#or vice versa


steve stroking his hand against billy’s thigh as he drives.

“[…] in a gender neutral design […]”gee thanks, good to know my apothecary jars for th

“[…] in a gender neutral design […]”

gee thanks, good to know my apothecary jars for the bathroom won’t offend my male visitors 

Post link


gotta say. deeply annoying when you see some official art or something that’s like “yuugi mutou” and the art is of yami. or there’s a line-up of protags, and still no yuugi… the disrespect

But tbh this is not an official art thing only, but also in the fandom (even though official art probably fuels this kind of mentality). Because I’ve seen so many posts talking about “Yugi” and I’m always like: “Yeah, Yugi, as in Yugi Mutou™, the little cute one, the one who lives with his grandpa above a game store, the one who completed the millennium puzzle, the one whose name is in the title” and then they put a pic of Atem there and actually were talking about Atem the whole time.


8th House Synastry

These spicy synastry notes are based on my own personal opinion and interpretations. Therefore, these notes will not resonate with everyone out there. These are just some observations I’ve noted down that are quite interesting to me. I hope everyone finds this helpful and useful! Feel free to add your thoughts if you have these placements.

Feel free to comment and ask questions lovelies!

⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️these notes will be at random. They may or may not resonate depending on how the rest of your Synastry chart plays out. These are based on my personal opinion, so don’t take anything to heart. This is for fun❤️‍

⚠️This content is for 18+⚠️

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:

Jupiter is a powerful placement to have in another persons 8th house.

This can indicate a connection that has the potential to reach beyond this 3rd dimensional world. Psychic connection for certain and amplified when both parties are being sexual with one another. This person will help transform the house person on massive psychological levels and it will makes it mark to be remembered. The Jupiter person may be interested in the house persons past whether that be secrets, love affairs, mistakes, etc. Jupiter rules expansion, so this could mean that moving on from the relationship could be difficult. You may learn more about yourself than the actual person you were with in the end. This could have been the person that would help push the house person to grow into their potential. They see the potential in each other. Most definitely a spiritual connection/tie. Can be an indication of a lover or friend from a past life.

Moon in Partners 8th house

can indicate a sensitive connection because moon may feel too sensitive for the 8th house matters. An emotionally scattered relationship. Beware of sharing financial information with your partner, it may be best to have your own accounts. This create a strongly intense and intimate connection that already transcends the physical. The moon person will more than likely learn a lot from the house person. This person will feel the need to take care of you and to provide for the house person. Quite accommodating even in weird ways. It could be hard for the moon person to completely open up and be vulnerable with the house person. Both will try their best to be vulnerable with each other but if there is trauma that hasn’t been dealt with, it will take a toll on the relationship entirely. You both may dream of each other often. You both may pick up on telepathic thoughts from one another.

♂︎Mars in partners 8th house

can indicate a relationship that may start off very quickly. It could feel as though you’ve been with this partner before within past lives. It could even start off as causal sex or something not so serious, depends on what sign is ruling over your 8th house. You’ll feel the drive to do anything with this person. To reach beyond the limits of the physical and are very passionate in the bedroom. May even be quite rough or kinky. You may have so much drive to be with each other, but when in a hateful relationship, Mars can make it get real ugly. You both could take interest in doing drugs together as well. You both can have a meaningful spiritual experience together when done in a safe environment.

♀︎Venus in the 8th house

can indicate someone who will go all into the relationship. This can also be another indication of a psychic connection, sex will only amplify that even more. If you have the right intentions of course. May be open to trying taboo things with each other whether it’s psychedelics or ouid sex can honestly be psychologically transforming if you both let it happen. Staying present could be challenging. You may be quite physically and sexually attracted to your partner. Can be a love/hate relationship when toxic. Venus-Mars aspects can also indicate that hate sex can come into play, having sex after arguments, shit like that. The Venus person could have embody self sacrificing tendencies and may go over board for the house person. Eye contact during sex could be a thing or turn on for both parties involved.

Saturn in the 8th house Synastry

can indicate a relationship whereas the Saturn person will help the house person become more mature and may even help out the house person in regards to financial matters. The Saturn person will force the house person to see the darkest parts of themselves they wish to not see regardless of the situation. This alone could be an indication of a karmic relationship/soul contact of some sort. The house will have to work on themselves with Saturn person here, they’ll help push them to be better in every area especially their morals and values. Moving on from the relationship will not be easy. This is probably that one relationship you’ll never forget and if done in the right way, they will learn their lessons and it will stick with them for the rest of their life. It could feel as though this person was meant to be in your life for a reason.

Plutoin the 8th houseSynastry

can indicate a painful relationship or friendship. The Pluto person may trigger the house person and it could really go one way or other with this placement. The relationship alone could remind you of your painful past or triggers. Trust does not come easy with Pluto here, it may come with time or never. This could have been a relationship where shit hit the fan often and it definitely left it’s mark on you. It’s a challenging placement especially within a relationship. You will not be the same person after. Both of you won’t, as long as you both allow change to come in to do its job. Be aware of keeping secrets from each other even if it’s to “keep them from hurting.” Truth will be illuminated here. This person will show you the darkest qualities of you. They may see the darkest parts of yourself that have been buried for decades, if not longer. The relationship will transform the both of you on a psychological level. Be careful of ending things out of being petty, it can go south quickly if both decide to not take the high road.

Sun in the 8th house Synastry

When someone has their partners sun placed within the 8th house, this can be rather challenging to deal with if the house person has unresolved trauma or any issues that prevents them from truly growing. The sun person will shine light on the house persons shadow qualities, they may even help you embrace it. You two may be quite physically attractive to each other and is a hard bond/tie to break. The connection only is quite fascinating within itself. Don’t come for me but usually if there’s personal planets in the 8th house, sex can come into play very quickly. Like sex on the first date kind of thing. The sexual attraction can be through the roof with this one honestly. Parts of your identity that you would rather keep hidden will be seen by the sun person and the relationship/connection can be so intense that it may not be easy to move on from. Usually both will take a long time to move on from each other if it doesn’t end up working out. You may dream of each other often too.

Mercury in the 8th house Synastry

This is honestly an interesting placement for Mercury because the Mercury person may feel inclined to get to know the house person. They may feel the need to dig into the house persons past or secrets. The Mercury person may be fascinated by the house persons mind, almost feeling like a pull towards them if that makes sense. Vulnerability is important for this placement. You both may have met each other online potentially but sometimes that’s not always the case. These two may take interest in the darker themes of life or the relationship could give off the darker themes of life. Be careful of sharing unhealthy words, thoughts, communication in general during heavy situations or arguments. It could get ugly very fast if not careful. This could be an indication of discussing deep conversations with each other involving topics such as death, ancestors or sharing secrets with each other so that you may feel closer. The Mercury person might be weary of what they choose to tell the house person.

Neptune in the 8th house Synastry

Having natal Neptune placed within the 8th house Synastry can indicate quite a sensitive connection. A lot of things may go unseen or unheard with Neptune here especially in regards to the house person. Right off the bat, there may be an illusion of some sort and there could be tendencies to see the relationship or connection through rose colored glasses. The connection could have started off in rather a mysterious way. Both may have strong fantasies in regards to being with each other especially in a sexual manner. You both may develop a psychic connection if the intention is set on both ends. Very intuitive. It could be hard to tell the difference between the truth and lies. Trying drugs together for a certain type of experience can come into play or both just may be more open to it.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*

® toastmyrolls

