#or if starting it slap bang in the middle is good enough


Quick doodle of the train mans after their adventure in the Unknown, with an additional mini-‘adventure’ in the hospital detailed below:

Emmet comes out of the Unknown with a scar on his cheek from where Ingo nicked him. This leads to a scene where Elesa comes to visit them in the hospital (having just had a weird dream where she was a talking Zebstrika that helped out two kids). Elesa stops short upon seeing Emmet sitting menacingly on Ingo. He’s holding up a scalpel (“Emmet, where did you get that??” “Don’t worry about it!” “Emmet…” “I said don’t worry about it! 83”). Ingo is not impressed and is trying to discourage Emmet from shanking him, no, not even lightly, are you for real. Emmet’s smiling a little too wide for this harebrained idea, insisting that Ingo has to decide whether it’ll be mirrored or the same. That’s when Elesa shouts at them what the fuck do they think they’re doing?! Neither train man is expecting this and a startled Ingo accidentally kicks Emmet right in the crotch. Emmet goes down hard and the scalpel kinda nails Ingo anyways. So now Ingo’s face is bleeding, Emmet is trying to remember how to function after a solid nut shot, and Elesa is shouting for a nurse. The fact that the scalpel makes a mirrored scar is kind of a happy accident. Heavy quotes on “happy”. So that’s how Ingo winds up with an accidentally on-purpose facial scar of his own.
