#ooof this looks good



Author’s Note: hello friends! welcome back to chanvember! enjoy this little offering <3
Chanyeol x Reader (oc; female)
Summary: As an escort, you’re used to men telling you they love you. But with Chanyeol, it feels different. With Chanyeol, it almost feels real.
Genre: angst; smut
Warning: explicit language; explicit sexual scenarios; some dirty talk
Word Count: 3,016

The eighth time you fuck him, Chanyeol is certain he’s in love with you. You’re exactly the way he likes his women: bent, broken, looking for a God. Expensive, but he’s used to the high price of validation and you sell self-worth in skin tight silk. This is nothing more than a thrill for you. This should be nothing more than casual sex and self-acceptance for him.

Keep reading
