#or one of them


Rating: T (Is that how you do it? It’s like, maybe, PG-ish? Gosh, I never write anything below M! I don’t know what to do! Hahaha!)

I wrote this for a “Hug Your OC” challenge over three years ago and Morta thinks I should post it for Dragon 4ge Day, so here it is. I’m doing this because I love her AND Dragon Age, and would like to take part in the celebration, even if it is with this meager offering. Cheers All! 


The sound of thunder reverberated through the air, and Elissa startled awake. Her eyes scanned the room. The stone walls around her were unfamiliar in the darkness. There was a flash of light, and soon after, another roll of thunder. 

A low, yet familiar groan erupted beside her, and an equally familiar arm reached around her still reclining form, pulling her closer.

“Elissa?” Alistair’s voice was deepened from his slumber. 

“Yes. I’m here. The storm woke me up.” 

He yawned. “At least we’re not in a bloody tent!” 

She laughed, “Always a good thing.” 

Nestling into his neck, she breathed deep, reveling in the masculine scent of him. To be here. For him to be here with her. It felt like it should be a dream. She smiled to herself, lightly kissing the warm skin on his neck. 

Another groan, though this one much less sleepy than its predecessor. 

“I can’t believe you’re really here,” he said after a thoughtful silence. 

She nodded, “I was actually just thinking the same thing.” 

He kissed the top of her head and held her close as flashes lit the sky outside. “For so long I dreamed I’d wake up and find you here. Night after night. Over and over. The same dream.” His voice was thick as he spoke. “And each morning I would wake up and feel…” 

“Bereft” She answered, knowing the feeling too well herself. 

“Yes,” he croaked, his voice filled with emotion, “bereft.” 

They remained like that for several moments, reveling in the euphoria of being so close. The presence of the other seemed to be strengthening their souls, like withered plants reared in darkness, finally feeling the edifying light of the sun’s rays. 

After several moments, Alistair broke the silence. 

“Lis?” In his voice she heard the vestiges of the uncertain 20 year-old Grey Warden recruit she fallen in love with so long ago. 

She raised her head to look at him, her eyes meeting his. As she held his gaze, she saw his expression change. Before her eyes his hesitance vanished and was replaced by the sureness of a king.  

“Marry me.”

It wasn’t a question. Nor was it a command. He instead gazed upon her with a certainty she could never recall seeing in him before.  

Elissa felt her heart skitter to life. 

“But Anora… The court… You’ve only just returned from Antiva. What would they say? What would it look like? “

At her words he abruptly sat up bringing her with him. 

“To the Void with what it looks like!” 

He took her hands, his thumb caressing her knuckles softly as he continued trying to keep his emotions in check. 

“Duty robbed me of 8 years with the woman I love, and Maker damn me forever if I will live one more moment without her!” 

Elissa looked up at him, her eyes wide, trying to find the words to respond. 

After a few moments she answered softly, “You mean me, right?” 

Alistair let out a burst of unfettered laughter, as an impish smile crept to Elissa’s lips. 

“Of course I mean you!” His laughter still ringing. 

Grinning she continued. “Well, good. Because if there is anything I can do to prevent your eternal Maker damning AND be your wife, then I wholeheartedly agree!” 

He leaned in to kiss her, but stopped just before reaching her lips. 

“That’s a yes, right?” 

She nodded, “That’s a yes,” and closed the gap between them.  
