
Thoughts on the peregrine, my favourite animal. The vellum flap is decorated with a shrunk photocopy

Thoughts on the peregrine, my favourite animal. The vellum flap is decorated with a shrunk photocopy of a greeting card. The cloud drawing and peregrine underneath the flap are stickers I made of my drawings. Wing Sung italic pen, stamps, and collage in #onionskinjournal by @curious.goods
#journal #collageart #artjournal #peregrine #peregrinefalcon #drawing #penandink #handmade #handboundbooks #onionskin #fountainpen #pilgrimhawk

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Two of my intellectual and imaginative heroes, Leonardo da Vinci and Marco Polo. Curiosity, guts and

Two of my intellectual and imaginative heroes, Leonardo da Vinci and Marco Polo. Curiosity, guts and the ability to get along with people will get you everywhere! It was hard to draw on sparkly vellum but the scratchiness did make them look more like engraved illustrations, which was fun. Pilot Penmanship with Waterman Havana Brown with on vellum and onionskin, with collage in the #onionskinjournal from @curious.goods
#artjournal #journaling #mixedmedia #collageart #traveljournal #marcopolo #leonardodavinci #vellumillustration #mirrorwriting #artheroes #writingheroes #imagination #curiosity #exploration 

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Another #paulatreides page in the #onionskinjournal. I’m discovering that showthrough, that bane of

Another #paulatreides page in the #onionskinjournal. I’m discovering that showthrough, that bane of #fountainpen enthusiasts, can become another beautiful element on the page given the right paper. Fighting my instincts against the horror of “drawing on the other side” and enjoying the novelty of filling ALL the pages. Another fear to overcome.
#drawing #journal #penandink #actiondrawing #dunemovie #fanart #writing #journaling #lettering #handlettering #unikurutoga #pilotpenmanship #watermanhavanabrown #curiousgoodsonionskinjournal 

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