#oreste à jeun et pylade ivre

Ever wonder what happens when you combine an under-utilized French degree and procrastination? Les MEver wonder what happens when you combine an under-utilized French degree and procrastination? Les MEver wonder what happens when you combine an under-utilized French degree and procrastination? Les M

Ever wonder what happens when you combine an under-utilized French degree and procrastination? Les Misérables translations, of course.

I present my translation of Volume V, Book the first, Chapter XXIII of the brick, “Oreste à jeun et Pylade ivre” which depicts the death of Enjolras and Grantaire. It’s always been a scene I’ve found particularly moving and I’ve never been totally satisfied with the unabridged translations I’ve seen. I was inspired to do a retranslation after reading the Hapgood (1887) translation and definitely used it for comparison.

Have you read Les Misérables in French? Do you have any favorite translations? I’m totally open to discussion and corrections of any words/expressions I may have misinterpreted (or just plain typos!). If people are interested I can post the plain text as well. Hope you enjoy!

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