#open heart

Book:Open Heart 
Pairing:Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure)
Word Count: 1360
Category:Fluff, Ethan POV
Trope(s):and they were at a conference, and… Miami, and they went on vacation
Summary:Ethan and Gen discuss their future while at a conference in Miami. Follow up to The Balcony (Part of 101 Smiles/TYB AU - Smiles Day 50)
A/N:Do you guys remember during 101 Smiles when Ethan asked G to move in, while in Miami and they had The Talk, and I promised a fic of it and it just never happed. Well… a year later and it happened. 

He takes her hand as they leave the resort grounds only for her to let it go once they get to the beach, laughing as she heads straight for the water. He smiles, watching as she twirls in the swash and sea foam. 

They’ve been in Miami for two days now, trying their best to find enjoyment in the convention, and the party they just left. Truth be told, the only happiness Ethan has found the entire trip has come from her. 

Waking up to the sound of the crashing waves and her peaceful face, falling asleep with her nestled to perfectly in his arms. It’s all reminding him of how much he craves her at his side every second of the day, how he desperately wants to spend the rest of his life with her. 

Give her a house on the beach, so he can watch her dance around in the crashing waves everyday like he is now. 

“The water back in Maine is never this warm. Especially not in February.” She looks back at him, smiling brightly, hair a tangled mess from the sea breeze. 

“The water is warmest in winter here in Miami, about 72 degrees on average.” 

“Of course you would know that.” She giggles, turning back towards the open ocean. “We never reach past 60 at home and that’s in the summer.” She twirls around again stopping as another wave crashes to the shore. 

It melts his heart to watch her like this, so happy and free. Finding joy in the simplest of things. Ethan was never like that before her, even now - having been with her for well over six months - he still struggles to be as carefree as Genevieve. 

But he’s learning, a little more every day. 

“Come on, we’re supposed to be walking, not dancing.” 

“Always ruining me fun.” 

“Mm, fairly certain I was quite fun about 45 minutes ago, Rookie.” 

She gives him a look, smirking as she leaves the water’s edge and holds onto his arm. 

They walk down the beach, her head on his shoulder, the only sound from the crashing waves. This late at night they’re virtually alone on the beach, and it makes this moment with her all the more precious. 

And perhaps, also makes it the perfect opportunity to discuss what’s been on his mind for weeks.

“I’ve been thinking, quite a bit, about our talk last night.” Ethan looks down at Gen as they continue walking, memorizing the way the moonlight hits her face. “About being each others one constant.” 

“What about it?” Her voice is quiet, almost lost to the sound of crashing waves. 

“I don’t want to lose that.” 

“What makes you think you will?” 

“Nothing at the present moment, but…” He takes a breath, halting their movement and turning his body to face her. “We’ve never really discussed what a future together would be, what we want, if its something you want.” 

“So let’s talk about it. It’s just you, me and the ocean. The only thing that could interrupt us is a stray crab or sea turtle.” 

“Alright.” He takes a breath, looking down at the sand as they continue walking, searching for the courage to continue.  “I would like it if you moved into the apartment with me. I know your residency is up in about six months time, but the boards will be no problem for you and the likelihood of you staying at Edenbrook and on the team is high. So, there really isn’t a need to worry about it not being permanent. But more importantly, I want you there.” 

“And what if I don’t?” 

“Pass the boards or stay at Edenbrook?”


“Then we go wherever you go.” 

She stops walking, eyes wide and searching, “You’d just walkaway from Boston, pack up and move to wherever I get accepted to?”

“Absolutely. If it’s a choice between you and working for Leland Bloom, I’m choosing you. Honestly it’s not even a choice. Where you go, I go, G.” 

“Okay.” Her face melts into an expression of disbelief as she nods. Almost like she’s still unconvinced of his everlasting devotion to her. “I’m already at your place ninety percent of the time anyway.” 

“Exactly.” Ethan brings their joined hands to his lips, pressing a lingering kiss to the back of her hand. “So, that’s a yes to moving in with me?”

“It’s a yes.” Gen bites her lip, head tilted. “What about after that, I know you’ve said you don’t see the need for marriage, but –” 

“When I said that I was also in complete denial about how much I love you.” 

“Are you saying you’re changing your mind?” 

“I’m saying it’s not off the table.” Ethan pushes a piece of hair behind her ear, smiling softly. “Is that something you want? Getting married?” 

“I don’t need to.” 

“Be honest, Gen.” 

“Are you sure? This is, like, some serious future talk. I don’t want to make you feel pressured.” 

“I don’t. Tell me what you want.”

“I..” She pauses, taking a deep breath. “I want to get married. I don’t know if we’re even there yet but, I do want it. Eventually, like in another year or two.” 

“Okay, then eventually, in a year or two, it is.” 

“Wait, did you just -” She stares up at him, her expression so adorable, Ethan has to swallow back the urge to kiss it off her face. “Did you really just say you’d want to marry me?” 

“I believe I did, yes. Can’t be that big of a surprise, Rookie. I think I’ve made it very clear that I want to be with you for the rest of my life.”

Gen giggles, leaning up to kiss him. So delicate and sweet, as if she’s afraid anything more could ruin the moment. 

“I love you. So much.” She rests her forehead against his, fingers dancing across his jaw. 

“I love you.” 

They share a few more kisses in the moonlight, unafraid of who may stumble upon the beach and see. Because in this moment, Ethan is happier than he’s ever been. 

“I don’t want to ruin the mood, but… I have a question.” She takes a step back, but reaches for his hand. 

“What is it, G?” 

“Do you… Have you…” Gen sighs in frustration, looking down at the sand. “Remember when we did that fMRI and you said you couldn’t see yourself having kids?” 


“How do you feel about that now? Because it’s something that I’ve always wanted, having kids, and if you don’t…” She looks up at him again, her green eyes hopeful and scared at the same time. 

He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about that conversation many times. Most of those times falling somewhere in the last few months. 

Ethan was telling the truth back then, children weren’t something he saw himself having. He worked too much, had too much unresolved pain from his childhood. The old, broken and jaded Ethan Ramsey never saw that life in his future, but now…

The man he is now, with Genevieve by his side, is lightyears away from that version of himself. The Ethan who has grown, learned how to love and what real love is, wants everything life has to offer. 

“I won’t lie to you, G, I’m still not fully convinced that I’m cut out for parenting, but,” Ethan takes her face in his hands, smiling. “I think with you I could be a good father, because I want everything with you, Genevieve. Marriage, kids, a house with a yard, all of it.” 


“Really. In fact, as embarrassing as this is going to sound, I may have thought about us having a daughter one day, and that she ends up looking just like you.” 

“Ethan…” Her eyes well with tears, as she reaches up to kiss him again. “I want that too, but she has to have your blue eyes.” 

“I’m alright with that.” Ethan laughs, pulling away from her completely. “So, it seems we’ve come to an agreement on the future then. You’ll move in, we’ll get married, and –” 

“Live happily ever after.” 


A/N: Don’t yell at me for ending it there… I tried but I couldn’t come up with something else I liked so I said fuck it. 

(Tagging Separately) 

Wedding Wednesday: Week 13

This week is special, because it’s the week my Ethan and MC (Genevieve) get married! On Saturday, actually. So I wanted to do something a little different. We’re taking it back a bit

When did your LI and MC decide to get married?

  • Did they have the “marriage talk”?
  • Or was it spur of the moment?
  • How long were they together before discussing marriage?
  • Additionally, did they discuss another other aspects of a future together at the same time? (Kids, no kids, pets, etc)
  • Include as much or as little detail as you’d like!

Have fun!

Ethan’s Sunshine

A/N: saw this photo on Pinterest and I had to make an edit of little Lizzie. So here we are

(Tagging Separately)


First, happy Mother’s Day to everyone who celebrates. Second, enjoy this glimpse at the first two chapters of my untitled exes series - the chapters are titled but not the fic itself

Untitled Exes Series

Chapter 1: We Were Happy (Patrick Bailey)

“I’m not jealous, Genevieve. I’m… not entirely sure what I’m feeling. I do know that I don’t like seeing you laughing so intimately with someone else.”

“Hey,” She smiles softly, a gentle hand dragging down his arm until it reaches his hand.

Her fingers lace with his, before wordlessly tugging him towards a supply closet. He should stop them from entering the dark room, it was neither the time nor place, but Ethan finds himself unable to utter a single word.

Instead he lets her drag him inside the closet and lock the door.

“Why are we in a closet, G?”

“Because I didn’t want to finish what I was going to say in full view of the hospital.” She smiles again, green eyes looking up at him reassuringly. “Patrick is my ex boyfriend, yes, but now he’s nothing more than my very good friend. I know we haven’t talked about the kiss yet, but…”

Chapter 2: Should’ve Said No (Jackson Hoffman)

“And how do you know Genevieve?” Ethan glances out the window, seeing his girlfriend still excitedly talking to her friend.

“We dated in high school, took her to prom.”


“She told you about me?”

“Only that you cheated on her right after the prom you so proudly claim to have taken her to.”

“Oh… yeah. I did do that. But she wouldn’t put out after prom or ever, it’s part of the gig, I had to get it somewhere.”


Silence fell over the crowd as the coffin was lowered into the ground. Sophia bowed her head, unable to watch the procedure unfolding before her. Her warm browns were bright with unshed tears, a pounding in her head as she attempted to contain them. The entire event had been a test to her emotions. She had been on edge for most of the day, memories of Naveen flooding her mind. Sophia could feel herself closer to falling apart with each passing second.

A shaky exhale drew her attention to the man next to her, posture tense and arms crossed over his chest. Ethan’s icy blues were rimmed with red, hair mussed and beard rough from several sleepless nights. He had returned to Boston shortly after Naveen’s body had been transferred to the morgue to be prepared for the funeral. They hadn’t seen each other since his sudden resignation, their contact strictly limited to phone calls once a week for her to check on Naveen.

She had never seen him so defeated.

Sophia gently touched his shoulder. He startled, deep in thought, and turned to meet her gaze, his eyes distraught.

“I’m here, Ethan.”

He nodded, swallowing. “I know,” he said in a quiet voice.

“I want to help in any way that I can.”

Ethan stared into her eyes, his own intense and vulnerable. His body gradually relaxed under her touch, his façade crumbling when the tears dropped from his lashes, streaming down his cheeks. Her heart broke for him, his pain becoming hers.

“Could you— Could you hold my hand?” Ethan asked, a blush colouring his face at the request. Sophia sensed his embarrassment and offered him a reassuring smile.

“I’m here,” she reiterated her earlier words, and reached for his hand when his arms fell back to his sides.

Ethan met her concerned browns once more and pulled her closer by their intertwined fingers. He draped his arm around her shoulders, their hands resting on her collarbone as she nestled into his chest. Ethan buried his face into her chestnut locks, inhaling the comforting scent of honey. He couldn’t care less about their audience. He had lost his father in everything but blood and Sophia was his only reason to live at the moment.


@princess-geek@hatlley@valiantlychaoticbarbarian@angellwithoutname —@radlovedreamer@claudevonstruke@brightpinkpeppercorn@ifyouseekheart@greek-elsa@zeniamiii@sharrybh20@alj4890@lady-kato  — @queenkaneko  — @courtesan-of-garage@zig-nazario


open heart holiday book, when?


I’m crying. These are just too beautiful! ❤️❤️❤️

crying in the club rn


Everyone lashed out against MC when they’re the best thing that’s happened to that hospital in recent years. I’m going to need some respect for the bad bitch who saved Dr. Banerji and has solved every single diagnostics case this year.



naveen must be lonely now in the steel bunker bloom’s keeping him it


Naveen chilling in the bunker all by his lonesome now that Bloom let Bryce go free

@playchoices please release this poor man, it is not the same without him


a visual representation of how the diagnostic team reacts everytime Leland Bloom enters their office

Ethan: MC :

Tobias : Harper :

i’ve never seen something more accurate in my life



Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale

Word count: 1,7 k

Summary:Claire gets fed up with Bloom when he interrupts her evening alone with Ethan.

Warnings: Some heavy flirting, nothing explicit. 

A/N: My two idiots in love spend most of their nights and mornings together and you can’t convince me otherwise. 

With a heavy sigh, Ethan closed the door behind him, letting his bag fall to the ground with a thud. It was well into the evening when he managed to finish up his tasks at the hospital and go home, traffic adding another hour to his driving time. His shoulders fell in relief at the peaceful sight of his home.

Claire turned her head to the side slightly, acknowledging that she heard him coming through the door. The rest of her body remained positioned towards the window, seated on the bar stool, a cup of tea held between her hands, close to her face. It was dark outside, and the lights of the apartment were creating a stark contrast that turned the windows into mirrors, allowing her to observe him without much movement in his direction.

Anticipation buzzed right beneath her skin as she watched him make his way towards her, the distance diminishing with each passing second. She could see the exact moment they would touch, causing a shiver to run down her spine.

Her breath got caught in her throat when Ethan slipped his arms around her, hugging her warmly from behind. He nuzzled her neck with his nose, humming softly at the faint scent of his shower gel that lingered on her skin.

Czytaj dalej


@paleweasels|@cyb3r-kat|@valiantlychaoticbarbarian|@usuallyamazinglyaverage|@awhmilkywey|@cordoniaqueensworld|@princess-geek|@mightyfangirlofthefandoms|@drakewalkerfantasy|@jamespotterthefirst|@timmagicktoad|@laceandlula|@greywitchyshots|@llamasgrl |  @gingerjane15|@marywrites-things|@ethanplaysfavorites|@mfackenthal|@betelgeusebee|@simsvetements|@aworldoffandoms|@l822|@cream-ray|@silverlitskies|@justendlesssummerfeels|@togetherwearerapture|@desmaranj|@edgiestwinter|@friedherringclodthing|@waytooattuned|@choicesgremlin|@lapisreviewsstuff|@writerapprentice|@chasingrobbie|@x-kyne-x|@thisperfectmemory|@drakewalker04|@rookie-ramsey|@jlynn12273|@thepinknymph |  @dr-brianna-casey-valentine|@justanotherrookie |  @mvalentine|@starrystarrytrouble|@akshara16 |  @maurine07|@natzz-blog1|@openheartthot|@tsrookie|@takemyopenheart|@mrsramseyy|@blossomanarchy | @thegreentwin | @doilooklikeiknow|@fanficnewbie|@inlovewithrebels|@parkerattano|@my-heart-beats-for-ya|@polishchoicesfan|@dang-lahela|@fabi-en-ciel|@riverrune|@xxmultiangela|@amillionmoonsred|@paisleylovergirl|@justhereforchoices|@drrameyfanpage|@teamdrake27|@ethanramseyyy|@flyawayboo|@alj4890|@paisleylovergirl|@whitlockandfriends|@peekaboochu|@crazy-fangirl-106-blog|@zeniamiii | @malakbesharah | @romancehereicome|@gardeningourmet|@trebondialanna|@miyakokurono |  @jessirosebud|@ramseyandrys|@thatcatlady0716|@ethanramseyposts|@loveellamae-blog |  @ao719|@saltyforfashion@jinxiepixie|@choices-lurker|@imseriousirius|@trappedinfandoms|@marywitchjane|@ethandaddyramseyx|@cerisesayeed-ramsey|@thatysn|@blainehellyes|@nooruleman|@apphia12 | @antumbral | @lion-ess24 | @whatchique|@caseyvalentineramsey |  @astrclstar|@edith-eggs1|@myusualnerdyself | @mkamra2355 | @thanialis|@mrsdrakewalkerblog|@atha68|@agent-breakdance|@custaroonie|@rookieoh|@ramseysno1rookie |  @lucy-268|@me-and-my-choices|@htgawparksandrec|@casey-v|@nikki-2406|@stateofgracious|@a-crepusculo|@mercury84choices |@iloveethanramsey|@udishaman|@honeyandsunfl0wers|@alookseeblog|@whimsicallywayward15 | @riyana | @sophxwithers|@red-rookie|@schnitzelbutterfingers|@mysticaurathings|@aarisa-frost 


The way I get all giddy when Ethan praises MC for literally just doing her job. I’m such a simp, I can’t cope with myself


Me any time someone asks me medical questions

and i don’t want to get it wrong because i don’t want to look stupid
