#op shipping



With a bit of a delay, it is finally time for Spring!

Any creation is welcome, from fanfics and fanarts to playlists, graphics, moodboards, metas.


Day 1: Shooting Star || Bonfire

Day 2: Spring island || Spring Showers

Day 3: Sake || Treasure: Ring

Day 4: Meadow || Cherry Blossoms

Day 5: Free day

Each day comes with 2 prompts; you can choose only one, or you can work on incorporating both into your work. Any canon or AU setting goes, any slash or pre-slash content as well as SFW or NSFW are all welcome to be a part of the event, as long as Marco and Ace (and spring) are in the center of it.

The event is open to everyone and we will be accepting SFW and NSFW content. However, due to the Tumblr guidelines, we won’t be reblogging any NSFW art to our Tumblr archive. We will retweet the NSFW entries over on Twitter if you post a SFW preview with a link to the full work (so previews off your SFW profile or entries posted with privatter are great!).

We’ll be using the same ao3 collection as for Autumn and Winter!

You can follow our Twitter HERE if you’re more active on Twitter.

Let us know if you have any questions! We’re excited to see what everyone comes up with :)
