#original charcters


Im a simple artist
I see a stupid meme and I draw my ocs accordingly

A farmer and her vampire out of a walk on a cloudy day <3

Farmer lady belongs to https://twitter.com/jawsum_art

More pics of my hairless tabaxi boy (and his big sis who belongs to https://twitter.com/jawsum_art)

Just felt like doodling my best bad boy Tavish

My boy Jules

Who’s a hot mess but doing his best

Me tryin to get good at drawing my own characters
And also I just love my idiot boy Tav <3

Consistency? I don’t know her

My dorks Jago and Sandy being a little bit spicy

They’ve been friends (with benefits) for a few centuries, and flirting still makes him a sweaty awkward potato

also, this is a redraw. because I cant be bothered to think up new ideas
old thing

Drawing my characters in outfits they’d probably never wear is what gets me through the day

The outfit: https://twitter.com/Pichikeen/status/1460788703064956933

My boy Tavish having a Bad Time after losing his eyeball

Because why have OCs if there isn’t just a ton of angst?

one of my hobbies is pretending i’m going to draw a comic

one of my hobbies is pretending i’m going to draw a comic

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