#original creator peacemaker-ic


@peacemaker-ic’s Caine Living - 4t3 conversion - An almost 1000 followers gift

I know his permission to convert is on the reluctant side. I hope this one is up to his standards ;)

“Almost 1000 followers” because I’ve hit the 1k mark this week… then I blocked all the bots, so the count fell down to around 975 :P Anyway, I won’t waste a nice set release.

All those items are 100% functional, BGC, with working speculars, and work the same way as the TS4 originals: the huge ceiling lamp (sunk in the preview) is a 2-story one, the small end tables are nestable without the need of moveobjects on, the TV is functional, the painting has all the 30 presets (separated in three different objects for smaller file sizes)

Only the two armchairs exceed 1200 polys per tile, but one is around 1300 and the other almost 2k, so there’s nothing to worry about.

The surfaces have the original marble overlay in the 1st preset and a re-baked table top on the others for better CASting. I kept the original fabric texture of the seats instead of rebaking a plain one because the fabric is gorgeous ♥

If you want the wooden texture from the original sideboard, @bioniczombie has the patterns here: https://bioniczombie.tumblr.com/post/675264937069805568/peacemaker-ics-wood-pattern-converted-to-ts3

Collection file included and the items are on their respective categories, with the console table as an end table (cloned from one of the Supernatural ones) and the sideboard as a coffee table. Pricing is the same as the original, on the reasonable side.

DOWNLOAD (SFS, package)
DOWNLOAD (Dropbox, package)

Original link: https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/post/182343333831/caine-living-an-ultraluxe-set-for-ts4
