

Rule 1: Post the Rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you, then make 10 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 10 people and link them to your post

Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them

1. If you had to pick skydiving or bungee jumping, which would you do?

Probably skydiving… though I doubt I’d ever go, I figure the experience of falling so far would be more powerful rather than simply giving you an adrenaline rush. You’d really get the chance to see what you’re falling toward.

2. Do you prefer to write or draw art, and why?

Nooo, unfair question! I would say that I most associate drawing (at its best) with peace and relaxation. Which is good. But writing is usually how I process and explore more complex concepts. The result of drawing is something I can look at and simply enjoy the viewing experience, but just as often I look at it and feel insufficient. When I’m writing I always feel like I’m moving forward. When I look at my old writing it too can be immature or inadequate, but I don’t feel like I come up against the same barriers as I do while drawing. I must conclude, then, that although I can really procrastinate when I’m supposed to write something polished, I prefer writing.

3. What is your height?

5'2 ¾". (You can bet I’m not 5'2".)

4. Name your favourite thing about the city you live in.

I live near a bigger city which I go to often, so when I meet someone there who lives in my town we’re like, “Heyyy!” I like being a little distinct while still having everything I need nearby.

5. If you could bring one character to real life from your fandom, which would it be?

Sokka. It helps that he’s already normal.

6. 9th, 10th, or 11thdoctor?

I’m afraid I haven’t seen the show, but I see more about the 11th doctor, so I guess I’m partial to him?

7. Do you/did you play any kind of sport?

No. I’m boring. (Only not.)

8. Summer or winter, why?

Like many adults, snow has lost its shimmer after learning to drive and all… plus I don’t like being cold. I like mild summers, because sunshine really is quite wonderful.

9. Name your three favourite animals that are native to your country.

Like, NATIVE native? Wolves are pretty cool. And I’m partial to birds in general; I’m sure there are plenty native ones to choose from. Uhm… salmon are cool too? I don’t know.

10. If you had $100, 000, but couldn’t spend it on yourself, what would you do with it?

Give it away! To people working in foreign countries, to scholarships at my alma mater, to the college club I was a part of throughout my college career… I’d probably brainstorm some additional non-profits I’d like to support. Nowadays I also think it would be cool to sponsor independent artists.

My questions for you!

1. What did you ship the most before you learned what shipping was?

2. Have you ever met or thought about meeting a friend you met online?

3. What’s your favorite Youtube video?

4. If you could recommend one book of any kind, what would it be?

5. Do you have any language pet peeve(s)?

6. What sort of thing really makes you feel loved? (What’s your love language, if you will.)

7. What book/movie/show/story/etc. defied your expectations the most and turned out to be a really well done, meaningful story? What were your expectations?

8. Whenever you’re doing a task, is it harder for you to start or finish?

9. What’s something you can do every day that would help you grow?

10. Choose one of the questions I answered!

Ahahaha, this is a year late.

onewordtest1 replied to your postthis is my favorite document in the ‘gilmore…

I wanna see it XD

Here’s a taste lol


“and part of my soul”. I can’t even. XD

onewordtest1 replied to your posthave you ever watched the revival after it came…

season 3 is probably one of my least watched seasons excluding s7. not cause I don’t think its good but literati actually dating isnt the funnest to watch? but the longer & longer I am a fan I think s1 & 2 are the strongest the show ever was.

Interesting! I used to definitively say season 3 was my favorite season, but I think it’s because I was younger (closer to high school age) and a lot of the drama that year was around the younger generation, Lorelai and the others don’t have much to do in comparison (it’s not a very good season for her parents, or Luke, or Sookie, etc. - there’s a lot of Rory/Jess/Dean/Lindsay/Lane/Dave/band stuff.) Now that I’m a bit older I find it all a bit boring/exhausting, and like you said, Literati dating wasn’t actually that interesting - maybe because the writers pretty much gave them nothing to do whilst together? That’s all without the Francie subplot, which was just brutal.

I think there are strong episodes for sure, and strong moments, particularly for Milo/Jess as his life sort of breaks down, though I’d argue he’s just as strong or stronger in season 4. I’m curious to see how I’ll feel about that season this time around - I really loved it a few years ago when I was just starting college, but being in another phase of my life I wonder if I’ll now find it kind of boring haha. I think you’re right, season 1 and 2 are probably the best in terms of quality.
