#white chase smoker



                              NOVEMBER THIRTEENTH ━゙

          “you don’t owe me anything”
⁺◟   GENRE
          smoker wakes up from an intense
          battle to see he’s been rescued by
          a mysterious pirate captain…( y/n ).

“thanks…i suppose.”

a soft chuckle sounded across the room, “my, THE smoker giving me a thank you. you’re not as bad as everyone makes you out to people.” the chuckle belonged to a woman. she poured a glass of warm water, looking over her shoulder at the marine, “must have been a pretty intense battle you were in to end up floating on a plank of wood in the sea all alone.”

smoker sat up in the bed, observing the room. it was not an infirmary but there were medical supplies and equipment near the woman. he had assumed she was the one taking care of him while he was out.

he stayed silent, feeling his now-bandaged wounds. it was clear she had taken good care of him, better than most would have. his brown eyes looked to the door, seeing several unrecognizable men peeping through the circle glass of the door with looks of anger.

the men were rugged, dressed in cheap fabrics and old rags that were beginning to tear. many wore bandanas or some kind of hat. but they all had the same scowl, making it clear that he was not welcomed.

he understood the situation now.

“you’re a pirate,” smoker finally spoke.

she grinned, handing him the glass of water, “that i am. don’t mind my crew, they’re just a bit protective.”

he took the glass into his hand, staring down at the water for a bit.

“it’s not poisoned. if i wanted to kill you i would have done that by now,” she pointed out.

he hummed, “i guess you have a point. i guess i owe you one for keeping me in one piece while your crew looks like they want to tear me limb from limb.”

“you don’t owe me anything.”

a short silence sounded between them, as he took a swig of water. as the water traveled down his throat, he looked over to the captain of this ship, “i’d like to put a name to your face.”

“if that’s your way of asking what my name is, you really don’t know how to talk to women. it’s ( y/n ).”
