#ooooooh the angst



Stonegrot Week(Year 3)Day 6: Tomorrow’s Promise

I promise that everything will be alright but you need to let me help you.

I went with an angsty turn :”)

We all know how TDC ended and I always imagined that Deet left in order to keep others safe even if she was miserable, but of course her friends,family and Rian would have not allowed it. It probably took more than one time but I imagine that Rian would keep promising her that everything would be alright, that she could be healed, that she is not a treat to the gelfling,etc. She kept her distance but eventually let herself be helped… or at least that’s what we hope for.

This one is really up to interpretation but I find it bittersweet in a good way. Deet was suffering but Rian’s promises were probably one of the few things that gave her hope. Even if she didn’t say it out loud.

