#oops that turned very fluffy at the end


Okay so this one is half headcanon, half mini-fic, but Alfor and Coran’s first meeting probably went something like this:

Coran is merely minding his own, small child business when, out of nowhere: “Hello! Why do you have a moustache?”

He turns in surprise to face a grinning white-haired child who proceeds to tug at said moustache (which, by the way, Coran is immensely proud of because his dad says it proves his skill in camouflage and shape-shifting).

“What’s wrong with my moustache?” he asks indignantly.

The small white-haired child also looks mildly insulted. “Nothing is wrong with it. I think it is glorious.”

“Oh,” says Coran. “Thank you.”

“My name’s Alfor,” says the other child. “What’s yours? I’ve never seen you before. Have you never been to the Castle? Come with me, I will show you the castle and the hangars and the kitchens and my room and everything.”

He does not wait for a response before grabbing Coran’s hand and dragging him off. Once Coran gets over his surprise, he says, “I’m Coran.”

Alfor gives him the biggest grin Coran has ever seen. “Well, then, welcome, Coran! Come on, you are going to love the Castle!”

Alfor sets off on a ramble about his home. As he listens to the strange, loud boy chatter, Coran decides that he has found himself a best friend.
