

Happy Halloween everyone ♡

Christelle Dabos’s “The Mirror Visitor” series is one of the best things in my life right now, so I made a quick picture of my favourite characters to celebrate Halloween

La passe-miroir - Ophélie and Thorn in A Winter’s Promise, ft. Ophelie’s sentient scarf.

La passe-miroir - Ophélie and Thorn in A Winter’s Promise, ft. Ophelie’s sentient scarf. After drawing their big romantic moment, I had to go back to the start and draw them as reluctant fiancés!

[ID: digital painting of Thorn and Ophélie standing back to back. Thorn is a very tall blond man with blue eyes, wearing a black uniform with gold accents, holding a pocket watch and a folder. Ophélie is a petite woman with long curly brown hair, brown eyes and rectangular glasses, wearing a long purple dress. She has a blue and purple scarf around her neck, and the ends of the scarf are flowing. The background is dark purple, with lighter color splashes.]

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I finally read The Mirror Visitor (La passe-miroir) and devoured the four books in as many day while

I finally read The Mirror Visitor (La passe-miroir) and devoured the four books in as many day while on vacation. So of course i had to draw Ophélie and Thorn especially That Scene in The Memory of Babel.

I really loved these neurodivergent and disabled characters, especially Thorn, and of course the wonderful world building, since that’s my entire jam.

[ID: Digital painting of two characters looking at each other. Thorn is a tall blond man wearing a cream shirt and brown pants, black boots, and a sun insignia on his shirt. His left leg is supported by a metal brace. He’s looking down at Ophélie with his hand in her hair. Ophélie is a short woman with brown hair, wearing a dark blue uniform with silver accents and black boots. She’s looking up at Thorn and has her gloved hand on his chest. They look about to kiss. The background is dark blue-gray with lighter splatter.]

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The mirror visitor, book 1.

I’ve had in my mind this scene right in the moment I read it, and here she is. Ophelia dreaming/reading Thorn’s childhood.

Elizabeth and her mood are my favorite thing from “The memory of Babel” (well, her and the Ophethorn moments of course). ♥️
