To prove his point, Kaito crushed the top of the hat down and pushed it back up from the inside. “ And now,” Kaito faced the open end of the hat at Shinichi so he could see there wasn’t anything inside, “ I will pull an extremely adorable creature from this hat!” With a flourish, Kaito made an extremely clichéd magic wand, one found in a child’s magic kit, appear in his hand.

“I could see that up your sleeve you know.”

“Not the point Meitantei.” Kaito didn’t even falter in his act, giving Shinichi a comment that was meant to be sound irked, but it was presented in a cheerful, showman’s tone. Amused, Shinichi smiled and remained quiet. “Now, if there’s no more interruptions from the audience,” A glare at Shinichi, his only audience, “ Kaito held the hat up with a flourish, circled the brim with an “Abracadabra!” and tapped the brim a couple times. To Shinichi’s amazement, nothing happened.

“Wow. I’m sooooo impressed.” Shinichi revealed none of his actual amusement to the magician’s failed trick. Kaito let out a disappointed noise and sent another glare towards Shinichi for his sarcastic comment.

“This worked before…Oh!” Shinichi started at the magician’s loud exclamation. “I do believe there was something I missed preparing the trick, how silly of me!”  Kaito was obviously trying to look like he had made an innocent mistake, but his poker face was cracking, Shinichi saw him smirk, most definitely a KID smirk. Shinichi made a noncommittal smirk to humor him. “Silly me forgot to acquire an assistant!” ‘ Oh no ’ was Shinichi’s only thought before Kaito pulled him from his chair. “I’m so glad I had such an excited volunteer from the audience.”

Shinichi, obviously not happy and still the only member of the audience gave an unamused, “Happy to help.”

“Of course you’re happy to help, otherwise you wouldn’t have been chosen!” Shinichi thought best not to reply. “ Now then, with the help of my lovely assistant,” Shinichi scoffed, “ I will finally pull a rabbit from a hat.”

“Took you long enough.”

“Now,” Shinichi had been ignored, “ If you would please hold my hat.” Kaito offered the top hat to him, but Shinichi didn’t grab it immediately, he paused long enough to grab Kaito’s attention before taking it from him. “What, Tantei-kun? Afraid of my hat?”

“No, just thinking about how I have just been handed incriminating evidence from Kaitou KID himself, and how I could just take this to Nakamori-keibu and have you arrested.” It was Shinichi’s turn to smirk as Kaito took on an expression of exaggerated horror.

“You wouldn’t! Oh, how it feels to be betrayed by the one closest to you!” Kaito threw a dramatic hand to his forehead looking distressed and betrayed.

“I said I was thinking, not doing.” His joke had backfired, as after his dramatics, the thief had ‘fainted’ into Shinichi’s arms, which were already busy holding the ‘incriminating evidence in his hands. Kaito chuckled and stood back up.

“I didn’t know you cared that much, Meitantei! Hakuba would’ve already cuffed me!” Kaito wiped imaginary dust off of his pants and straightened up.

“You would never walk into Hakuba’s house and demand to show him a magic trick.” Kaito narrowed his eyes.

“Touché, Meitantei, touché.” He immediately jumped back into his performer’s demeanor with, “Well now, since that debacles settled, let’s continue with the trick!” Shinichi smiled and let the other continue to rest of the imaginary audience. “Now, with my assistant holding the hat, I will finish my trick.” Again, Kaito circled the brim, but instead of his ‘Abracadabra’ he asked, “Shinichi, will you say the magic words for me?” Shinichi’s smirk returned.

“Holmes is better than Lupin.” Kaito looked agitated, but didn’t correct him, letting the detective have his fun, he was, after all, complying with his forced position of magician’s assistant. He tapped the brim of the hat, holding eye contact with Shinichi.

“And voila!” the magician exclaimed. Shinichi looked down, expecting to find another empty but was genuinely shocked to find a small white and black spotted rabbit sitting in the hat. The creature was clearly a real rabbit, as it was moving around in the small confines of the top hat.

“How in the world? It would have been impossible to keep a rabbit, even one as small as this one hidden like that.”

“Tut tut, tantei-kun!” Kaito was waving the wand in front of his face instead of his finger. “You should know by now that a magician never reveals his secrets!” Shinichi, however, wasn’t listening as he was much more interested in deducing where Kaito could have kept the rabbit. ‘ It would have had to have been on his person’ Shinichi thought ‘There was absolutely no other opportunity to retrieve the rabbit from elsewhere.’ Kaito knew a deduction face when he saw one, he didn’t spend all that time with Shinichi taking down the Black Org. and learn nothing about the detective’s habits after all, so he resigned himself to waiting for Shinichi to return to the mortal plain of existence.

“I have absolutely no idea how you did that.” Shinichi finally mumbled after about 5 minutes of dead silence, in fact, Shinichi had been so absorbed in deducing the trick that he hadn’t noticed Kaito removing the rabbit from the hat and sit down with it in Shinichi’s previously occupied chair.

“Really?” As Shinichi turned to face the magician he watched the other’s face light up in pure joy. “You seriously have no clue? For real?” The thief’s face only brighter as he registered the fact that his great detective couldn’t deduce how he pulled a rabbit from a hat. Shinichi sighed in defeat.

“Really, I honestly have no clue, but then again, I have no drive to seriously figure out how you did it.” There was that smirk again.

“Well, that’s good enough for me.” Kaito wouldn’t let the detective’s smugness blanket the fact he had admitted defeat. He continued to stroke the rabbit with a pleased expression as Shinichi knelt down in front chair to pet the rabbit as well.

“So,” Shinichi started, “are you going to keep it?” Kaito looked up, confused.

“What do you mean?”

“The rabbit, are you going to keep it? I know for a fact you didn’t own a pet rabbit before this.”

“Oh…” Kaito diverted eye contact, looking instead at a completely uninteresting bookcase like it held the answers to life’s greatest questions.

“Please don’t tell me you decided to buy a rabbit purely to impress me with a magic trick.”

“…Did it work?” Kaito shyly looked back at Shinichi. Embarrassed, it was Shinichi’s turn to look at the bookcase, his face flushing.

“Maybe.” Kaito’s smugness returned as he heard Shinichi’s soft reply.

“See, then it doesn’t matter that I bought a rabbit purely to impress you with a magic trick!”

“Kaito!” Shinichi turned back to face the magician, all traces of embarrassment gone. “You know you’re going to have to keep it now, you subjugated the poor thing to one of your tricks, that’s the least you could do.” Kaito looked thoughtful for a moment.

“Or…. Aoko could receive a very early birthday present.”

“I can’t believe you.” Shinichi let out a sigh.

“So you wanna give the rabbit to Aoko?”

“Yeah, we’re going to give the rabbit to Aoko.” Kaito gave a genuine smile and leaned over the small creature to give Shinichi a peck on the nose.

“You always go along with my crazy schemes, I knew there had to be a reason I love you.” Shinichi smirked at him.

“Are you sure it isn’t because I helped you pull off those heists to take down the Black Org.?”

“See?” Kaito replied, “Crazy schemes!” Shinichi laughed and leaned in to give Kaito a small, chaste kiss.

“Sure, taking down a very large, very dangerous crime syndicate through careful planning was a crazy scheme, now you want to go surprise Aoko?” Kaito laughed.

“I would love too.”

Escape from Aphrodisia

Currently running a summer themed one shot (mini campaign?)!!! Here are the hot boi’spc’s!

Top Left-Right:
Wake Tidesmith (played by@haijynks/@dungeons-and-damnit)

the righteous big wave surfer / sea dwarf / divine soul sorcerer

Aqua Nubar

the try-hard triathlon athlete / water genasi / eldritch knight

Roe Winkle

Thethieving mailman coach / aarakocra / trickster cleric

Bottom Left-Right:

Cherry Jubilee-Pie

the bored lifeguard / summer eladrin / wildmagic barbarian

Goldeen Honey-Toad (dm pc)

the tournament judge / pufferfish triton / to be determined because she joined at the end of last game

After almost being eaten by sirens, i introduced my dm pc and everyone immediately fell in love with another fish person, we will see how this goes


I was today years old when I found out that cornflowers can also be white/purple and pink.

My first instinct was to never refer to Jaskier’s eyes as being the colour of cornflowers again. My second instinct was to write this instead:

Soulmate AU

word count: ~3k

pairing: Geraskier

Content warnings: blood, injuries

The Colour of Cornflowers

Jaskier’s eyes were the colour of the sky, of the sea, of sapphires. At least that was what people said, when they tried and often succeeded in wooing Jaskier. People who had been lucky enough to have found their soulmates and foolish enough to risk that happiness for a bard who would leave them come the morning.

Geralt would never understand those people. They had something so precious, so special and they were willing to throw it away for a pretty pair of eyes.

Geralt never understood those comparisons to sky, sea and sapphire either, and not only just because he had never seen the colour of either of those things. They just sounded so… cliché. As if someone tried painfully hard to sound like a poet. And didn’t the sky change colour during the dawn or at night? Did every body of water have the same colour? And didn’t some lord or another once proudly present his differently coloured sapphires, knowing full well that Geralt wasn’t able to distinguish between them anyway?

And he never would. It wasn’t uncommon for people to never see the world in colour – soulmates were rare and it wasn’t unheard of that some people lost all sight of colour after rejecting their soulmates for whatever reason.

But all of those people could at least still hope to have the world burst into colour at some point in their lives. Unlike Geralt.

Afficher davantage

Oh! I love it!


Here is a collab with @flawney for the MerMay event over at @thepassifloradiscord.  Art linked at the bottom!

Explicit. Warnings: Oviposition, mer!Jaskier, breeding kink.3,200 words.


“What do you mean you have to leave?” Geralt asks, frowning as he crosses his arms over his chest. Jaskier sighs, because this is exactly why he’d been avoiding this conversation. Things have been going so well lately, and he hates to disrupt their routine, but he needs to get back home.

“I…it’s a mer thing,” he mumbles, cheeks flaming as he avoids Geralt’s gaze. His own biology shouldn’t be embarrassing, but this seems a little too odd, even for a witcher to handle. Geralt has already accepted so many weird quirks about his heritage, and it doesn’t want to push it too far.

Afficher davantage


Let me tell you that I love you

Summary:Katsuki comes back to the dorms drunk. When Izuku helps him get to bed, Katsuki reveals a lot more than he intended to.

Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo/Izuku Midoriya
Characters: Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Bakusquad
Word Count: 3,400

Other tags: post–Deku vs Kacchan 2, drunken confessions, first kiss

Notes: Beta-read by @thequirkygirlnextdoor, thank you !


“And you know what else about you I can’t stand? You’re so nice all the time. What’s with that? You don’t even try and everyone falls in love with you. I hate that about you, Deku.”

“I know.”

“I always thought everyone else was so fucking dumb for it, but looks like I wasn’t so different from them after all.”

“Kacchan…” Izuku’s voice was very quiet. “What are you saying?”


1. Drunk

When Kirishima woke him up at two in the morning, Izuku really wasn’t expecting to hear that a few of their classmates had snuck out to a party and Katsuki had come back completely wasted.

“He’s actually a total lightweight,” Kirishima told Izuku as they walked down the stairs to the common room. “He had like, three drinks and now he’s a mess.”

“How’d you get him to drink? That’s so unlike him.”

“Easy. We just told him he couldn’t outdrink us and he had to prove us wrong.” Kirishima smiled, flashing his sharp teeth.

Izuku sighed. “So why did you wake me up at two in the morning for this?”

“He asked for you as soon as we got back.”

Izuku stopped in his tracks.  “Me? Why?”

“I don’t know. We tried to get him to drink some water and go to bed but he wouldn’t stop asking for you.”

“Oh,” Izuku said, continuing to walk again.

Why would Katsuki be asking for him? It wasn’t too long after their second fight at Ground Beta. Maybe Katsuki wanted to make some sort of point? Maybe his drunken self wanted to get into another fight? Or maybe since their relationship had shifted, he just felt more comfortable being vulnerable in front of Izuku rather than others? 

Right, like that would ever happen.

“Midoriya,” Kirishima said, interrupting his thoughts. “You’re muttering again.”

“Oh, sorry.”

They reached the common room, where Katsuki was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari in a half circle around him. It seemed they were trying, with no success, to cajole Katsuki into drinking a cup of water.

“Kacchan?” Izuku said.

Katsuki turned around. The corner of his mouth turned up when he met Izuku’s eyes. “Took you damn long enough, nerd.”

“You asked for me?”

“Yeah. I have to tell you something.”

“Tell me what?”

“I don’t remember.”

“Okay. Maybe it’ll come back to you. Let’s get you to bed, Kacchan.”

Katsuki stood up from his spot on the couch and stumbled over to Izuku.

“Seriously?” Sero said. “He won’t listen to us telling him to go to bed for ten minutes but you get him to go in ten seconds? I thought he didn’t like you!”

“I don’t,” Katsuki snapped. “I just dislike you more.”

“Ouch,” Kaminari said. “C’mon, man.”

“Let’s go,” Izuku said. Katsuki looked like he’d wander off in the wrong direction without guidance, so Izuku took his hand to pull him towards the stairs. Izuku was surprised Katsuki didn’t pull his hand away immediately; instead, he gripped Izuku’s hand in his and followed him without a word. Izuku ignored the butterflies fluttering in his stomach from the touch. 

“What is happening?” Kaminari whispered to Ashido, eyeing their held hands.

“No one is going to believe us in the morning,” Sero muttered.

Katsuki flipped them off on their way out of the room.

“Hey, Kacchan,” Izuku said as he guided Katsuki up through the stairwell. “You really don’t need to drink just because someone challenges you to, you know.”

“I had to show them I could win.”

“But you didn’t win.”

Katsuki pulled his hand out of Izuku’s and glared at him. “Fuck you. I was having an off day. Next time, I’ll outdrink them for sure.”

“Maybe you should focus on keeping a winning sober streak instead. I had my last drink fourteen days ago”–an accident, when he hadn’t noticed the alcohol warning on the can, and Uraraka and Iida had had to spend ten minutes calming him down after he realized–“and it’s been zero days for you. So it looks like I’m winning at being sober the longest.”

“Yeah? Well, I’m gonna be sober for the rest of my goddamn life. Think you can beat that, nerd?”

“I’ll try my best,” Izuku said. “And you know I don’t give up easily.”

Katsuki seemed content with the answer, so Izuku took his hand again and led him up the rest of the stairs to Katsuki’s room.

“How are you feeling?” Izuku asked Katsuki as he helped lead him into his room.

“Fucking great. I feel like I’m the best. Number freaking one.”

“You always feel like that.”

“Tch. Of course your dumb ass would think that. You don’t see how things have changed?”

Izuku wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that. Sure, things had shifted after their second fight at Ground Beta, but Izuku never thought Katsuki’s confidence in himself would waver. 

Katsuki swayed on his feet, which immediately pulled Izuku from his thoughts.

“Hey,” Izuku said, reassuring. “Sit down here, okay?”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” Katsuki said, but he was unsteady enough that it didn’t take much for Izuku to push him into a seated position on the bed.

Izuku set about making Katsuki ready for bed. He set a trash can next to Katsuki’s feet in case he had to throw up. He filled up a glass with water and set it down on the nightstand. He tugged off Katsuki’s shoes and put them by the door.

Izuku had just grabbed one of the post-workout electrolyte drinks that Katsuki kept around when he heard Katsuki throw up.

“Aw, Kacchan,” Izuku said. He sat next to Katsuki on the bed and rubbed his back as he continued to retch into the bin. 

“Knock it…” Katsuki said, voice hoarse and strained, “Knock it off.”



It took a few minutes for Katsuki to stop vomiting. When he had apparently decided nothing else was going to come up, he flopped back on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling with eyes damp and breath heavy from the effort of throwing up.

“Wait, Kacchan, not yet, drink this.”

“I told you not to tell me what to do,” Katsuki muttered.

Izuku forced Katsuki up into a seated position and passed him the bottle. “Number one heroes keep themselves hydrated so they aren’t too hungover to train in the morning.”

Katsuki groaned and took the bottle from Izuku before chugging the entire thing down.

“Happy?” he asked, tossing the empty bottle at Izuku. It hit Izuku’s forehead and then bounced to the floor. 


Katsuki stretched out on the bed and yawned.

“Looks like you’re okay,” Izuku said. “I’ll let you get some sleep.”

But as he turned to leave, Katsuki caught his wrist. “Stay, Deku.”

“What? Did you remember what you wanted to tell me?”


“Okay,” Izuku said hesitantly. He sat back down on the bed. “So, what is it?”

Katsuki looked up at Izuku with thoughtful, relaxed eyes. Izuku smiled just a little bit. Katsuki was kind of pretty when he wasn’t angry.

“I wanted to tell you that you’re intolerable,” Katsuki finally said.

“What?” Izuku said, shocked out of his admiration. “Kacchan?”

“Yeah. You know what I really can’t stand about you?” Katsuki said.

“Probably a lot of things,” Izuku said. It was two in the morning and he wasn’t sure he wanted to get into a list of grievances right now, but Katsuki had asked him to stay, so he’d stay for now.

“I can’t stand these fucking freckles.” Katsuki reached out and brushed a thumb across the freckles on Izuku’s cheek. 

Not quite what Izuku had expected. His eyes were wide as he rested a hand on top of Katsuki’s. He couldn’t remember the last time Katsuki had touched him gently like this. Not since they were little kids. Or maybe not even then.

“There’s more than the fucking stars in the sky. And I want to find the constellations in them, but you’re always so goddamn far away.” His speech was still slurred, but the words were running together in a way that was less messy and drunk, and more gentle and sleepy. A warmth settled in Izuku’s core. Katsuki seemed calm now, his eyes idly running over the freckles on Izuku’s cheeks. After a moment he dropped his hand and met Izuku’s eyes again.

“And you know what else I can’t stand? You’re so nice all the time. What’s with that? You don’t even try and everyone falls in love with you. I hate that about you, Deku.”

“I know.”

“I always thought everyone else was so fucking dumb for it, but looks like I wasn’t so different from them after all.”

“Kacchan…” Izuku’s voice was very quiet. “What are you saying?”

He knew he should get Katsuki to stop, to shut up and fall asleep so he wouldn’t say anything he’d regret in the morning. But Izuku needed to know. Katsuki was holding on to something important, and if Izuku didn’t find out now, he probably never would.

Katsuki smiled, just slightly, just a little bit sad. “I’m saying I don’t want to feel like this. Because you know what the worst part about you is?” Katsuki picked up Izuku’s right hand. “This hand. Look at it. It’s so fucked up. You’ve got all these scars and these weird crooked fingers.”

Izuku was silent as Katsuki turned his hand over and traced a finger over the scar across it.

“Who just goes and fucks themselves up the way you do? You’re such a stupid asshole. Learn your limits and stop pushing past them. Stop saying you’re fine when you’re not.”

Izuku hadn’t even noticed he was crying until he felt Katsuki reach up and wipe away his tears.

“That’s why I can’t say anything to you. I need to keep you at arm’s length.  You’re gonna get your dumb ass killed because of some stupid self-sacrificial bullshit, and I don’t want to be destroyed too.”

“Kacchan…….” The tears were falling faster now, and Izuku squeezed his eyes shut and grit his teeth in a futile attempt to stop them. He’d had no idea Katsuki felt like this. Izuku thought he hadn’t cared, that he was just helping him and All Might to develop One For All because he felt a responsibility to do so.

And the comment about his freckles… That was almost romantic. Was there really something there? Or was Izuku reading too much into things?

“Dumb nerd,” Katsuki said. “Promise me you’ll do better.”


“Promise me you’ll look out for yourself. Saving people means saving yourself, you know.”

“Yeah, Kacchan, I… Yeah, I’ll look out for myself. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I made you worry.”

“You fucking should be,” Katsuki said, closing his eyes. “You’ve always been such a goddamn nightmare.”

Before Izuku could think of a response, Katsuki’s breathing had gone steady.


No response. He was asleep. 

Well, that was it, then. Izuku stood up and walked to the door. He turned back to look at Katsuki once more. He should go, but… Katsuki had asked him to stay, hadn’t he? He’d told Izuku all those things. The least Izuku could do was not sneak out in the middle of the night.

He took a blanket from the end of the bed and draped it over Katsuki, and then sat next to the bed with his knees pulled up close to his chest. Izuku was pretty sure he wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight. He had too much to think about.

2. Hungover

Izuku felt like he’d just closed his eyes when he woke up to the sound of Katsuki throwing up in the trash bin again. He blinked tiredly and yawned, and then looked up at Katsuki.

Katsuki looked terrible. Pale, almost greenish complexion; tired, bloodshot eyes; wrinkled clothes. Izuku didn’t need to ask to know that a hangover headache accompanied that particular look.

“Kacchan? How are you feeling?”

“What do you think? Like shit, dumbass,” Katsuki said, voice hoarse. “What are you doing in my room?”

“I wanted to make sure you didn’t need anything during the night. You were really wasted.”

Katsuki grabbed the cup of water from the nightstand and took a long drink. 

“Whatever, nerd. You wanna fill me in on what happened last night?”

Izuku hesitated. “Well… What do you remember?” Izuku wasn’t even sure how to approach the subject. If Katsuki had forgotten, wouldn’t it be best to just drop it and never mention it again? Or did Katsuki deserve to know what he’d revealed while he was drunk?

Katsuki furrowed his brow, thinking. “I had a few drinks, and then came back to the dorms…”

“What else?”

“You were in my room…” Katsuki said. There was a flash of vulnerability quickly covered up with anger. “I bet you loved seeing me like that, huh? A totally helpless idiot that you could feel all superior to?”

“Huh?” Katsuki had voiced a similar concern at Ground Beta, but Izuku had thought they’d worked past that. Apparently not. “No, you were drunk, so I brought you to your room and helped you go to bed. That’s it.”

Katsuki scowled and crossed his arms. 

Izuku hesitated and said, “You did, uh, tell me some things.”

“What did I say?” Katsuki asked, narrowing his eyes. When he saw the uneasy expression on Izuku’s face, he clenched his jaw, hard. “Shit. Tell me what I said. Exactly what I said.”

“You said… You said that you cared about me, but that you wished you didn’t because I don’t take myself into account.”

Katsuki scowled, his eyes flicking away.

“There was something else you said, too. Kacchan… Do you… like me? Uh, as something more, I mean?”

Katsuki’s tired eyes flew back over to meet Izuku’s. “Why the fuck does it matter to you, nerd? Looking for something to hold over me?”

“No, Kacchan, I—” I like you too!

“You want some gossip to share with your friends, is that it?”

“No, I—” I like you too!

“Get the hell out of my room.” Katsuki stood up, swaying on his feet a little before he grabbed Izuku’s arm and yanked him to his feet. “Out.”

“Wait, I–” Let me tell you that I like you too!

“Go. And if you tell anyone about any of this, I’ll fucking end you.”

Katsuki opened the door and shoved Izuku out, slamming the door shut behind him.

Izuku let out a long breath. How was he supposed to tell Katsuki how he felt if Katsuki wouldn’t let him?

3: Sober

Katsuki did an impressive job at avoiding Izuku for the rest of the weekend, always finding an excuse to leave the room any time Izuku entered and ignoring Izuku’s knocks on his door.

Izuku knew Katsuki’s routine, though, so Monday morning he woke up early to wait by the front door for Katsuki to come back from his 4am run. 

Katsuki pushed open the door a little before 5am. He was breathing hard and his skin glistened with sweat, and even in Izuku’s state of anxiety, he couldn’t help but stare. Hot and sweaty was a good look on Kacchan.

Katsuki froze when he saw Izuku, and Izuku quickly pulled his focus back to the conversation they needed to have.

“Kacchan–” Izuku started, but Katsuki was already striding past him towards the stairs. Izuku grabbed his arm. “Kacchan, stop. We need to talk.”

“I don’t want to talk,” Katsuki said, pulling his arm out of Izuku’s grasp.

“But the other day–”

“I was just starting to be able to tolerate you, but then you went and fucked it up by asking that question. What’s wrong with you?”

“Just let me talk!” Izuku snapped. “Maybe if you’d let me talk in the first place, you wouldn’t have had to spend all weekend being so dramatic!”

Katsuki narrowed his eyes, but didn’t say anything.

“You opened up to me, and I didn’t do the same for you, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I made you feel like I was just trying to get something to hold over you.”

Katsuki was silent, his whole body tense but his face betraying no emotion.

“It doesn’t really matter if you like me or not, but you deserve to know, at least… I like you, Kacchan. I have for a long time. That’s why I asked how you felt. You’ve always been out of reach, but I thought, maybe…”

Katsuki frowned. “Why the hell would you like me like that?”

“Because you’re amazing! I keep telling you, why won’t you listen?”

“I treated you like shit.”

“You know it’s always been more complicated than that.”

“This is what I meant when I said you never take yourself into account. Just let it go, moron.”

Izuku’s eyes filled with frustrated tears. “I don’t understand. I tell you I like you and you respond by telling me I never think about myself? Can’t you just tell me how you feel?”

When he saw Izuku’s tears and heard his words, Katsuki’s guarded expression cracked, showing something more gentle underneath. He took a deep breath, and the tension seemed to melt from his body.

“From what you told me about last night… I already did. It’s not my fault you’re too fucking stupid to connect the dots.”

“I want to hear you say it.”

Katsuki let out a frustrated huff, but he took Izuku’s hand in his. He took a step closer, bringing his face within inches of Izuku’s. 

“How many times do I have to tell you not to tell me what to do?” he said softly. He closed the last few inches and kissed Izuku.

Izuku had thought about this moment a lot. He’d spent a lot of time staring, as inconspicuously as he could, at Katsuki’s lips. He’d spent a lot of nights up late, wondering what it would be like. How it would feel.

It felt as good as he thought it would. Underneath the scent of sweat and smoke, there was something that was distinctly Kacchan, a familiar, comforting scent Izuku had known his whole life. All the thoughts disappeared from his brain as he savored the feeling of Katsuki’s lips against his and the heat of their bodies so close together. 

But doubt started creeping in after just a moment. What was Katsuki thinking? Had he ever thought about kissing Izuku before? Was he disappointed? Did he wish he could take it back? Maybe he–

Izuku didn’t realize how tense he was until Katsuki pulled back and met his eyes, gentle concern in them. “You don’t want this?”

“Please,” Izuku said. His mouth was dry and the word barely came out, so he swallowed and tried again. “Please don’t stop.”

The corner of Katsuki’s mouth turned up in a smirk. “Thought so. Stop overthinking it, nerd.” Katsuki kissed him again, but it wasn’t long before Izuku’s mind started wandering again - should he be doing something with his hands? How long did kisses usually last? Should he—

Stop overthinking it, he reminded himself. He relaxed his body and melted into the kiss. It was messy but gentle, Katsuki leading and Izuku following, for now. Izuku absently noted the feeling of Katsuki’s hands coming up to cup his face, the movement of his own arms wrapping around Katsuki’s sweat-damp waist, pulling him closer because as close as they were, it didn’t feel close enough.

They finally broke apart, both of them breathing hard.

Izuku was so happy, down to the core, his whole body tingling with the delight of being so wrapped up in Katsuki.

But a cold sense of anxiety descended on him within a few moments. “This means something, doesn’t it?” He couldn’t bear the thought of experiencing this and then going back to how things were.

“You’re so stupid.”

Izuku’s lower lip trembled.

Yes, okay? It means something.” Katsuki leaned his forehead against Izuku’s. “I like you, you like me. Let’s see where it goes.”

Tears spilled over, streaming down Izuku’s face.

“What the hell are you crying for?” Katsuki said, stepping back to take Izuku’s face in his hands and wiping away the tears with his thumbs.

“I’m so happy.”

“You’re so pathetic. Come here.” Katsuki pulled Izuku into a hug and rested his chin on top of Izuku’s head.

Izuku buried his head in Katsuki’s shoulder, holding onto Katsuki like he was the only thing keeping Izuku grounded.

“I’m so happy,” Izuku murmured again.

“I am too, nerd,” he heard Katsuki mutter back.

* * *

Note:I got two parts of Katsuki’s drunken speech from 319 (“He doesn’t take himself into account. He always just insists he’s fine.”) and 284 (“He just… deep down, he doesn’t take himself into account, y'know? … It makes me want to keep him at arm’s length.”).
