#orc lover

 Finished drawing a commission of this lovely orc lady last night! I’m quite proud of this one! Got

Finished drawing a commission of this lovely orc lady last night! I’m quite proud of this one! Got to refresh my metal and fur rendering skills a bit.

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Another request! This one I struggled with a little bit at first, I loved the idea but had so many different ways I wanted to take it, it was hard to settle on one, I may revisit something like this again in the future! *Disclaimer: None of the pics are mine, all credit goes to original artists!

If you like my writing and want to read more, check out my MASTERLIST! 

-Requests and Matchups are temporarily closed!

  • Quintyn was the librarian though he didn’t look like one, standing at about 6’1, he was intimidating to say the least. His black hair was usually tied back into a ponytail or a bun, which he pulled off effortlessly.
  • Being an orc, many of the preschoolers had questions for him, what was his life like, did his tusks bother him, and so on. He took the questions and answered them to the best of his abilities with a smile.
  • You had met him the first day you had started, you were unsure of where to go and he had asked if you needed assistance, to which you had replied yes and were grateful for. 
  • Though it was painfully obvious many of the single moms and dads had developed a crush on the easy-going librarian, and he was oblivious to many of their advances. 
  • It took nearly half a year for you to work up the courage to say yes when he kept asking you to go out on dates, with the encouragement of some of the other teachers at a get-together. They had seen how the two of you interacted and it was obvious that the librarian was into you.
  • Though it didn’t take you nearly as long to say yes when he proposed to you a year later.

“Quintyn?” You questioned as you made your way towards the library, hearing laughter coming from several of the students as they raced ahead of you. The orc sitting behind his desk as a line was formed to check out several books, you smiled slightly at seeing some of the titles considering they had been your favorite growing up. Though when he heard you calling for him, he looked up and offered a smile, motioning for you to sit beside him at the desk. Not needing to be asked a second time, you made your way over and took the spot beside him, helping him check the books out for the kids. 

“You have parent-teacher meetings tonight right?” He asked as he looked over at you, you nodded in response, reaching out he brushed a few strands of your brunette hair away from your features. “I’ll wait for you, that way we can go home together.” He responded softly, the kids giggling quietly at how ‘gross’ the two of you were acting. Which only caused him to laugh, telling the kids that one day they’ll be acting the same way when they find someone to love. 

“I don’t know how it’s going to go, Angie’s mom has not been thrilled that she has been flunking most of the assignments even with help. I’ve emailed her, called and even spoken to Angie as well to see what kind of help she needs so we can have her pass. She says that she just doesn’t want to do the assignments.” You sighed softly, opting to have your class spend the rest of study hall in the library reading. 

By the time that the end of the day had rolled around, you were preparing for the last of your parent-teacher meetings, you had saved Angie for last. When her mom had walked in with her, you took a breath as the tiefling took a seat across from you, an ear piece attached to her ear as she idly picked at her nails as though she had somewhere better to be than here. 

“I see that Angie had done incredibly well at the beginning of the year, she was acing everything and doing fantastic for someone in preschool…” You started once her mom had given you her attention. “But towards the middle here, she had started to get bored and stopped doing her assignments. I have tried everything, I spoke to Angie directly and she had stated that she just didn’t want to do them.” You were getting the sense that the reason Angie didn’t want to do the assignments was due to the fact that her mom was barely paying attention to what you were saying. 

“Then do them for her. No daughter of mine will be caught flunking preschool. Besides, how hard can it be to take a few minutes out of your day to do them? There’s what, maybe two assignments tops?” Her mom questioned as her gaze narrowed at you. “I don’t have time to sit and be lectured by someone beneath me. I have more important business matters to attend to.” 

“Miss, I cannot do her assignments for her, that is against my policy and wouldn’t be teaching her anything…” You were cut off before you could finish the statement. 

“Then you figure it out or I will be contacting the principal to get you fired and have a replacement that would be willing to make exceptions for some students.” She growled as she stood, taking Angie’s hand. “We are done here, you have a week to make sure my darling passes or it’s your job.” She warned as she stormed out of the class with Angie. 

You sat there for a few moments, gathering your thoughts and feeling more frustrated than before as you collected your things. Quintyn had managed to have perfect timing as he caught you stuffing your laptop into its bag rather haphazardly. “It didn’t go as planned?” He asked, to which you shook your head as you cleared your throat, fighting back tears that threatened to spill. 

“No, she basically threatened to go to the principal if I don’t fix things myself or do Angie’s work for her, which I cannot do. You know that.” You ranted for a moment as he came over and wrapped his muscular arms around you. “It’s unfair, my job is to help them… Why… Parents are so difficult!” You finished as you hugged onto him tightly, he pressed a kiss to the top of your head and held you for a few moments longer. 

“I know, I just had to have a young boy’s mom replace a book that he had colored in and she was not happy about that.” He murmured softly, scooping you up in one arm and grabbing your stuff with the other. “Let’s go home okay? I’ll cook dinner tonight.” 

“Will you make me my favorite?” You asked as you glanced up at him with hopefulness, he could only laugh at your big brown doe eyes, practically pleading for him to make the dish. 

“Of course, what kind of husband would I be if I didn’t make my wife her favorite when she was feeling upset?” He questioned as he carried you out to your shared car, setting you in the passenger side as you giggled softly, ready for him to take you home.
