#or if ill fill it out


Overheard in the land of the Tauri:

“Are you ready to leave, then?”

“… No. I want to know— My lady, why?”

“He insulted me, Iphigenia. You know that much. Thoughtlessly thought to claim what wasn’t his to claim, and I should let such an injury go?”

“But why— why me! I thought I..!”

“Of course you are. Why else are you here? But while Troy isn’t my city like it’s— like it was my brother’s, its people was dear to me, and the land gave me much. I had been insulted, and I also hoped to put a price too steep for leaving. He’d pay with not going to Troy at all, or he’d pay with something he loved. I suppose I don’t quite understand the intricacies of war - or didn’t, back then.”

“Youleveraged me against my father?! And he… he didn’t—”

“No, Iphigenia. Like I said, I didn’t understand all the pressures and parts… I suppose Ares could have told me, or Athena.” [A scoff.] “I wasn’t interested in talking to Athena at the time, and not Ares either. If it was only your father and your uncle, you would have lived. They’d started something far larger than them, though. Or would you have wanted me to choose another little girl? Is that it?”


[A beat. Unintelligible.]

“Oh, but one of them were, among all the rest who are dead. Troy paid, even after there was nothing else to pay. Achilles wanted a bride in death, and he chose a young princess. Does that make you happy? Another girl dead, for the pride of men.”

“I— no… My lady, Artemis, please…”

“Come here, then. I think it’s time we leave. It’ll be easier, up on Olympos.”
