#oops lol

Yuri on Ice sketch pages! (Been a while!)I like both Yuris alot!!This series isn’t really a masterpiYuri on Ice sketch pages! (Been a while!)I like both Yuris alot!!This series isn’t really a masterpi

Yuri on Ice sketch pages! (Been a while!)
I like both Yuris alot!!

This series isn’t really a masterpiece, but I love how shamelessy corny it is while at the same time representing the world of Figure Skating in a well researched way.

Post link

Hey, guys, just wanted to give y'all a quick update! I haven’t been able to do too much on this blog recently (as you can probably see), and that includes writing or drawing for it – unfortunately. And, man, I’ve felt rather bad for it, but lately I’ve been busier than usual… among other things that I won’t waste your time explaining.

To skip any further small talk: I finally started writing the next fic. It’s only a few paragrpahs right now, but I still consider that a great start and success! For me, starting a story can be one of the hardest parts.

Anyways, I just wanted to let y'all know that I finally have something properly in the works again. (Also, for those who are wondering, it’s the angsty Doctor Who AU fic that @sonaapareeyarequested.)

Thanks you guys for sticking by me despite my minor inactivity! I hope you have a lovely day or night :)


Cafe Drink Vocabulary

Cafes usually break their menu down by sections:

1) 커피/에스프레소 Coffee/Espresso

아메리카노 | americano

에스프레소 | espresso

카페라떼 | cafe latte

카푸치노 | cappucino

카라멜마끼아또 | caramel macchiato

바닐라라떼 | vanilla latte

카페모카 | caffe mocha

화이트모카 | white mocha

2) 라떼 | Lattes

These are ones that (usually) don’t have coffee in them. Always better to ask.

군고구마라떼 | sweet potato latte (tan/slightly green color)

자색고구마라떼 | purple sweet potato latte

그린티/녹차라떼 | green tea latte

초코라떼 | hot chocolate

블루베리라떼 | blueberry latte

3) 아이스/에이드 | Iced/Ade

This category is usually iced teas, specialty iced drinks, and “ades.” The lemonades and other drinks are usually more of the non-American style where they’re fizzy instead of made with water, sugar, and juice of the fruit.

레몬에이드 | lemonade

오렌지에이드 | orange

자몽에이드 | grapefruit

딸기에이드 | strawberry

청포도에이드 | green grape

블루베리에이드 | blueberry

아이스티 복숭아 | iced peach tea

아이스티 레몬 | iced lemon tea

4) 쥬스/스무디 | Juice/Smoothie

These are the most common flavors. There’s often a combination of them below. And if theres more than one flavor, they’re often like this 딸기바나나 요거트 스무디.

생과일 | fresh fruit (생 before a fruit name means its fresh)

망고 | mango

딸기 | strawberry

바나나 | banana

키위 | kiwi

파인애플 | pineapple

블루베리 | blueberry

수박 | watermelon

요거트 | yogurt

5) 차 | Tea

녹차 | green tea

홍차 | black tea

유자차 | citron tea

자몽차 | grapefruit tea

장미차 | rose tea

캐모마일 | chamomile

페퍼민트 | peppermint

쟈스민 | jasmine

로즈마리 | rosemary

(꿀)레몬차 | (honey) lemon tea

오미자차 | five (flavor/fruit?) tea

인삼차 | ginseng tea

국화차 | chrysanthemum tea

보리차 | barley tea

I forgot that I used a fake birthday in this game, sooooo happy birthday to me?


The Lost Brotherhood Collection

Had an idea pop into my head for an art series based (again) on Gowan’s Lost Brotherhood music video (the uncensored one)

Each mask type is featured(dr*gs, v*olence/g*ngs, and s*x work respectively) as well as Gowan himself (half donning the blue makeup he had in the video for a blink-and-miss-it moment)

I also corresponded with Gowan on the design for certain aspects, so its kind of a collab project lol.

Done in SketchBook in about 10 hours

Art © Illia St. Onge 2021


<<Tagged for blo//od, vio//lence, and dr//ug use.>>
